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Oh boy. Leo limped and leaned on my shoulder for support. We still had to get to our medicine Jason's coma and Nicos sickness and today was our last day. We tracked and we were at the Pharmacy doors.

"Thalia. I can't go on for much longer." Leo told me as he wheezed. He said he was bruised and he still couldn't open his hands. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Today is the last day, we have to make it. I will keep kissing you if it energizes you." I laughed lightly as we stumbled into the store. The store was turned upside down, the shelfs and cabinets were all on the floor. Leo groaned.

"How are we going to find it now?"

"C'mon, it has to be here. We still have to travel back 10 miles before the sun sets and it looks like it's 7 AM. "

"That's a lot of kisses." Leo smiled and searched the store. "There." He pointed with his fist to a pile of medicines. We stumbled over there and picked a fever medicine and 'Cold Away' bottle. There was also heating pads that we thought might wake Jason. Leo picked up a bag that said, 'You shouldn't change yourself but if you can be a unicorn, be a unicorn.'


"Hey, it holds the meds right?"

"I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a fork." I muttered.

"Looks like someone wants to be a unicorn."

"Only if you shut up or pigs fly." I laughed.

"Sureeee." I hit Leo's shoulder and stalked off to the doors.

"Hey Thals can we rest here for like 30 minutes? Im super tired." Leo pouted.

"Fine but then we go and don't stop." I sternly said and Leo did a happy limping dance.

Leo laid down next to me with his head in my shoulder and he fell asleep. I ran my hands through his curly black hair and leaned against the wall more.

"29 minutes." I smiled sadly as I looked at the shelves in front of me.

I lost track around the seconds on minutes 13. Leo was fast asleep now and I leaned against his head and soon fell asleep along with him.

"Thalia! Wake up now! We over slept! The sun is almost setting!" Leo shouted and shoved me awake.

"What the hell Leo! Why the hell would you let me sleep that long!" I scream and gather the bag. I slung everything over my shoulder and grabbed Leo's hand. He was already ready to go so I dragged him outside. We started sprinting.

"We have to sprint the whole way, for friends!" Leo said to me and we took out. The snow was melting its thickness and a little slippery but I would have to deal with it. I was faster than Leo who already had a red face. We still had like 7 miles left to run. It was like running a mile for school expect times 7. Well my school time for a mile was 4 minutes and 32 seconds. Yeah, sometimes I love genetics. I counted the seconds again to not think about how tired I was getting. 5:46. So there was still work to be done. I ignored the part of me that said rest. Friends before yourself.

30:12. I was still running, but now it was a jog. Leo was over a 100 feet behind me, but I had the supplies. I saw the house and looked behind me. The sun was just a sliver left. I got to the door an opened it. Crashing into the safe, I collapsed. Percy sat on the couch with dark black bags under his eyes and he smiled at me. His shirt was on and Percys cut was wrapped but it was black and green around it.

"I thought you never would come." He laughed a little. "Annabeth beat you here. Where's Leo?"

"Behind." I gulped in breath repeatedly and signaled me arm behind me. "Here." I tossed him the bag with Nicos medicine and hopefully a cure for Jason. Percy grabbed the bag and jogged into Nicos room with a glass of water and then where Jason was. I laid on the couch and was still trying to catch my breath. Rolling on my side, tiredness overcame me and I couldn't think about anything. My body went limp and I fell into my dreams.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now