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Dedicated to @Darkness_Gets_Bigger

I've never been so happy in my entire life to get Jason back. Never.

We woke up the others to share the good news. Nico was slowly getting better and now only has a slight couch and small fever. Percys shoulder wasn't dripping in puss and it wasn't green anymore so that's progress. However, I'm worried for Annabeth. She and Leo seem a little uneasy.

"Hey, you okay?" Jason weakly moved his hand to set on mine.

"I should be asking you that." I smiled a squeezed his hand.

"I feel much better now, trust me."

"I know, I'm just worried for your lungs." I traced a finger over his knuckles. The others had left us and were sharing breakfast together as a celebration. We would be joining them for lunch.

"I promise, Piper, that won't happen again." Jason smiled.

"It better not. Thalia will kill you before I do." I laughed and Jason wheezed. "Do you want some water?"

"Yes, please." I squeezed his hand once before going into the kitchen and grabbing a medium sized cup. There was an outside filter on the door and I filled it with water. I should've put in the ice first.

"You should've put in the ice first." Leo sat on the counter, a sandwich in his hands.

"Gee, thanks." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Welcome." Leo smiled. "Did you want anything to eat?"

"I could eat a lot of junk food from all my stress but I'll take a sandwich later."

"What kind?" Leo set down his sandwich started taking out bread from the pantry. I poured in the ice and water splashed everywhere and the ice dispenser didn't stop until there was four pieces of ice in different directions.

"This always happens to me, I swear." I muttered picking up the pieces as Leo chuckled. "Im fine Leo ill make it in a minute."

"C'mon Piper, let me. You've been too stressed."

"Well, if you insist..... I'll take a ham with Swiss cheese and lettuce with tomato. Thanks Leo."

"No problem." Leo smiled and held out his arms. "Give your Uncle Leo a hug."

"Uncle Leo?" I laughed. He just rolled his eyes and I hugged and thanked him. "We need to talk later. Radio room. 2:30" He whispered in my ear and then smiled like he didnt say anything.

"You give Jason his water and I'll work as your slave." He turned around and pulled out ham, cheese, and lettuce from the fridge. I backed away and walked to Jason. He was fast asleep, so I set the water down next to him on the table.

I joined the others who were watching, Im pretty sure Pretty Little Liars. I actually haven't watched it yet Im more of a Criminal Minds and X-Files person.

Seriously, getting locked in a hotel and a person spying on me while I'm running out of food and no one can help me as they make their move as I'm sleeping and tying me to a bed is a new fear for me.

And don't even get me started on Eugene Tombs from X-Files. I never trusted any Eugene's after that and I took three to five minute showers, fearing he would come in through the air vents. I should be taking showers at thirty minutes.

Showers. I haven't taken one in a while. That's horrible.

"I don't understand! Who's A?" Percy sat at the edge of his seat runnin his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I know." Annabeth smirked.

"Please tell me." Percy begged.

"You'll have to find out for yourself." She laughed as Percy groaned.

"Piper, your sandwich." Leo gave it to me on a paper plate and I greedily took it and ate the six inch in eight bites.

"Thank you, Leo." I Said as I wiped my mouth of the breadcrumbs.

"Your insane." I walked into the front room. "I was gonna hang with you guys but, I feel way too dirty. So, I'll talk to you guys after my shower." I waved them goodbye and realized there wasn't any clean clothes. I would have to wash my clothes and wait for them to dry. I sighed as I entered the shower.

I stripped down and filled the sink with clean water and soap. I set my clothes in and shook them up. The clear water turned brown and I emptied the sink and refilled it with more soap. I started the shower and stepped in. This was the best shower in the world.

The stream was gentle but cleans like the sink you have to put your was back into and the hose like thing at the barbers to wet your hair.

I used the Bath and Body works body soap and cleaned my hair with the Pantene brand. Then, I would feel the beautiful sensation of smooth legs. Shaving was the highlight of the shower. Well I had to avoid one half of my leg because of that infection, which was much better.

I turned off the hot water and dried off. Wringing out my hair, I tried up tht towel so it dried faster. I lotioned after hanging my clothes around the edge of the shower. I waited for about thirty minutes before putting on my slightly damp clothes.

Instead of using the hair drier for my hair, I used it on the clothes so they were warm but still a little wet. I slipped on my shorter shorts carefully, not to touch the infection. I grazed it and I had to wipe off a little puss that got on my shorts.

I wiped the big mirror that was fogged from my shower and you could seem ribs. Frowning, I pulled over my bra and sweater and would let my shirt dry more. I walked out feeling much cleaner and smooth.

"That was amazing." I sat in the couch and laughed.

"I'll go next." Thalia smiled at Leo before she left and he grinned. Then, he looked at me and my raised eyebrow and he blushed.

"So what did I miss?"

"A lot more of Percys whining. But we managed to finish two episodes." Annabeth rolled her eyes and Percy grinned.

"I can be annoying sometimes. Or at least that what she said." Percy pointed to Annabeth and she pushed him. He caught her and Annabeth fell into his arms. She looked up into his eyes and he down into hers.

"Percabeth is adorable." I grinned and Leo chuckled.

"Percabeth?" Percy blushed a little.

"It's a couple name." Annabeth rolled her eyes with a small blush as well.

"It's beautiful." Leo grinned and we high fived. "I love it."

"Same. Me and Uncle Leo have so much in common." I laughed and Annabeth gave me a raised eyebrow.

"Uncle Leo?" Percy was confused. Oh, Percy.

"Who's the Aunt?" Annabeth grinned and Leo started blushing.

"I think we both know." I smirked at Annabeth.

"We do?" Percy let go of Annabeth with one hand and ran it through it hair.

"Percy." Annabeth and I groaned. I missed this, really. This is what the zombies can't take away, no matter how chilcè it sounds, our friendship.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now