Bad jokes

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The cool breeze blew through my hair giving me chills. It was early morning and the sun was just rising. Driving through the small town of Senoia really calmed me. It gave you time to reflect on things like life and your future. Looking in my passenger seat, I crack a smile seeing Gwen already asleep again against the window frame. Chuckling quietly, i shook my head. Gwen never was a morning person. The office was a short distance from out small, two bedroom apartment. It wasn't much but it was what we both could afford. Pulling into the parking lot, i parked the car and took my seat belt off, smiling over at Gwen. Gently nudging her I whispered,

"Gwen...we're here"

She just groaned and kept her eyes closed. I chuckled and nudged her again, "gwen come on"

She still didn't open her eyes but lifted her arm and started poking me in different areas on my face.

"what are you doing?" i asked while laughing.

"looking for the snooze button" she groaned.

Swatting her hand away, i laughed, "ain't going to find one! Soon enough you're going to be missing my annoying alarm call"

That made her open her eyes. Looking over at me, she said sternly, "not funny mel"

sighing, i took the key out of the ignition and sighed,"just trying to lighten up the mood"

"well it didn't work" she grunted and crossed her arms, looking back out the window.

running a hand through my hair, i rested my head on my steering wheel. Sometimes i forgot that others hadn't accepted the unavoidable as well as i have. Perking up, i smiled and raised my head from the wheel and gripped onto the iced coffee sitting in the backseat drink carrier. Bringing it to the front, i poked her shoulder again.

"What?" she asked without looking.

Placing the iced coffee against her skin, she jumped at the touch and turned back to me,"what the?!"

her eyes seemed to widen when she saw the coffee in my hand,"Wait..When?!"

"You're a very heavy sleeper. Wen through a starbucks while you were snoring logs over there." I laughed.

"i do not snore" she grunted and tried to reach over for the coffee, but i pulled it back,

"ah ah ah...admit you snore logs and you may have the coffee"

"C'mon mel, really?" she whined.

"yep..or do you not want it? Dang this vanilla really smells goo" i joked.

she growled,"fine. I snore logs ok? now give me my damn coffee"

laughing, i handed her the drink and she immediately went to town chugging it down. When she finally came up for air, i smiled over at her,

"so am i forgiven?"

she sighed," are, but you know how i feel about those jokes."

"I know and i'm sorry. I'll try to stop making them" i said.

"its a good thing i love you Kolosto and that you brought me coffee because i was having a fantastic dream" she sighed.

I laughed as we both started getting out of the car, "oh really and what was this dream about?"

"nothing you need to know my friend" she said sipping on her coffee.

We started walking up to the office and i got my keys out to unlock the door,"i bet i could guess"

"Shoot" she said as i opened the door.

Stepping into the office, i turned on the light illuminating the waiting room and the clincal area. The office was small with only one doctor. Gwen was the front desk receptionist and i was the medical assisstant for Dr. Roberts. Working at a family practice meant we saw patients from the beginning of their lives to the ones at the end and inbetween.

"alright, does it have something to do with a certain british actor or his character?" i smirked.

"maybe" she grunted, taking a seat at the front desk.

laughing, i sat at my deask and waited for the computer to start,"which one?"

"character" she said.

"Don't tell me you were killing lori again were you?" i laughed.

slamming her coffee on the desk, she exclaimed,"Well maybe if the bitch wasn't such a whore and paid more attention to her son and her husband instead of her husbands best friend i wouldn't have had to!"

i started laughing so hard, i almost fell out of my seat,"alright we both know even if she wasn't like that you still would've killed her!"

"So" she grunted and started sipping from her coffee.

My computer finally started up as i continued laughing.

"Hey atleast we know mine is straight!" she exclaimed.

"Just because daryl has not been with a woman and the rumors of his potential sexuality going around doesn't mean he's gay!" i exclaimed.

"Whatever you say" she smirked.

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