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So It was 2:29. I was already there waiting. What would I say?

Oh hey Piper. You know when we had hope, well I guess we were wrong. We are all gonna die and there's no cure. Better marry Jason here.

I'm sure she will love to here that one.

"Leo?" Piper called my name. "What's this all about?" She has her arms crossed and her brows were furrowed.

"This is about us." I bit my lip.

"Oh, Leo." She sighed. "You are like a brother to me. I like Jason and I think it's better if you just stick to Tha..."

"What? No! Not us!" I blushed. "I mean our group."

"Much better." Piper took a sigh in relief.

"No. It's not." Piper looked at me funny. I thumped my hands against my thigh. "The zombies....we have a bigger problem."


"There isn't a cure and everyone is like infected or something and I don't know and I'm scared and confused and I don't know what to do and..." I rambled on in nervously as I talked fast. Piper grabbed my shoulders and I shut up.

"If this is a prank..."She looked me dead in the eyes as I gulped and shook my head.

"It's not, I swear. Piper, we are in grave danger." Her arms slacked and her face turned pale. White pale. "Piper. Piper!" She was dropping and I held onto her arms as she slide to the floor.

"Percy!" Is the only thing I could think as I cradled her head from the floor. He ran in and saw her lying on the floor.

"Leo, what happened?" I was shaking.

"I...i don't know. I told her...something," I looked at Thaila and Annabeth. "and she passed out."

"What did you tell her?" Thalia sounded a little jealous but mostly concern and curiousness.

"Later. We need to move Piper to a safe place." Percy grabbed her feet and Nico helped with her head. Nico was completely fine now only with a cough once every day it seemed like.

They carried her to the medical room. As I stood shifting my feet, they came out and looked at me expectably.

"Leo, what's going on?" Thalia tapped her foot, raising her eyebrow.

"Um...sale at the sandwich shop?" I grinned and waited for someone to roll their eyes.

"Leo..." Annabeth trailed off and shrugged in defeat. "Go ahead."

"Ok, um, so I heard on the radio the story of how zombies came and then um, how's there is no cure and everyone's infected." I rambled very quickly.

"Can you repeat that?" Nico asked as Percy told me to slow down.

"There is no cure for about like over 95% of people." I bit my lip and waited for what they responded with.

"I swear Leo, if you're joking around..." Thalia raised her fist as I shriveled down.

"I promise, I'm not!" Bad time to think this but I'm obviously the funniest of us and the joker because that's two people who thought I was joking about something that would most likely kill us. Yeah, probably not the best thought right now.

"Oh, God." Nico sagged a bit and Percy stood there stunned. Thalia blinked and was in complete shock.

"So, what do we do now?" Nico stared at the floor and looked at me.

"I...I don't know. We might have to find the survivors and hold out there until..."

"But there are 2 billion people and if there is 95% of people who are zombies, then only 5% are humans. That's only like 100 million. But they could spread out anywhere and everywhere!" Thalia started panicking. I went over and hugged her and she sighed shakily.

"It's okay, we will get through this."

"Will we?" Thalia shook.

"Yes, I promise." OH GOD! Everyone knows in every movie when they say that in the apocalypse that it never comes true because...oh. Usually one dies.

"Okay. Okay." She calmed herself down.

Annabeth stared down at her feet and Percy still was a little shocked just as Nico is. Percy looked at her and she opened her arms. He crashed into them and sighed heavily. Nico went and sunk into the coach. It looked like he gained another bag under his eyes.

"What's the plan?" Nico dully added and I shrugged.

"Absolutely no clue."

"What if we advertise this place. Like Leo's place at whatever your address is with location. Zombies can't read and local people will be able to see it." Annabeth rubbed Percy's back and he calmed down.

"Ok so I send out a message for this IP address according to this towns location." I nodded and tapped my foot. "I can work with that."

I fiddled with my phone and went into settings, finding my IP address. In my room I had build many tools, mini robots and a satellite. If I could get my satellite signal then I could get people to come here.

Iphones would have an alert like the Amber alert, so maybe I could program my own. I nodded to myself and my thumbs flew automatically to buttons.

Thalia's phone buzzed and Percy's and Annabeths and Jason's and Pipers and Nicos and my heart fluttered with joy, my face lighting up.

"I did it." Thalia opened her phone and grinned, walking over to me. She grabbed my face and kissed me. After two seconds passed, I pulled away and showed my white teeth, staring at her beautiful eyes.

"You did it." I held her in my arms and sighed in relief.

"That's one step." I said to our group. "One less step to take. We will take this slow. We will get more people on our side. We can defeat whatever is going on out there because in here-" I pointed to them and the ground, "because in here we rule it and we will hold our ground. I mean, we aren't going down without a fight." I chuckled and Percy sniffed, standing up.

"Then let's do this. We will prep extra beds and more room if people respond to this." He held his hand out to Annabeth and Nico.

Jason held Pipers hand and nodded.

"Ok. Let's get this show on the road." I smiled confidently and held Thalia's hand. A surge of hope coursed through me and electricity passed through the room in courage and passion.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now