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A/N: Dedicated to @hiplikecass_ for being a super supporter in my chapters ☺️ thank you guys for reading, hopefully enjoying, my book and voting! ❤️ -J

I woke up with a great pain in my abdomen. Coughing, I gripped the metal bar next to me until my knuckles turned white. I struggled to breath.

I took short breaths. My face was turning red due to the lack of oxygen. In. Out. Breath in. Breath out. My hand was numb from gripping as I struggled to fight the pain. I decided I was brave enough to look at the wound.

Picking up my head, I realized I was only in a bra. I'm not sure what was worse: my dirty maroon bra being broadcasted to the world or the green puss dripping from the pathway paved from the bone of the finger of the zombie that tore at the flesh of my stomach. Just kidding, I'm being a drama queen. It's totally the first one.

My heart was throbbing from the pain radiating throughout my body and I winced. Frank was sleeping next to me and he shot up awake.

"Hazel." He slurred and blinked a few times. "Hazel, are you okay?" Grabbing my hand that was gripping the metal bar, he squeezed it.

"God, it hurts so bad." I grit my teeth and blew from my mouth, breathing in through my nose. Percy walked in and I  breathed in sharply. He stood at the foot of my bed.

"You're doing great, Hazel."

"What am I, pregnant?" They laughed and I crushed Franks hand. "Can I get some of that medicine that I had?" I asked and Percy paused.

"Let me ask Annabeth." I looked at my stomach and the puss was still dripping from the gauze.

Annabeth walked in and came by my head. "Here's some more medicine." I took it and my eyes grew heavy. How did it work so fast? What was this medicine? I didn't have time to ask because I was already asleep.


Percy's POV

"Hazels asleep." Annabeth held my hand as we walked in. We took a seat in the chair. I sat down first and she propped her legs on mine but sat on the chair's arms.

"Good." Piper nodded.

"So we broadcasted ourselves and it worked apparently. Now what do we do?" Thalia questioned.

"I guess all that's left to do is wait and..." I was cut off by a loud pounding on the metal door. We all froze and didn't move. We didn't talk or look around. No one breathed.

"Help me please!" A cry wailed from outside and got up and ran to the door. I opened the lock and a girl poured in. She fell on top of me and I caught her. Setting her down quickly, I shut the top.

"Is there anyone else out there?" I asked her and she shook her head crying.

"They died out there!" Tears streaked down her dirty face.

"Calm down. Can you tell me your name?" I felt sick to my stomach. Who died?

"My name is Rachel." She sniffed and wiped her tears away. "Conner saved me and Travis tried to help his brother. They told me to run, so I did! I looked back and Connor had a pile of zombies of him. Travis was still alive and his face was being eaten off. It's like they couldn't hear his screams and they didn't care." She shivered and tried to tame her wild red hair.

"Hey it's ok, Rachel. Come sit with us." She sat down on the couch. Everyone's face was pretty pale and no one really looked great. Except Annabeth. "That's Leo, Thalia, Piper, Jason, Nico, Annabeth and Frank and Hazel are in the infirmary."

"Frank and Hazel are here?" Rachel stood up and I nodded, pointing to the entrance and she ran over to them. Hazel was still out, but Frank stopped holding Hazels hand to hug Rachel.

Rachel told him about the brothers and Frank sat down and out his hand on forehead. A tear ran down his cheek and he nodded. Rachel rubbed her hand on his back and they looked at Hazel.

No one had said anything in the past five minutes. I wasn't sure what to do so I just went back to Annabeth and ran my fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes and leaned into my chest. I sighed and closed mine too.

We had three new people in two days. How many more and how would this even help our situation?

Both Piper and Hazel got injured and both had puss dripping from their wounds. I know puss is normal for a cut but it's an abnormal amount and an unusual color. I shook the thought off and looked at Annabeth.

She snored slightly and stirred. Her body was limp in my arms and she shuddered. I held her closer and sighed. What are we supposed to do and what happens when we don't have enough supplies? I rested my head on the couch seat and let my eyelids droop.

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