This her?

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I held onto Norman tightly as we rode down the long road towards the set of the walking dead. I tried to calm my breathing and I prayed to god that he didn't feel me shaking. I was nervous as hell. How could anyone be calm when being told they are about to tour the set of their favorite show and possibly meet the whole cast? This stuff just doesn't happen. Breathe Mel...breathe. After driving for about 15 more minutes a familiar gate came into view. The gate to Alexandria. My heart started pounding harder and I'm pretty sure Norman felt it as I grip tighter against his waist. I was thankful I brought my inhaler because I'd probably need it. Pulling up to the gate, we were immediately stopped by security, but once they saw Norman, the gates were opened.

"Thanks hank!" norman yelled over the engine and I smiled at the older, pudgier man as we drove past.

My eyes widened in awe as we drove down the streets of Alexandria. The show seeming to come to life infront of my eyes. I couldn't believe I was riding on the back of a bike with "daryl Dixon" and driving through the streets that we see on tv. Weird. I watched as all the workers spread wires everywhere for the cameras. The writers and producers going over things with directors. I chuckled to myself when I saw a few walkers sitting at what looked like catering eating a hot dog and talking to other extra's. I never I guess realized how many people it took to actually put on the show. It amazed me. Pulling up to a trailer, Norman stopped the bike and turned it off. Stumbling, I made it to my feet as I got off the bike causing norman to chuckle.

"Shut up...I'll get use to it one of these days" I grunted

He smiled and got off the bike himself and pulled me into his embrace and kissed my forehead, "You better sweetheart"

I don't know what made me blush harder, the fact he called me sweetheart which he's done before or the fact that he kissed me on the forehead. He smiled down at me as he pulled away and motioned his head towards the trailer,

"this is mine, I'll show ya around."

I nodded and followed after him as he grabbed my hand. If he only realized how hard he made it for me to breathe when I'm around him. Opening the door, my attention was first brought to a wall and a desk that had different drawings and pictures on it. Walking over to it, I smiled and gazed at each piece. Norman walked up behind me and said,

"They're from my fans."

"They're amazing" I awed, "I could never draw. I'm not very artistic"

"everyone's got something they can do" he smiled.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I still wonder how I didn't flunk out of art class in school"

"Art isn't just drawing pictures mel." he smiled starting to stand closer.

I felt my breathing hitch at the closeness and I looked anywhere, but in his eyes. Don't get me wrong, I actually wanted him closer, but i needed to distance myself or i wouldn't be able to breathe. Looking across the room, my eyes met a familiar angel winged vest.

"Wow is that your vest?" i asked crossing the room towards it.

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now