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I sat on my bed, still breathing a little heavy. My body was so tired but I sweaty all over. So, I threw off my sticky shirt and shorts into the corner by my door. I rolled under the bed sheets and kicked them off because it was too hot. Ugh, it was this kind of day. I sighed and kept one bed sheet on half my body. Then, my body shut down and I could barely move. My eyes, in a minute, followed suit.

I was running. Running from a zombie that had a gun. His ripped half arm, showing the twisted bone, gripped a .177 caliber rifle.

Its face looked at me with it's one eye, because the other one was falling out of the socket only hanging on with one vein, with no life. Blackness filled its eye and it's arm steadied on me as I looked back. I tripped and fell on my hands and knees.

Scrambling back against a wall that seemed to just appear, the zombie zeroed in on me. It took one shaky step toward me, limping. The leg was twisted in no human way and it's tattered clothes hung loosely on it. It's jaw was hung open slightly, showing the decayed teeth. Then, it's eye rolled back showing only white and the red veins from the eye. The other eye fell out at my feet.

"Goodbye." It spoke to me and I flinched at the gunshot. Pain shot through my chest. Another shot. This one hit my thigh. The zombie dropped the gun and leaned into my leg. He bit it and tore off a piece of flesh. Then another chunk. I screamed but I knew, somehow, that I couldn't be answered.

I woke up from my nightmare with sweat dripping down my face. The bed sheet was long gone and I sat up quickly. My breath was rigid and I forced myself to gulp in air. I shakily threw my legs over my bed side and forced my tired legs to the bathroom. I needed a cold shower to sort out my head.

"Leo?" Annabeth asked as I walked in the kitchen. I just realized I was wearing my boxers. Well, hopefully my 4 pack looks more muscular. Maybe I even have a 6 pack from running and building. Maybe.

"Yeah." I turn toward her. Annabeth has dark bags under her eyes and she is smiling weakly with some milk in her hand.

"Couldn't sleep either?" She yawned and I nodded.

"Horrible nightmares. You?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Well good luck trying to go to sleep tonight. Or any night." I laughed and she grinned.

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes. "Goodnight Leo." Annabeth yawned and walked to her bedroom. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the light. There was a small clock in the corner of the room that read 5:39. I yawned and stripped off my sticky boxers. Turning the cold knob, I showered myself while thinking. Over a million what ifs and be it could questions formed and I pushed them away.

I focused on washing my hair, running my hands through my curly black hair. Then I washed my sweaty body with a soap called: Sea Island Cotten. It was for the girls but right now I didn't feel like looking for the other body wash.

When I hopped out of the shower, the clock read 6:05. I dried my hair and body. Then, after washing my boxers with soap for 5 minutes, I put them up to dry and wrapped the towel around my waist. I went to brush my hair when I stepped back from the mirror. A gasp escaped my lips. I stepped closer and touched my face gently.

My hair grew out longer, my eyes were darker and more hidden, there were bags under my eyes, my cheeks were sunken in more and a had a scar to the side of my eye for who knows what. My lips were a fuller pink and at the same time as they were bigger, they were thinner. I saw that I now have a pronounced 6 pack and my ribs on the side were easily shown. My legs were like rocks and my calfs could cut diamonds.

I guess puberty, and the fact that I haven't been eating that much, made me look more handsome and older and stronger.

I walked out of the bathroom with my hair drying curly but still wet down and put to the side. Going to my room, I grabbed my clothes and went back to the bathroom to clean them.

Grabbing my navy Goode High polo and sweater with my tan shorts that goes for the uniform, I went to the bathroom and cleaned them.

My boxers had dried my the time
I was done washing my other clothes, so I put them on and waited patiently for my other clothes to dry. About 30 minutes later I was bored out of my mind, so I wrapped the towel around me again, even though I had my boxers on, and went to get something to eat.

I picked a chicken leg, and a small salad because that was the most my stomach could hold. Taking my time, I ate them slowly, saving the delicious taste I hadn't had in a while. By the time I was done eating, my clothes were done drying and I slipped on my shorts and the sweater, leaving my shirt to save for later on my bed. It was 8:08 right now and I couldn't believe no one was up by now. We did have a long day yesterday though.

I sighed and rested on my bed in my room and turned on the radio quietly. I shut my eyes until something made them jolt open. I stumbled around and leaned my eye in to hear the message and if I was actually right.

'There is no safe place. The whole world is infected. I repeat no where is safe, So far scientists haven't found....' '

Then the radio cut off and the reporter stopped talking. There was a distant scream and then static. What haven't scientists found? A cure? Why it happened? This is going to bother me.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now