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When the gas hit me, I blacked out. I still feel woozy, but Percy and the girls made my day. Thaila and Piper cares for me and Percy brought me a sandwich. I wish this didn't happen. I had a pretty darn good life before.

" Thanks." I try to sit up more to kiss him, but I felt dizzy and he put me back.

" Annabeth after you eat and drink, rest. You need it."

" Okay father." I say and tried to laugh.

" Oh that's kind of creepy, I was going to kiss you..."

" Come here Seaweed Brain." I opened my arms and he fell in them. Then he kissed me lightly on the lips.

" Okay make sure you get some rest I'm going in the shower. Love ya and I'll see later Wise Girl."

" Love you to Seaweed Brain." Then I ate and snuggled into the bed further. He closes the door and I fall into a deep sleep.

Pipers POV

This sucks. Gas that kills or hurts you came down when we were having a bunch of fun playing Truth or Dare. My leg caught a whiff of the fog and now I'm limping. But there's no rash, blister, or anything. Just it's limp and feels weak. Life sucks right now.

" Who makes these shows, toddlers?!" I shout. " I mean seriously, who would jump off a cliff with their friends and then live? No way no how."

" You're ruining the movie Piper." Nico whined.

" Are you hungry?" Jason asked.

" Yes." I sigh.

" Anyone else want pizza?" Jason asked. Its like he read my mind.

" Yeah." Thalia, Nico and I said.

" BRB." Jason called from the other room.

" No just no." Nico shook his head. "What do you see in him?"

"Hey where's Leo?" Thailas eyebrow knit in question.

" I think he's thinking or building." Nico replied.

"Hmm. I'll go see where he is." Thalia volunteered.

" Shhh!! The movie advances!" Nico sat up.

" This is stupid, lets watch Mean Girls." I say. I turn off the show and put on Mean Girls.

Percy walks in with his shirt off and sweat shorts. His 6 pack is very impressive. Percy's towel is around his neck and his black hair is wet and still drying, swept to one side. His tan is amazing, i cant ever get that. Jason walks in two with 2 pizza boxes. Though the flaw with Percy is that he isn't Jason, my Jason. 

" Mean Girls? Annabeth loves them! I'll be right back." He creeps into Annabeths room. Jason sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

" Anyone else want a blanket? Im cold." Nico gets up.

" Nahh." I say. Percy walks in with Annabeth in his arms. Her eyes flicker back and forth to the different people. Then she smiles and Percy sits down on the couch with her in his lap. She lays back on him.

" You cold?" Percy whispered to Annabeth. She nods. " Nico bring another blanket." Percy yells.

" Coming up." Then Nico walks in and tosses Percy one. Nico covers his body and falls asleep in a minute laying down. I couldn't blame him, after running around and the fear, I'm so freaking tired.

" Hey guys what is that fog? Should we be worried?" I ask what's on my mind. Jason reaches and turns off the TV.

" Yeah, I forgot in paradise." Percy said.

" Typical Seaweed Brain." Annabeth snuggled closer to Percy, almost asleep.

" Wise Girl, stay up, we need you." He nudged her head a little. She stretched, smacking Percy in the face.

" Whoops." Annabeth smiled.

" You did that on purpose." He whined.

" Chemical mishap."Leo walked in. He had black bags and his curly hair was tangled. " the radio said chemical spill, some stupid science gone wrong. I think they were testing some nasty experiment and it went wrong. Something that can change the world."

" Leo, you may be right. We might not live through this. This is above us and we don't know what were dealing with." Annabeth said. I stayed quiet, realizing I might not even finish High School.

" We're too young. Dude 16 some of us 17."

" I want my family." We look at Percy, this tough guy, then he says he wants his parents. Annabeth kisses him.

"We'll live through this, we can try to find your family and ours." Percy gives her a hug because she didn't sound sure at all.

"But, we could die." Jason echoes and I feel sick.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now