Chapter 17: Cornelia Street

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I hope I never lose you, I hope it never ends.
- Taylor Swift

Aurora looks at Teddy with terror as he tries to disect her stomach right in front of her eyes.
But then again, she was paralysed. The only thing that she could do is to mentally curse him and move her eyeballs.

"Right. Now I'm gonna see how beautiful your meat is."

She almost loses her sanity as his knife started ripping her skin.
Blood started splashing all over the monster's face that made him grin even wider.

She's starting to question her whole life and how she ended up being a meal of a cannibalistic man.

She should've done better on hitting his head.
She should have killed him on the first hit.

Tears rumble her beautiful face as she lose consciousness. For the first time she had lost her faith in her skills and wanted to shout so much to ask for help.

"Aurora, wake up."
A very beautiful voice says, Aurora wakes up as the voice commands and she grow confused to her surroundings.

She is on the lying inn where she and Jungkook grew up.
And there is sitted down on her bed is the young Jungkook.

"Why am I in here? Jungkook? Why are you a kid again?"

Jungkook smiles as he hold her hand firmly.

"Princess, you just had another nightmare. I'm here now, you need not to be afraid."
Jungkook said. Just like how he did in her memories.
A tear fell in her left eye as she look at her brother.

Is this real? Are those dark episodes of her life and her downfall as a bounty hunter just a dream?

"Am I really just dreaming?"
She asks him.

"You are just dreaming."
Jungkook answers, just as she is about to hold her brother.. his image flies and disappears into thin air.

She started crying out loud.
She is dreaming, she is indeed dreaming.

Just before Aurora could die from the hands of Big Teddy, Jungkook blew Teddy's truck with a mini bomb to open it.

"Hyeon, press her wound down and make sure she's breathing."
Hyeon nods his head and looks away at Jungkook who just carried a darker expression in his face as he did earlier.

Teddy laughs as Jungkook glare at him. He felt really superior to Jungkook as he is bigger and a lot stronger than he is.

"Another insect in my truck wants to be disected."

Jungkook wanted to kill the man just for laying a hand on her sister. Now he understand why Aurora got to kill their mother at a very young age.

Because you never know what you can do for the person you love and to the person who had hurt them.

"You're too big to be a coward."
Jungkook sneers.
"How could you try and pick on a girl. You are a big coward."

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