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A/N: If you wanted to know the song playing, here it is ^^ Thank you guys for reading, it means a lot and I'm sorry I haven't been active. I updated some of my beginning pieces and it sounded very... interesting. XD Thanks for sticking through the horrible writing to the mediocre writing. <3 [Also, if something isn't exactly based off the book, just roll with it :) ]


I fell asleep in Percy's arms, and although I felt physically safe in his embrace, all bets were off mentally. My mind was rushing with terrifying images of things I couldn't make out. Suddenly, my mind came to a stop and sharpened on a record player. The needle dropped and scratched as the record spun. A gentle piece of music was echoing throughout my dreamscape. I fouced on the song, straining my ears under the almost utter silence.

"Don't they know its the end of the world, it ended when I lost your love. I wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything's the same as it was. I cant understand, no I cant understa-" I knew this song. Where did I know this song from? I searched everything in my brain until a neuron connected and fired memories into my head.

Skeeter Davis- The End of the World. But the song had started in the middle and why would I dream my grandmas favorite song? The song halted to a stop and the record spun and scratched.

"Annabeth, I thought I taught you better than that. Notice the details."

"Grandma?" My voice cracked and her voice boomed around me.

"What caused this? How do you solve this? What were they trying to accomplish?"

"I don't understand!" I cried out.

"Dig deeper." Then my grandmas voice was again replaced with the eerie song that bounced around me.

I woke up in sweat. Literally soaked. I'm so glad Percy carried me to bed. Crawling out of bed, I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I decided to take a cold shower to wake myself up. Running my fingers through my hair with soap, I thought about my dream. What did it mean? What did I have to dig deeper in? And who was "they?"

"What were they trying to accomplish?" I said out loud and then it hit me. The scientists. They were the reason behind this, but what their goal before it went wrong? I needed to know. Rushing the rest of my shower, I messily brushed my hair and threw on my clothes. I quietly ran into Leo's radio room and turned on the light.

Closing the door, I engulfed myself into the newspapers Leo collected before the accident. If it was a government secret I would never be able to find out, unless someone could hack into the government. Pretty unlikely. So, I began to read every newspaper, every page, every line, and every word.

I didn't know what time I woke up or what time it was now, but I knew people started to get up. They stirred and were quietly talking in the common room where the TV was. The door opened behind me and Percy walked in. My eyes burned and I closed them.

"I woke up and you weren't there." He came behind my chair and I turned toward him. "I got scared."

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you. I had a dream and I needed to research." I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me off my feet and spun me around. Percy stopped and let me down carefully, like he was afraid to break me.

"You smell nice." He smiled and so did I.

"I showered."

"About time." I laughed and shoved his shoulder. "I'm sorry I got distracted by your beauty." I scoffed at his charm and he continued, " You said you had a dream? What was it about?"

"My grandma came to me through a record player and told me I needed to pay attention to detail and to figure out how this accident happened and where it did and what were they trying to do before it went wrong." I told Percy and he grimly nodded.

"Did you breathe during that sentence at all?" I looked at him with my eyebrow up and he raised his hands and apologized, promising to focus. "So you were researching in here for..."

"Exactly what she said to: who, where, why and how basically. I'm looking in the newspapers for anything I can find about the experiment before it went wrong. What were they trying to accomplish and things like that."

He nodded and kept staring in my eyes.

"What?" I asked with my arms crossed at my chest.

"You are so smart and beautiful, I was thinking what did I do to deserve you. I wish you weren't so stressed out all the time." He took a step closer to me and put his finger under my chin so I would look him in the eyes even more intently. Percy leaned in and I met him halfway. I kissed his gently on the lips once and another time more deeply. Breaking off the long kiss, I buried myself into his chest and he hugged me tightly.

My stomach rumbled and he laughed lightly. "C'mon babe, lets go eat. " I grabbed yogurt with granola and an apple. Leo was up, so I called him to the kitchen and I told him all about my dream and I was doing about it.

"I sent out a signal on the phone, what if I could get the internet to work. I mean its not like the gas affected the phone poles or satellites. What if its not worldwide? Why would it be right if it was just North America? How could it even spread that far?"

"Leo, don't get too excited, expect the worst and don't tell anyone yet."

"Ok, you're right, lets get started." Leo calmed down and we finished breakfast. I kissed Percy before I went into the radio room to begin a long trek of research, burning eyes and strained brains.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now