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Melody's pov

I felt myself growing paler as the day went on. If i just stopped breathing now, I honestly wouldn't have minded. I didn't feel like myself. I felt like I was a shell of who I was a few days ago and all because of a guy. This wasn't just any guy though. This was THE guy. I had been put in a situation that any girl would dream to have been put in. I mean what are the odds of your favorite celebrity coming into your place of employment and asking you out on a date? Not likely. So either god was teasing me knowing it couldn't happen or he was randomly placed into my life for a reason. Either way one of us was going to get hurt and I was going to make sure it was me and not him. He deserved so much better. Running a hand through my hair, I was brought out of my thoughts when someone cleared their throat. Looking up slowly, I saw Dr. Roberts looking at me concerned.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Fine" I said as he crossed over to me and took my wrist in his hand.

Rolling my eyes, I let him check my pulse manually and then he said, "Go take a seat in my office."

nodding, i stood up instantly getting dizzy and almost tripping. He caught me and led me into his small office and closed the door. Sitting me down, he grabbed his pulse ox and took my pulse again. Sighing, he took it off and said,

"your pulse is really low and you are cold to the touch. What's going on?"

shrugging, i adverted my eyes to the ground. Hearing him sigh again, I heard him pull up his chair and take a seat across from me,"when are you seeing the specialist again?"

"2 weeks. He calls a lot though" i mumbled.

"Yea we keep in contact. Dr. Kale is a good doctor" he agreed.

i just nodded and started playing with my hands nervously.

"Melody what's really going on?" he asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Why?" i asked.

"Melody, I know you well. You've been different ever since that man from the walking dead came in" he said causing my head to shoot straight up.

He chuckled,"You wanna tell me what that is about?"

sighing, i ran a hand through my hair as i watched him smirk at me, "He asked me out"

"that's great!" he exclaimed.

"yea, but i told him I can't see him" i said.

"Why not?" he asked.

Adverting my eyes to the floor again, i started to play with my hand," You know why"

Dr. Roberts sighed, "Melody..."

"I know the doctors said to try to live life normally, but I can't bring another person in on this. I care about him too much." i whispered.

"I understand that, but if you spend all the time you have left worrying about others and not yourself, you are going to be miserable and it'll make your time left shorter than it already is. You deserve to be happy." he said.

Looking up hesitantly, he smiled at me, "Just think about it ok?"

nodding, I took a deep breath and stood up without wobbling. Everything Dr. Robrts just told me kept repeating in my head. Did I really think about others more than i did myself? Was it really killing me faster? Sighing, i became confused when I noticed Gwen was sitting at my deask with a huge smirk on her face. It was her "i'm obviously up to no good" face. Groaning i asked,

"What are you doing?"

"i just roomed your last patient for you" she smiled.

"What are you talking about?" i asked.

"You were in talking with Dr. Roberts so i brought your last patient back, They are in the room waiting for you" she smirked.

"oh ummm ok thanks."I said and made my way towards room 6.

"No prob" she chuckled and skipped back up front to her desk.

Arching my eyebrow, I was confused of her sudden quirkiness. Taking the door knob in my hand, I sighed one last time and then entered the room. Once inside my eyes widened and my feet fell frozen to the ground. It felt like I couldn't even breathe as I starred into the eyes of my next patient. He just smirked at my reaction as my heart started pounding out of my chest,

"Hey melody"


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