Chapter 11: Sister (Unedited)

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"Jungkook, someone is on the vault--"
Jungkook shushes Jimin as he hear rapid footsteps coming after them.

"Up on the air vent!"
The two of them did their best to climb up the air vent above them to hide from whoever it is.

"Is this that room? Or not?"
It is a girl. A very pale girl with a very long black hair that is tied up in a high pony tail. She has a metal baseball bat in her left hand.

Jungkook somehow shivers when she hears her voice and he wonder why.

"Who is she?"
Jimin whispers.

Jungkook shakes his head. He does not know who the girl is.
But on the other hand, the girl is no other than Aurora.

"This is Glory 09, I am in the move for the investigation of Mary Young's disappearance. BHA Voice command, can you tell me if I am going the right way?"
She whispers on her watch.

"What the fuck, is she a bounty hunter?"
Jimin whispers again to Jungkook but the younger is dead silent. He was just looking at the girl, waiting for her next move.

[ Yes Glory 09, this is the President's office. Please be careful of the cctv cameras.]

She looks at the cctv camera which is below where Jungkook and Jimin is laying in.

"There you are."
And she smashes it with her baseball bat, destroying it.
Jimin flinches with the loud sound.

"Glory 09? So that means she's one of the highest ranked hunters in town?"

Jin looks at his old phone and sighs as he open it.
He had already removed it's GPS tracker when he left home but he never wanted to open it just to make sure that no one will know where he is right now.

Son, please come home.
I need you here.
I'm really sorry for what I've done, just please come home.
I will not interfere with your life anymore.

Jinnie, please come back home.
You know that our family needs you, my baby prince.
Please come back.

He looks at the messages one last time and throws the old phone on the river.
Making it lost, forever. Just like him.

He hated his family.
On the contrary of what he had told his members, he really wasn't kicked out of home.
Only Namjoon know the real thing and only Namjoon and Taehyung knew things about his past all because they are cousins.

He remembers that night, when he red the last letter his older brother left in his bed.
His eyes water in rage as he ran upstairs to reach for his father that is currently drinking with his brother, Kim Nam Joong, which is Namjoon's father.

They were laughing as if they were celebrating and Seokjin hated it even more.

"You--you killed my brother!"

His father looks in his face full of terror and tears.
For a second, he felt guilty of what he had done today but he manages to collect his emotions and be proper in front of his son.

"He only did it for you, Seokjin. We all know that you will never kill Seokjung on your own--which is on the plan all along.. This family can't have more than one inheritor. He is just a threat to you."
Nam Joong speaks.

"I am not talking to you, you monster! You kicked Namjoon out of our family and now you agreed on killing my older brother!"

"Seokjin, enough. That is not an attitude of my son!"
His father yells at him.

"I am not your son anymore! You killed my brother and his wife! You fucking trash!"
He bursts out.
"You agreed on letting him go and marry a normal girl just to kill them afterwards? Don't ever call me your son! It makes me want to kill myself!"
Seokjin keeps on shouting.

"You are my inheritor, you will have what I have. You should--"

"You don't have anything, Dear Father! Those things belong to our people, not to you! And now you will lose all your sons! Don't ever try to go after me or else--"
He gets the knife on the table and slices his wrists.
He flinches as pain rush through his veins but he endures it.
"I will kill myself!"


"Go and be like your brother, Kim Seok Joong. Lose everything dumbly and realise it later. Good luck with your damned life, dear father."

And after that night, Jin left and went to Namjoon.
He told him everything and Namjoon agreed to never speak of what happen again just to let Jin move on from his tragic past.

He also retrieved the ashes of his brother and it's wife. He gave them a proper burial just like what the two of them deserve.

Jin heaves a loud sigh as a tear fall from his eye.
He chuckles bitterly.

"I hate to say I miss our parents, my dear brother. But I do."


"Why is a bounty hunter in an orphanage?"
Jimin keeps on asking and at last, the younger responds.

"I told you this orphanage isn't what it is supposed to be."

Aurora enters the room of the President and Jimin and Jungkook crawls after her on the air vent.

The room was pitch dark but when she entered, the lights light up just like magic.

There stood a young man, maybe just her age or younger? She really is not sure. He had a smug look on his face and seemed interested with the fact a girl entered her secret dungeon.

"So, Mister Orphanage President.. I am none of your business but you are my business. Let me just ask you a few questions and I will go after. I will not hurt you if you answer fast. So let's start."

She eyes the young man as she put the baseball bat on her shoulders.
She puts her watch on recording mode and speaks again.

"What is a girl like you doing in here?"
He smiles.

He somewhat felt familiar to her but she shrugs it off.

"Well, the primary reason is that I need money. Second, is I miss my mother so much so let's do this quickly."

So she does have a mother?
Jungkook thought. All this time he is thinking of her long lost sister with the way the girl speaks but he is quite thankful that this girl is not her sister.
Well, that's what he thought, atleast.
He thinks that if her sister became a bounty hunter and he's in a dirty business, he will feel ashame of what he is doing all these past few years.

"So you do have a mother? Did you get another one? Didn't you kill the first and real one, Noona?"

Aurora's eyes widen in disbelief.
Did this man just call her Noona?

"Oh fuck there it goes.."
Jimin gasps.

Jungkook's heart started beating faster than it already is.

"Don't you remember who I am? Noona? It's me, Hyeon."

And with that Aurora's heart clenched and Jungkook's eyes water in tears.

Jeon Jungkook just found his long lost beloved sister, in the most unexpected time of his life.

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