Sworn to secrecy

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Breathe Mel...Breathe.. I thought to myself as I was being dragged to an open trailer at the end of the main street of Alexandria. They are just people..sure they may work on your favorite tv show and be complete badasses and be completely gorgeous and awesome in real life but that shouldn't matter right?... I shook my head realizing my mental pep talk to myself wasn't working. Once inside the trailer, I looked around and saw it was very similar to Norman's but with a feminine touch. Melissa dragged me over to a small couch as Denai sat on a make up table as lauren and Melissa sat on either side of me. I gulped down my nerves as I tried to steady my breathing. 

"you want a drink?" Denai smiled before turning to lauren, "Your sodas in the fridge?"

Lauren smiled and then turned back to me as I said, "no thanks" to denai.

"So what's your name?" Melissa smiled.

"Melody" I whispered nervously.

"How old are you?" Lauren asked.

"25" I whispered without making eye contact with her.

Being next to lauren was the hardest because Maggie was my favorite woman character and she was currently dressed in character. They all were which made things a little more nerve racking.

"You really are exactly how Norman described you" Denai smiled,

My head perked up towards her, "And how is that?"

"Quiet, shy, but strong and absolutely beautiful" Melissa smiled causing my cheeks to flush,

"He really said all that?"

"Honey, Norman won't shut up about you." Denai said.

"I've never seen him like this" lauren agreed.

"Really?" I asked surprised with everything they were telling me.

I felt a small hand grasp mine and turned to see Melissa smiling at me, "Sweetie, he's never brought anyone to the set before and never introduced us to any of the girls he's ever talked to...Trust me when I say you are very special to him."

I looked at her in complete awe. I didn't think that norman cared as much for me as they are saying he does. I'm just a nobody.  A random girl. All this information was hitting me so fast. I wanted to pursue a future with Norman more than anything and knowing he wanted one with me just as badly gave me butterflies, but this was only for a few more days. This wouldn't last, it couldn't last. I couldn't hurt him, this is the best decision. Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about never having a future with Norman. One day he would move on and get over me. He'd find a woman good enough for him and make him happy and that woman couldn't be me.

"Awww sweetie don't cry" Melissa smiled and hugged me tightly.

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