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I'm so stressed. Even after Percy's speech, I saw with the video cameras outside, what's there. I put those cameras up as a joke for zombies, and now..... I..I don't know anymore. I try to be the old funny guy, but I think I saw something. Something supernatural. Something I wish I could erase from my mind. Something that doesn't help my stressed situation.

" So what do you guys want for lunch?" I ask trying to get my mind off the whole dying thing.

" Blue waffles!" Percy said, jumping up.

" Seaweed Brain. You had those for breakfast." Annabeth threw a pillow at Percy's face.

" Wrong, they were blue pancakes." Percy's smug face dodged the next pillow.

" Okay blue pancakes, bacon.. eggs, sandwiches... help me out people." I say.

" Not hungry." Nico laid down on the couch with a blanket on.

" Me either." Jason sunk deeper into the chair and yawned. His eyes were not the brilliant blue anymore, they we duller.

" I'll take some cheese pizza." Piper told me.

" Okay, Annabeth. What do you want?"

" A grill cheese sandwich."

" Alright I'll be back." I wave and walk into the kitchen. Thalia is already there searching through.

" Hey whatcha doing?" I ask. Thalia jumps and flings a sausage at me. It hits me square in the forehead. "Ow."

" Sorry. A little jumpy." She goes back to rummaging through.

" Hold up, I got orders." I slide next to her and started pulling out the foods.

" Do you think we're going to die?" Thalia asks me. It takes me a while to answer.

" I...I just dont know anymore."

" I think something had to emerge from the gas, what else should it be, harmless?" She lowered her voice to a whisper.

" Look, I think I found something, come at night, but you will be scared."

" Where?"

" My room."

" Leo, Im hungry, where are youuu?" Percy whined.

" Coming." I state. I grab everything and was walking out.

" Okay, I'll be there." Thalia says to me. I nod a grim expression on my face. I forgot to wipe it off when I got into the den living room.

" Why the long face, Leo?" Piper question. I laugh, a forced one but no one can tell.

" I'm struggling with you're food choices." I joke and they laugh. If only I was the old funny Leo, instead of the scared, nervous one. I have to tell them some time. They dig in expect for Nico and Jason. Nico covered himself with a blanket and Jason declared that he was going to take a nap.

" I'll be back around," He yawned," I don't know..." Then he passed out of the floor with a thump.

" Jason!" Piper dropped her pizza. She knelled at Jason's head stroking it. " What do we do?" Annabeth set her grilled cheese down and I rushed over there. Percy already picked him up and searched for the nursing room.

" Left, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth tried to joke but I could hear her nervousness. Percy took a left and went into the bed and set him down. I searched through the drawers and pulled out my doctor kit.

"Is he okay? what's wrong with him? Is it the fog? Will we be okay? Do you know what you're doing? Can I help? Will we get hurt too?" Piper annoyed me to no end with these questions.

" Percy, take her away. A doctor needs to think." He nodded and swiftly picked up Piper. She screamed her head off and was punching Percys back, trying to get free.

" NOOOOO!!! LET ME IN! I CAN HELP! I CAN HELP!!" Piper screamed. Then I heard a door slam and a chair sliding across the room.

" Okay, she's locked up."

" Ah, you guys, somehow the medicine is gone."

" WHATTT!" Percy and Annabeth shouted. Jason groaned.

" Leo what happened to it?" Annabeth asked.

" I umm, took some of it out to make the medicine stronger, and something went wrong. The medicine is gone and ruined. Im really sorry."

" What did you use for me?" Annabeth questioned.

" Some spare aspirin for you and Piper. Im an IDOIT!!! We have to go up and find it. And I don't want to go up there. No one does, trust me."

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now