Broke Down

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The next day Norman had to work so we weren't going to be hanging out today which sucked. I was still on cloud 9 from the kiss last night. I still felt his kiss on my lips, how he tasted and it made my lips tingle. I wanted more. It's all I could think about and it was like I was addicted. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I barely noticed when gwen nudged me with her elbow,

"Mel come on or we're gonna be late"

I shook my head and came out of my daze, nodding at my best friend as we got into the car and started off to see Dr. Kale. I wasn't supposed to have an appointment with him for a few more weeks, but after I got my blood drawn a few days ago and xrays, he wanted to see me. I guess I should be nervous with the outcome that he found, but I wasn't. Hell, gwen was more nervous than me. Remaining focused on the road was pointless because all I could think about was Norman. How warm I felt in his arms. How I felt like I could tell him anything. How my heart fluttered the moment I heard his voice. I couldn't even watch the walking dead normally anymore. I daydreamed the whole way through my doctor's appointment. I honestly didn't care what he said, all I wanted was to be back with norman. It was only when he put my xrays up on the screen that I seemed to zone back into reality. Dr. Kale looked at me sadly,

"It seems that the tumor is starting to spread into your chest wall."

My eyes widened and I heard gwen whimper as he continued,

"Have you noticed that you've been having attacks more frequently?"

I nodded, but my eyes remained on the xrays on the screen. I heard him sigh and then he shook his head,

 "I hate to say this young lady, but your time with us may be shorter than I expected."

I flinched and I noticed a tear start to run down Gwen's cheek. I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but she just shook her head. I ran a hand through my hair and asked,

"How long?"

"With how big it has gotten, I would probably say 6 to 7 months tops. I'm so sorry." He whispered remorsefully.

The car ride home was a silent one with only a few whimpers from Gwen as she refused to meet my gaze. The doctors words kept replaying in my mind. I now only had 6 to 7 months left. I was on a tighter clock then I thought I was. I thought of any possible way to try to lighten the mood in the car but I know it was useless. there was nothing I could say. This also meant I needed to break things completely off with norman. the week wasn't over yet but I was getting too attached and so was he. I couldn't live with myself if I kept leading him on like this. The sound of my phone ringing broke the silence in the car. My heart both fluttered and ached when I saw the Norman's name flash across the screen.

M: Hello

N: Hey beautiful, what you doin?

M: On my way back to the condo with Gwen. (I sighed)

N:Everything ok?

I didn't say anything as I felt like my heart was about to shatter. I quickly wiped away a stray tear that slipped.


M:No, not really

N: What's wrong?

My breathing hitched and I felt like my voice was about to crack.

M:ummm...we can talk about it later ok? How's work?

N:ok.....ummm works good but hey I hate to ask this, but I need a really huge favor.

M:What's up?

N: You remember Mingus?

M: Your son? yea.

N: He caught an early flight and is going to land in about an hour. I'm not getting off until later tonight and I cant leave. Anyway you could pick him up for me?

I looked over at Gwen hesitant if I should leave her alone today, but I knew me being around would probably make things worse. She will probably go home and put on the walking dead and see Andy and all will be fine later, but this is how she mourns.

M: Yea, no problem.

N: Thank you so much mel. We'll have dinner tonight and we can talk about what's bothering you alright?

M: ok sounds good. (I whispered and hung up)

Fighting the tears in my eyes, knowing tonight will be the worst night of my life, I continued driving trying to get home before I broke down.

A/N hey guys! so this story just went into a different direction. How do you think this is gonna go? You think she will tell him or not? If she does how do you think Norman will react?

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