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A Few Days later, Melody's POV

Gwen had been dragging me around this mall for hours. I was both mentally and physically exhausted. The smile on her face beaming as she went through every store, forcing me to try on different party dresses. I don't know why she was even making me do that, It was my birthday and I hadn't heard a word from Norman all day. It stung a little bit thinking maybe he forgot, but I tried not to show it. I texted him this morning, but I didn't get anything back. I even kept checking my phone every few minutes to make sure...still nothing. Walking through the mall crowds, I found myself getting increasingly more tired and a little agitated. Gwen stopped when we now stood infront of Forever 21. She looked at me with a big, toothy grin. I inwardly groaned, knowing this was her favorite store and I dreaded the amount of things I knew she's make me try on. I honestly just wanted to go home and lay down. That's how I wanted to spend my birthday.

"Gwen, I'm getting really tired. Can we leave yet?" I groaned.

"You've been saying that for like an hour now, c'mon Mel live a little!" She squealed trying to pull me into the store.

I planted my feet on the ground and shook my head, looking at my phone once more and seeing no new messages.,

"you go get a head start, I'm going to make a call"

She sighed, " fine, but hurry up!"

I nodded and watched her skip her way into the sparkly floor shop looking like a little school girl. Chuckling to myself, I went and sat down at one of the benches and dialed Norman's number. It rang for a while and then went to his voicemail. Sighing, I decided to dial another number and by the 3rd ring I had an answer,


"Hey Mingus" I smiled.

"hey Melody! Happy birthday by the way"

Chuckling, "thanks bud. Means a the way have you spoke to your father today?"

He was quiet for a second and then said, "Earlier, why?"

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair, "I was just wondering.....haven't really heard from him today"

"He's been pretty busy today, don't worry Mel he will probably message you soon." he said.

"Alright thanks, i'll talk to you later ok?" I said.

"Ok! Bye Melody, have fun shopping!" he exclaimed causing me to laugh,

"Bye Squirt"

Hanging up the phone, I looked down at my phone and chuckled. Mingus could always put a smile on my face. It was then that I became consumed in thought.

How did Mingus know what I was doing?

Becoming confused, I shook my head and walked into the store. Immediately I was gripped by Gwen who had a whole handful of party dresses. Rolling my eyes, I let her pull me to the dressing room where I tried on this black lace dress. It was knee length, form fitting on the top, and then poofed out in the skirt. It was beautiful. Looking in the mirror, I smiled and tears came to my eyes. Looking back in my reflection didn't look like a sick, dying girl. I looked different. Gwen gasped and then took my clothes. My eyes widened as I starred at her,

"What are you doing?"

"You're getting that dress and you are wearing it out" she said.

"What!? Why!" I started to panic.

I was not a dressy person and this dress was way to flashy to be wearing while walking around a mall. Gwen smirked and looked down at her phone, reading a message and then back to me,

"Just trust me! C'mon, lets go pay for it, it's time to go!"

I arched an eyebrow confused as she dragged me out of the dressing room to the register. We payed for the dress and then she basically ran to the car. I started to fumble with the keys before they were ripped from my hands. I looked up shocked to see Gwen smiling at me like she was up to no good.

"Gwen what are you doing?"

"Driving...get in the car" she smiled suspiciously

I looked at her hesitantly before nodding and walking over to the passenger side, getting in. I buckled my seat belt and looked at my crazy best friends weirdly,

"where are we going?"

"Don't worry about it" she smiled.

"you aren't gonna murder me are you?" I joked.

"I will if you don't sit back, relax, and just trust me" she said starting up the car.

Sighing, I shook my head and leaned back in my seat as she started driving. Suddenly feeling extremely tired, I started to close my eyes only for them to be shot open when my phone buzzed. Pulling it out of my sweatshirt I had on over the dress, I smiled widely seeing the message.

Sorry babydoll, been super busy all day.

Happy birthday my beautiful princess.

Don't make plans because tonight you are mine :)

I love you.

-Norman <3

Chuckling, I replied to him and then rested my head on the window. Closing my eyes and falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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