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I was going to tell the group, they have a right to know what can kill them. But if Leo didn't tell me, it would be like: We're outside to get supplies which we so need right now. ' Oh my gosh! What's that?' Then Leo says,' Oh that's just a zombie person that's gonna get you alive. Yay!!'

I'm not taking that chance, these are my friends.

" Everyone, meet me at the couches now." I say. Piper walks out and rubs we eyes, even though it's 2 o'clock, she needed the sleep from staying with Jason. But thank goodness Leo didn't hear and walk through his doors.

" Percy, why are you wearing your pants backwards?"

" Okay long story." He sighs.

"Annabeth washed my jeans and I put them on backwards with no underwear. We made a bet and yeah."

" Great going dude." Nico laughed. He was curled up in a ball on the couch with a blanket. Maybe it isn't trauma.

" Okay I have some grim news. Dont scream, this is real. Even though Leo told me not to tell you, I think you guys have a right to know."

" Ah, Im scared. Do I have to know?" Piper yawned with an alarmed look.

" Yeah." I sucked in a deep breath."Do you know what's out there?"

" No." Percy shook his head and Nico too.

" Okay, zombies are real. The fog was created into a vaccine for a man who lost his wife. It escaped and flowed down here. It must of had a reverse affect and now people here are dead but still alive."

" Oh my gosh." Piper looked like she was going to cry. Percys mouth hung open and Annabeth was in complete shock.

" Oh my......What the..." Nico gaped.

" That's why I screamed, because I saw them. But we need medicine and clothes. We have to save Jason from his coma state." My voice faltered at the end.

" Did it affect the world? Why was it so big?" Annabeth asked." Why weren't me and Piper infected?"

" I don't know. I think people joined in on the idea because they too had the pain of the one they loved and the things broke there too. Once one person dropped it, The others would too because they're dead. Annabeth, I think you only inhaled it because it was right behind you so the smell knocked you out. Piper, I don't know...." I trailed off.

" I've been meaning to tell you. I didn't want to freak you guys out and rush to get supplies....." Pipers face turned guiltily and she pulled her jeans up to her knee. It was black, purple and green. Red scabs lined the calf and Nico gaged. Annabeth didn't hold anything in and she rushed to the bathroom. Percy gaped and rearranged his pants again as he stood in shock.

" Piper!" I yelled. " Why didn't you?! This is a zombie leg, it will spread!!! We have to get the supplies or we cut it off!!" Im panicking thinking of the worse case possibly.

" CRAP PIPER!!" Leo runs in from the yelling and closed he eyes. Pipers eyes water.

" You guys, this could spread. We have to find medicine for me and Jason."

" Oh, and while we're at it, Im really sick." Nico smiles and weakly coughs.

" Great, 3 people out. A sickness that can spread, a zombie part, and Jason in a coma. Great surviving guys, were going to live." I say sarcastic.

" And I think i have rash..." Percy rubs the 2 squares where his bottom should be but is switched around. He grabs it and uncomfortably try's to place it somewhere else.

" Percy arrange in the bathroom." Nico says.

" Can't, this part was only part of the bet." Percy sighs.

" Then do it turned around."

" Can't, that's part of it too. I always have to do it in front of a girl. Great huh." Percy rolls his eyes, and looked in pain at me." Sorry."

Percy Jackson with zombiesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant