How long?

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Norman's Pov

I didn't know how long I was standing there after Melody left. I wanted so badly to run after, but I couldn't. I was numb. It was like I had lost complete control of my body. This all had to be a dream or maybe even a super cruel joke, but as the longer I stand here, I realize this was real. My fists clench tightly to my sides. I felt my nails digging into my skin possibly drawing blood, but I didn't care. The numbness and the sad feeling changed into an overwhelming feeling of anger. My breathing started to quicken and I started to shake. It's as if my mind completely lost it as I raised my hand and punched a hole in the wall next to me. I looked at the decent size hole and back down to my now cut up hand, but felt no pain. Growling, I stormed up to my room and got changed, grabbed my keys and got on my bike. Within 15 minutes I had made it to my destination so I pulled into a parking spot and checked my watch. It was about 6, so I silently hoped I didn't miss him. Storming up to the door, I pulled on the door only for them to be locked.

"shit" I growled.

Looking around, I noticed one other car in the parking lot by my bike parked in the physician parking. This gave me hope that he was still here. Turning back to the door, I started banging on it,

"Dr. Roberts! Open up!"

I started yanking the door back and forth angrily as he still hadn't come out of his office," Dr. Roberts!"

Still nothing and I started growing more annoyed and aggravated when there was still no answer. Running a hand through my hair, I kicked the door and started to storm back to my bike when a voice stopped me,


I turned back and saw Dr. Roberts looking at me concerned. I felt like I lost my breath as he ran over to me,

"are you ok? What's wrong?"

The sudden anger seemed to leave and I felt like I was about to break any minute. My lip began to quiver, "It's melody"

His concern seemed to grow as his eyes widened, "what about her? is she ok?"

I looked down to the ground and shook my head. Placing both my hands in my front jean pockets, I fought back the tears and had to clear my throat.

"she has cancer.."my voice cracked.

I heard him sigh,"i know"

my head snapped up and he looked at me apologetically, "why don't you come inside?"

I nodded and followed him back inside where he led me to the back. My heart aching as we passed melody's desk thinking about the first time I met her. Once we were in his office, he went to get something out of his desk as I watched him. He grabbed out and envelope and walked over to a machine, placing the contents of the envelope on it. I watched as he turned on the bright light showing the xrays. My eyes widened at the picture of lungs which seemed to be filled with a huge black mass. He sighed and turned to me,

" I've followed her case since I met her, worked alongside her specialist Dr. Kale."

My eyes didn't advert from the pictures, "Isn't there anything you can do?"

he shook his head, "no..she's been through everything, chemo, radiation, different medications, but her body has rejected them all."

My fists clenched to the sides as I looked at the mass with an extreme hatred, "she doesn't deserve this."

"who does?" he said.

We both were silent as the news started to really sink in.

"norman, she's going to get worse. Soon this tumor is going to break through her chest wall and there is no way we can stop it. She soon won't be able to breathe on her own" he said.

I looked at him for the first time and noticed his eyes becoming glossy, "She's suppose to be on oxygen now, but she won't"

"she's stubborn" I said.

he chuckled and wiped the dampness from his eyes, "that she is...I got her using an inhaler when needed, but that's it."

I nodded and looked down nervously dreading the answer to the next question, "what happens when this thing spreads?"

He remained silent and I looked up at him seeing him looking to the floor sadly. My body froze and I felt like I was going to be sick. My eyes started to get watery as I was hit with the terrible truth I didn't want to know. Melody was going to die. This cancer was going to kill her and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

"She loves you" he said.

I looked at him as he sighed, "I've known her a long time and I've never seen her like she is when she is with you. this past week she has barely had any of her attacks. it was like you were making her healthy."

"Not healthy enough" I grunted.

"all we can do now is just be here for her, make her comfortable and show how much we care. She doesn't have any family to do that for her. Us and Gwen are the only ones." he said.

I looked back at the x-rays and they looked like they were taunting me. I felt disgusted and I wanted to scream. Hell I wanted to punch a hole through it.

"how long?" I asked, my voice cracking.

He was quiet for a few moments and then said, "6-7 months"

My heart shattered and with all this coming at me at once, I lost control. I stormed up to the x-rays and tore them in two.

"Norman!" Dr. Roberts yelled after me as I stormed out of the office and to my bike.

I heard him still yelling my name and I could see him standing at the door watching me. I completely ignored him as it felt like everything in my body was being ripped apart. Turning the bike on, I didn't listen to his pleas for me to stop and drove down the road.

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now