Getting Ready

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I didn't sleep at all last night. Knowing this was my last night ever as Melody Kolsto terrified me to no end. Tomorrow I would go to bed sleeping next to my husband as Melody Reedus. I was living out every fan girls dream. Tomorrow I would also have a son. I would be a mother and that was a responsibility I knew I wasn't ready for. Mingus has been pretty much my best friend other than Gwen, but he hasn't said two words to me since he found out I was sick. I don't know if I could live for however much longer I had with him resenting me the way he does. I didn't have much time to think about that because as the sun came up, Gwen had me out the door. Now when Norman said he had everything under control, he meant it. I was taken to get my hair done which Gwen had already picked out the style for me. It was an up do with flower gems all around the top and two strands of hair curled to the side. Once we were done there, we were taken to the church where we were going to be married by a driver, but immediately something confused me. We were driving for a while and were in the middle of absolutely nowhere until I saw the familiar sign saying Senoia. I starred out the window in awe as we drove through the streets that I once knew as Woodbury to the main gates of Alexandria. Gwen was fangirling right next to me,

"Alright girl, I know it's your wedding and all, but I'm gonna need a minute to personally fangirl.....Do you realize where we are!"

I looked over to her and smiled, "Yea, but why are we here?"

"I honestly have no idea, but girl we are in Woodbury! We are about to go inside Alexandria! I'm about to see Rick's house! I wonder if I hide here tonight I won't have to leave and then I could like live in Rick's house!!!" She shrieked.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "How do you think Michonne would like that?"

"I'd kill that bitch too! Not like Lori though, I Actually like michonne....I might just politely ask her to leave, but things would get violent if she wouldn't" She grunted.

"You do realize you are pretty much a freak right?" I laughed adjusting the nasal cannula in my nose.

"But you love me" She smiled triumphantly.

"I don't know how Andy has put up with you" I giggled and looked back out the window as the guard ushered the car forward.

"Ahhhh!" Gwen shrieked and slid next to me, gripping my arm, "We are going in!!!"

I just shook my head and looked outside as the car started to drive the streets us Walking Dead Fans knew so well. One thing was different though...The dead streets of Alexandria were no longer post apocalyptic. They were clean and had lanterns lining them. Rose pedals filled the streets and each light post was covered in vines of flowers. I was in such awe of the decorations, I didn't notice we stopped outside of a house. My nerves suddenly started to pick up and I was snapped out of my trance when the driver opened the door smiling at me. Taking a deep breath, I took the hand he was offering me and gripped my oxygen bag as I stood up with Gwen right behind me.

"This is where you and the girls are to get ready and then someone will come get you to escort you to the church" The man smiled.

I looked at him hesitantly before nodding as he closed the door behind us and got back in the car to drive off. We weren't standing there long when the door of the house opened and Lauren and Dani ran out to greet us. They were already in their bridesmaids dresses which were a simple baby blue sleeveless dress, but they still looked completely stunning.

"Hey!" they shrieked hugging both of us.

"You look so pretty!" Lauren smiled.

I blushed and looked to my feet nervously, "Thank you"

"This ain't nothing, just wait until we get that dress on you! Norman will freak!" Gwen laughed.

"Speaking of him, the guys are just down the street. Let's get your pretty butt inside so lover boy doesn't catch a peek" Danai smirked.

We all laughed and I was quickly ushered inside. My eyes widened when we entered the house. It was so much bigger than it seemed on Tv. I didn't get much time to look at it as Lauren quickly ushered me over to start my makeup. Sitting infront of a full length mirror, both women started poking at me with different brushes. It was then that I noticed that Gwen still hadn't moved from her spot by the door. Looking at her through the mirror I asked,

" alright?"

Lauren and Denai stopped what they were doing and looked back at her as she came out of her trance. She smiled widely and walked up behind me and said,

" you realize who's house this is!"

Confused, I looked around from my seat and took in the place before it clicked. A smile spread across my face as I started to chuckle, "oh god..."

"what?" Lauren asked confused.

"We are in Rick's house..." I laughed.

"Yes we are! oh my god, I'll be right back!" Gwen shrieked heading to the stares.

"Where are you going!" I yelled, "Don't break anything!"

"I'm not! I'm just checking out his bedroom!" I heard her yell back.

I shook my head chuckling, "Oh god"

"Hey watch it! that's my bedroom too!" Denai called back jokingly.

"Denai, I love ya girl but we have some things to discuss! but first I must explore!" I heard Gwen's shrieks of laughter upstairs and her shrieks only escalated when I guessed she had found what she was looking for.

The girls laughed as they went back to working on me. A few minutes later Gwen came back in the room with a rather large white shirt on looking completely serious. We all just starred at her as she said,

"I have layed in Rick Grimes's bed and it felt right which can only mean one thing....That is where I am meant to live and shall spend the rest of my days in that bed sleeping next to him"

The girls tried not to bust out laughing at how serious she had sounded.

"Gwen....who's shirt is that?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter...."She said.

We all about fell over in laughter as Lauren said, "You do realize in about an hour you will be walking down the aisle with the man himself and you are nowhere close to being ready because you won't get out of the man's shirt."

Her eyes widened and she said, "Oh shit! I'm about to walk down the aisle with Andrew Lincoln!!! Mel this may turn into a double wedding!"

I just shook my head and turned back around as the girls finished my make up. It was simple, but by the time they were done, It was like I couldn't recognize myself. Gwen who had finally took off Rick's shirt and got into her dress helped me into mine. Silence filled the room as the girls gasped when I stood before them. I was confused until Gwen turned me towards the mirror and I saw myself for the first time. Tears filled my eyes as the beautiful bride in the mirror starred back at me. Other than the oxygen, I wouldn't have believed it to be me. Turning back to my friends, each smiled and brought me in for a hug when a knock at the door came. Lauren smiled and released from the hug as she answered it ushering the person in. My eyes widened when the person entered the room.


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