Smiling reedus

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Well it's safe to say that I got absolutely no sleep last night. I didn't know if I was more excited or nervous about hanging out with Norman. Brewing my early morning coffee and taking my medicine, I heard the tv on in the living room signaling that Gwen was already up. Sluggishly, I made my way into the room and sat down on the couch next to her to find her watching "The walking dead." No surprise. Whenever the tv was on, this is all we watched anyways. Immediately recognizing the episode from season 2 where Daryl is thrown off the horse, I took a sip of my drink and turned to her to find her already starring at me.

"Girl you look terrible" she laughed.

"Morning to you too" I grumped.

"I'm sorry but it looks like you didn't sleep an inch last night! you could pass as a walker on the show with ease!" she laughed.

"Gee thanks, that's what every girl wants to hear in the morning." I grumped.

"So where is Mr. Reedus taking you today?" she asked.

"I..."I started to say but she cut me off with her eyes glued to the screen,

"SHH!!!SHHH! Rick's on!"

Rolling my eyes, I waited for rick to be off the screen and then she turned back to me, "Ok so you were saying?"

"So just because your favorite character is on the screen we can't talk but when mine is on its ok?" I asked referring to the Dixon brothers on the show.

"You are dating one of them in real life mel and i'm not so i'm allowed." she said seriously.

rolling my eyes, I sighed, "I don't know where he is taking me. all he said was be ready by noon."

"Mysterious! I love it!" she shrieked.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this" I said.

"Oh c'mon you can't act like you aren't either! You are dating Norman flipping Reedus!" she exclaimed.

"for a week" I corrected.

"so what! Do you understand what most girls would do to be in your position? if i got the chance to date don't want to even know!I'm living through you!" she laughed.

"alright well I'm going to get dressed and take my medicine and we can get caught up on season 5 so we aren't confused next week when 6 airs" I said getting up.

After about an hour, I had gotten myself ready and was back on the couch with gwen as we started watching the next episode of the 5th season. Daryl was out with Aaron so I knew there wouldn't be much of him which upset me, but I watched as Gwen enjoyed her Rick moments.

"I don't like that Jessie girl" she grunted causing me to laugh,

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