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"Mel...Mel..wake up" I heard Gwen say as she nudged my shoulder.

My eyes started to flutter open, simply not satisfied with the short nap I had. For some reason I was completely exhausted. Sure I had been dragged around the mall all day, but normally it really doesn't affect me. Shielding my eyes from the brightness of the sun I asked,


"Time to wake up..We're here" She said.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around and saw the familiar house sitting infront of us. Smiling, I turned to Gwen and asked,

"What are we doing here? does he even know we were coming over?"

She smiled and nodded, "Course he does! now c'mon, he's gonna die when he sees you in that dress."

Blushing, I looked down and started playing with the lace on the skirt of the dress nervously. I've never dressed up like this for anyone. Now here I am showing up to my boyfriend's house randomly in some frilly dress my best friend made me wear. I looked back up at Gwen who was smiling widely before she got out of the car. Sighing, I followed behind her until we reached his door. She immediately rang his doorbell. We waited for a few moments with no answer. I looked over at my best friend as she seemed to be becoming inpatient. She rang the bell again, even knocked this time. Once answer. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. He probably wasn't home, but looking towards the driveway both his bike and jeep were there. He wasn't ignoring us was he? What if he didn't want to see me?

"Maybe we should go...he's obviously busy" I whispered playing with my hands nervously.

She placed both her hands on her hips looking at the door annoyed, "nah we aren't going anywhere"

My eyes widened as she twisted the doorknob and the door opened. She looked up at me excitedly as she opened the door wider and started to walk in. I quickly grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She looked back at me with a confused expression,


"You can't just walk into people's houses Gwen! Especially celebrity's homes!" I exclaimed.

She looked at me like I was crazy, "Really mel? 1 this isn't just any celebrity, this is your boyfriend's house. 2 you live here like 5 days out of the week so this is pretty much your house too. So I am not just walking into a random persons house...I'm walking into yours."

I starred at her not knowing what to say back to her. I guarantee Norman wouldn't mind, but what if he did? what if he was busy? What if he didn't want to see me right now? Would he get mad? Gwen smirked realizing I had nothing to say before grabbing my wrist and dragging me inside. The whole how was dark which was extremely weird. Usually the whole place was bright, but the windows that would bring the light in were closed with curtains. It was so quiet that it was scary and my heart started to pound with nerves.

"Is it usually this dark?" Gwen asked.

"No" i whispered.

When we made it to the living room, I felt along the walls for the light switch. Relief filling me as I found it and flipped the lights on. Turning back towards the room, I jumped in shock when a room filled with people yelled,


Gasping for air, trying to regain composure my eyes darted around seeing the whole cast, Dr. Roberts, and Mingus smiling widely around a banner that said "Happy Birthday Melody." Tears filled my eyes as I turned to Gwen who was smirking evilly,

"You knew!?"

She laughed and hugged me tightly as tear slipped down my cheek. As she let me go, I was immediately brought into the arms of Lauren Cohan, followed by Denai, Melissa, and Emily. It was bittersweet moment with Emily, just because of my feelings of her with Norman, but I knew Norman would never hurt me. When she let me go, I was immediately brought into Steven's embrace,

"Happy birthday!!"

I chuckled, "Thank you!" and was grabbed by Andy who picked me up and spun me around, kissing my forehead,

"Happy birthday sweetheart"

I heard a little squeak from behind me causing both of us to look back and see Gwen looking away nervously. I smirked and looked back at Andy who smiled at me before looking back to her,

"Now if you'll excuse me Melody, I must return to my date"

I chuckled and looked back at Gwen who's eyes widened as Andy walked up to her doing the same thing he did to me and grabbing her hand at the end. I loved the way Andy treated Gwen. He knew how big of a fan she was of him and each time he was around her, he treated her like she was his whole world. It gave me comfort knowing that even after I'm gone, I have full confidence that Andy will continue to be there for her like he is now.

"Melody!" a voice exclaimed causing me to turn, only to be tackled in a hug by Mingus.

I hugged him back and smiled at Chandler who was standing behind him.

"Happy birthday!" mingus exclaimed as he looked up at me still in his arms.

"Thanks bud! By the way so not cool of you to hide this from me! totally could've told me earlier on the phone" I laughed.

"That would've ruined the surprise" he laughed letting go of my waist.

I chuckled and ruffled up his hair, before looking over to Chandler.

"Happy birthday melody" he said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes before grabbing him, pulling him into a hug. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist as I hugged him. Once I released him from my embrace, I ruffled his hair like I did Mingus's as they both gave me a smug look. Someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned to see those beautiful blue eyes I had fallen in love with. A wide smile spread across my face as I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He held me up under my legs and looked shocked by my reaction, but before he could say anything I kissed him. Never have I kissed anyone this passionately before. I was pouring everything I had into this. The thankfulness, the shock, and the amount of love I had for this man was all behind powering this kiss. I craved this man, his taste, his smell, everything about him. He was my life, the air I breathe and I knew it was extremely selfish of me to pull him into this craziness I call life, but he made it perfectly aware he wasn't going anywhere and didn't want to. I pulled away from him and he looked at me with his mouth agape like he was in complete shock,

"wow" he whispered.

I smiled while blushing and rested my forehead on his own. "I love you"

"I love you too. Happy birthday" he whispered back.

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