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The rest of dinner was quiet. No one spoke even when Cormac stood and quietly began gathering empty dishes. Gray continuously gives me worried looks but ended up leaving the room with Kieran following only a few minutes later after delivering a bunch of dishes to the kitchen where Cormac was beginning to do dishes.

I stood up as well bringing my dishes over, "would you like help?"

Cormac jumps as I speak and i immediately feel bad. I hadnt meant to startle him. He turns to me and shales his head hurriedly, "i-im okay, i- I'm on dish d-duty."

He squeaks out hurriedly and I immediately understand that hed feel much more comfortable doing it alone. I nod at him with a smile, "if youre sure."

I turn back to tableand run head first into nothing. I grab my nose with a slight grunt before smiling creepily as I feel blood begin to drip down. I look ahead and attempt to relax my face, "I'm sorrt, I'll be more careful where I step."

At that I grab the central counter and run my hands along it as I walk by. Trying to keep to one side as I walk by. However I'm stopped by a hand gripping my arm. I look back to see a wet cloth being held out to me. Though it looked like it was just floating.

"Thank you, the food was delicious by the way," I grab the cloth softly and continue on my way back over to Theon who was smiling at the interaction warmly.

"Ready to see your room?" He asks and the calming effect washes over me again as we make eye contact. I nod and break eye contact quickly. That was scary. Did he have an ability as well? Would they make an abnormal a administrator?

He leads me out of the kitchen and I hear whispering as I leave. Theon heads to the stairs and I follow behind obediently. Once we reach the top he turns left and i see three doors. Theon begins pointing each out, "this is your room on the left, across from you is Kieran and at the end of the hall is-well Kieran uses that room the most. So we'll say its his as well. I'm sure you'll figure out where everyone elses rooms are as well over time. My office is downstairs at the end of the hall way by the stairs. I'm usually there if you need me. Any questions before I let you settle in?"

I shake my head at him and he smiles at me, "no, thank you."

"It's unnecessary to thank me, I really hope you begin to feel comfortable here. I dont want you to feel as though this is a prison," he says and waves as he leaves. Anger spikes through me at that though. This was a prison none the less.

I walk in the gorgeous room that was mainly black with white accents. It didnt matter how much they prettied up the place. If I couldnt leave then it was a prison. I see my luggage stacked neatly at the end of the bed and immediately grab my bookbag. I unzip the front pouch and grab the small rectangular black box. I push the tiny button on the bottom and the sharpened knife pops out. In seconds I'm plunging it in my chest. Right for my heart. Pain consumes me and jittery happiness consumes me and i cant help the crazy laugh that escapes me. My whole body does somewhat of a happy dance as I pull it out and plunge it again.

All my anxiety escapes me and the pure thpught of death enters my mind once again. This was happiness. I pull out the blood covered knife and can feel the gaping holes quietly closing shut again. The pain leaves my body and I sigh in disappointment. I stand up off the bed before blood gets on the bedding.

I head to an open door in the room and see it is in fact a bathroom. I clean of the knife thoroughly and put safelyin my back pocket. I head back in the room and see the now just slightly damp cloth on the bed. I smile as I grab it and wipe the blood off my face. A knock is heard from the door.

"Come in,"I say as roughly wipe my nose. Gray practically slams the door open and struts in. Following behimd him is Kieran who stays at the door giving me a curious look as he catches sight of the blood.

"Heya! Wow, what happened?" Before I can even answer Gray nods his head, "Oh yea eventually you'll get used to him being around. Thats a lot of blood thpugh, wait what happened to your shirt?"

I grab my chest and blank out my thoughts. I had no desire to tell them yet. I couldnt let myself be used again. I smile at him awkwardly and shrug. He gives me a weird look before chuckling.

"Oh by the way, I told Kieran what you had thpught when you first saw him and like I said he would, he got really horny," Gray says as he plops down on my bed and I give him a slightly confused face, "when you thought about him hurting you?"

Instantly my face goes up in flames and I nod slowly in understanding, "right, you could hear. How awfully embarrassing. I really need to watch what im thinking. God forbid I had thought about something worse."

By the end I'm slightly rambling and I sit down on the bed. Today was honestly exhausting. I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep for forever.

Gray stands up and I look at him to see him giving me peace signs, "alright I'll let you get some rest, youve had a long day, night Roark!"

In seconds Gray is practically skipping out the door and past Kieran who was looking at my chest almost hungrily. I cough slightly to get his attention and he looksme in the eyes slowly. A wild lookcrosses his face and he twitches slightly before turning and leaving with a creepy grin.

As soon as the door closes I rip off the destryed blood soaked shirt and toss in a trash can that was beside the bedroom door. Then I pull out some underwear. I go into the bathroom and let let out another sigh as I turn on the water.

My shower goes on a lot longer than I intended when a thousand thought filter through my head. A lot of them being very unwelcome. By the time I get out I'm ready to just pass out. I dry off and get dressed quickly before leaving the bathroom and flopping down the huge comfortable bed. All the luxuries in the worldcouldnt deny that this was just another prison for me. It seemed id never truly be free. Just my luck.

Resurrect Me (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now