Chapter 04: Butter Box Babies

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1. Sleeping Beauty
2. Butter Box Babies
3. Aquafona
4. Bloody Mary
5. Steak and Tacos
6. Free-way Phantom
7. Big Teddy

The town Aurora lives in is like a provincial and very rural area. It is a huge town but as you can see, there is only one police station on patrol in it.
Which makes the area the perfect place for unwanted crimes, unsolved mysteries and serial killings because the authorities could never have the time and people to catch up on them.

That's why the Mayor hires hundreds of bountry hunters per year, to help them keep peace on the town.
But that makes the Bounty Hunters have the eligibility to kill, because the money will only be given to them whenever the heads of the criminals are given to the rich families who initiated the search.

"What are you laughing at?"
Malificent asks.

"Nothing, it's just the criminal cases given to me are just really, funny in titles."
She looks at Malificent and says,
"Mother, I'm on my promotion month again. I will be away for some time."
Malificent nods.
Long term cases causes Aurora to not go home for weeks or even a month.
But Malificent does not worry,
Her daughter is one of the best bounty hunters in the city.
"You have to lock your doors every night and wear the watch I gave you. Remember to press the red button and I will come rushing for you if ever anything stupid happens."

"Don't worry about me, my daughter. Just come back to me safe and sound."
Malificent smiles.
"So what case will you work on for tonight?"

"The butter box babies, I guess."


"You never saw her again?"
The boys are in a liquor night out and every one is listening to Jungkook's whining.

Every time Jungkook tastes alcohol, he becomes honest and tells them everything he keeps inside his chest.

"I.. never saw my sister again."
He says as he take a another shot of alcohol.

"You never told us what really happened, why did she left you in that orphanage?"

"Have you all ever heard of the butter box babies criminal case way back 1990's?"

Month of June, 2004
Jungkook is seven years old and so is his twin sister.

"What are you looking at?"
Jungkook asks.
It is their day of cleaning the lying inn's bathroom and her sister, which he calls princess is climbing on the windows, peeking outside.

"We have to get out of here."
She says.

"How come you have a name when your sister does not have any?"
Hoseok asks.

"Our mother wrote a note on my basket with a name Jungkook on it when she left us on the lying inn but the head of the lying inn said there's none on my sister's basket."

"Oh, understandable."
Jimin agrees.

"Princess, you know we can't."
Jungkook sighs.
"Besides, we don't have anywhere to go."

"We'll figure it out once we get out."
Her twin sister says.

"Why are you being like this?"
Jungkook sighs.

"I will tell you, but you can't get shocked or what. You have to think fast and not be affected by it."
The girl jumps down the window and runs to the bathroom door to lock it.
"Our Mom did not leave us in here in baskets just like what Mrs. Lee told us."
Mrs. Lee is the head of the lying inn clinic.


"Have you ever thought that her stories did not make sense? Cause I, I honestly find them suspicious."

Jungkook eyes her sister carefully.

"What do you mean?"
He asks.

"Why will a parent leave her kids in a lying inn clinic? Does that make sense to you? If this is an orphanage then maybe I'll understand."

"Princess, I don't follow with what you're saying."

"And don't you notice how Nana Sam looks at Hyeon when we play outside? As if she's worried sick of her own child."

"Princess, tell me what you're trying to say."

"The Lees make single mothers give birth in here, in return of being the lying inn's life time slave and giving their child to the clinic to sell them."

Jungkook's eyes widens.

"What are you saying?"

"Nana Sam is Hyeon's real mother. If what I told you happened to Nana Sam and Hyeon, it could have happened to us and our Mom, too!"

"Fucking lying lying inns."
Aurora cusses as the operator explains her the case that she decided to work on.

[ As I was saying, this lying inn slash orphanage from the North claims to be the place where they nurture young and single mothers until they give birth in secret, for free. But well, of course there are hidden charges. The case had been cold due to insufficient evidence, but a missing woman's family wants to continue the case so they gave it to BHA's custody.]

"and what is the name of this missing woman?"

[She is the eldest daughter of the congressman of the West, he suspects that his daughter may have gone to this clinic since he saw few newspapers about the clinic in her room that she might have red before she went on missing. Her name is Mary Young.]

"Okay, please pass me the soft copies of the informations and evidences you had collected for me. I will be in that Clinic by morning."

She closes her eyes and a tear skipped her eyes as she remember the day she is forced to make her first kill.
She couldn't help but to be emotional, since she was, too, is a victim of a lying inn that does illegal transactions in secret.

"Are you sure about this? Then if they are selling the babies why aren't they a lot of kids in this lying inn?"

"Butter Box, do you notice how often the delivery man gets the supplies of Butter on our pantry?"

Jungkook nods his head.

"5 to 6 times a week."

"Don't you see the pattern? The butter box delivery man only gets in here whenever a huge amount of Mothers are giving birth in a day."

"So? Are you telling me that--"

"That butter boxes is like the Lee's coffins for the babies that couldn't be sold."

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