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I, Leo am going on a trip with the beautiful and stunning Thalia. What an honor had it not been that we would be slaying zombies. Oh well, you get what you get.

" Which way now?" I ask.

" Left." Thalia answered and trudged into the snow banks. I got stuck nearly in the splits by first stepping in a hole which sunk, and second trying to get out of the hole, only to step in another.

" Ah, Thalia, I can't get out." She turns and gives me the look. I wince and then her face turns to horror. Thalia pulls out her knife and slowly is walking forward.

"Don't move." A deep voice rumbled behind me. And of course being Leo, I turned to face a man. He was ripped out, muscles looked as if they were as thick as ropes. His nose was broken to the right and his teeth were yellow. Eyes as sharp as razors bore down into him like a hawk watching its prey.

" I said dont move!!" He hissed, not stupid enough to shout for zombies to hear. Then in one motion he kicked me in the special place and hopped on Thalia. He punched her in her face, and plucked the knife out of her hand. After slicing her cheek and taking her backpack, he slid mine right off my back.

"Thank you, I needed this help." After pausing to see us one more time, he came across to me. The man held my face, looking into my brown eyes. He could sense pain, but he did it anyway. The man kicked me there again and again. I started to cry, which I think he wanted. He cackled and ran off with our backpacks.

" Leo are you okay?" Thalia's voice was in concern. I shook my head. The last 5 times he kicked me, my hands were there and now I can't bend them, let alone hold a knife.

"Noo." I cried harder, but softer. She held my head in her hands.

" It will be okay."

" No, " I swallowed my pain for the 10 seconds I would talk." It won't just be black and blue Thalia. I don't think I can pee or sit or anything."

" Hey, it's okay." She was struggling on what to say. " But we have to keep moving, for our friends."

" A kiss to make it better?" I tried. She rolled her eyes and then kissed me on the cheek. YESSSSS!!

" Okay how do we get you out of this?" Thalia examined.

" You can try to dig my feet out." I was now run on the compassion of Thalia and a little, a lot, of pain.

" To cold." Thalia grimaced thinking of her hands being ice cold.

" I forgot, how's your cheek?"

" Fine. I can try to pull you out by the hips." Thalia walked behind me and tried my hips, or stomach since I had no hips.

" Ow!!" I cried in pain as she tried.

" Okay, sorry! Maybe we have to try your legs?" Thalia really didn't want to get that close the where my legs meet, and I didn't mind that. But, she had to, so she was 4 inches away from it and I got one leg out.

" Can you get the other one?" Thalia hoped again.

" I can't, I'm really suck."

" Oh...." Thalia mumbled something I couldn't hear, and frankly I didn't want to. She got really close to that part of my thigh again. I got free and realized this was going to be a long day. It hurt to walk where I got kicked so I had to limp. But Thalia told me to go on for our friends, so being the loyal hero for my friends, I went on in flaming pain. Man, this will make one heck of a story if I ever live to have kids.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now