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I have to protect everyone. No one will get hurt on my watch. We will get through this. We will survive this and what comes after. We will live.

1 hour before:

" Percy, what's going on?!" Annabeth screamed. The ground shook and Annabeth fell on me.

" I don't know. Come on, outside! This could be an earthquake." I yell through the clashing and screaming. As we're outside my house, I see green gas slowly dip down in the neighborhood.

" Leo!" I shout he was panicking.

" Wow truth or dare dramatically went to a level I don't really care for."

" Leo! Did you ever make a safe place at your house?"

" What question is that?" Piper screamed.

" Yeah, ever heard of zombies? I watch to many horror movies." He replied.

" You live a 2 blocks away, take us there now!!" I yell. He nods.

" There is deadly green gas that could kill us. Come with me if you want to live." He orders. Then he starts sprinting, Thaila, Nico, Jason and Piper had no hesitation.

" Annabeth come on." I pull her hand. She follows but is scared and pale.

" Percy, I don't feel to well." I catch her and realize the gas fog is right behind us and it touched her. People drop and I start running with Annabeth in my arms.

" Football, swim, baseball, don't you dare fail me now. Im not going down without a fight," I scream. My arms are on fire from carrying Annabeth. I sprint faster knowing I couldn't carry her for a 2 blocks.

I catch up with Thaila and Leo. Passing them I yell, my legs and arms on intense fire. I find Leo's house and take a turn. Leo races up to lead the way. He opens the door, and rushes down stairs. I follow and jump down the 7 stairs. He runs into his room, and flips over his mattress. My arms are numb and my feet stumble with every step. Leo turns the knob, 36, 24, 3. The hatch opens and he jumps in. I do too. Annabeth slips more. It's really roomy, there's couches, TVs, Legos, beds, and more rooms. I collapse on the couch on top of Annabeth.

" Help others." I manage and pass-out.


I wake up to find me laying face down on a bed. Groaning, I kick the blankets off when I think of the others. Thaila rushes up when I run in.

"Lay down Percy!" Thaila said. "You aren't supposed to be out yet. "

" How long was I out? Are you guys okay? How's Annabeth?" millions of other things were on my mind but these just blurted out.

" 40 mins. Were alright expect for Piper who just got caught in the leg closing the door. And I don't know."

" Where is she?"

" She's through there." Thaila pointed and sighed. " you're not going to lay down are you?" I ran into the room she pointed at. Annabeth lay silent and pale. I ran my finger through her hand and kissed her on her cheek.

" Wake up." I whispered. I saw her hand move, then her eyes flickered open.

" Percy?" She groaned.

" Annabeth?" I asked. " Are you okay?"

" Hmm. I hope." She sounded fragile and in pain. No matter how much my arms hurt, I picked her up and walked her to where I woke up. I set her down carefully.

" Percy?"


" Fetch me a water and a sandwich please. Im staving." I helped her sit up. I kissed her and went to fetch the food.

" Annabeth is awake and wants a sandwich and water." Thaila ran and Piper limped into the room.

" Any food you want," Jason pointed to the plates behind him," Leo's got it all."

" Thanks." I said. I went to the next room and it was a kitchen. There was a refrigerator that was 10 foot tall and 4 foot wide. It was filled of what ever you want, even blue pancakes. There were high-tech ovens that talk, everything you can think of.

"What a relief." Nico walked out of the bathroom next to the kitchen. He walked in and looked at me.

" You heard that?" He asked.

" Oh yeah" I smile. Nico blushed.

" Oh." then his face lite up." Dude go in there! There a toilet that flushes for you, automatic sink, the shower is like a fish tank with different shower heads at different angles, and it smells fresh even when you go poop. Best bathroom ever."

" I'll have to try it." I laugh. I walk out with a sandwich and a water for Annabeth.

Percy Jackson with zombiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz