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3rd person pov

With Christmas now just weeks away, Norman found himself stressing to get the perfect wedding planned. Melody had no input on anything and he liked the way that this would all be a surprise for her. He was hoping to see that familiar light in her eye that has faded the last few weeks. She had started going downhill rather quickly and it terrified him. She is now on an oxygen machine all the time which she hates but now she doesn't even bother to protest. Her skin is always a pasty white color and she is extremely weak. Norman has to help her to get from a sitting to a standing position normally. Melody hates is. She feels weak and useless. It embarrasses her to constantly need him, but in all honesty he doesn't mind it. They had finished filming the current season of The Walking Dead so he was always home and accessible to her. He wasn't going to any of the conventions either so he could be here if she needed him. Norman was finishing up putting the final touches on the wedding when he looked up from his computer to see Melody on the couch next to him fast asleep. He smiled seeing how besutiful and peaceful his bride to be was. Noticing her tubing from the oxygen machine starting to fall off her cheek, he quietly stood up and adjusted the nasal canula gently so it wouldn't wake her. He then let his hand softly land on her delicate cheek and admired her more. He has never been so in love with a woman and it killed him knowing he may only have a few weeks left with her. It was a cruel realization and one that Norman still wouldn't accept. Melody may have gave up the hope of finding anything to help her, but he hadn't. The fight was far from being over for him. He had reached out to top oncologists all around the world, pleading her case and trying to find anything that could help them. He was currently awaiting reponses. Sighing, he blinked back the tears he had in his eyes and went back to his laptop. Looking back towards his beautiful fiance, he smiled to himself and closed the computer before starting towards the kitchen to make dinner.

Melody's pov

When i woke up earlier from my nap, Norman had been in the kitchen cooking dinner so i just went to my usual spot in the recording studio. I hated dragging along this oxygen tank now, but i knew i had no choice. Soon i wouldn't be around anymore and i wanted to make sure everything would be ok when i was gone. It may sound like i've already given up, but i haven't. I'm determined to make it to see the new year. Picking up my notebook, i picked back up on what i was writing before when a knock came at the door. Quickly closing the book, i turned and saw my gorgeous man standing in the doorway smiling,

"I didn't even hear you get up?"

I shrugged and then turned back to my book, " I haven't been up long"

I heard him start to walk into the room behind me and closed my book as i felt his arms snake around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder,

"I could've helped you get up"

i chuckled, "I was alright"

He sighed and then placed gentle kisses on my shoulder before saying, "You ever gonna let me see what you're writing?"

I smiled and shook my head, "Can't it's a surprise"

"But i hate surprises!" he groaned and nuzzled his head into my neck.

I turned and kissed him on the forhead, "Get over it reedus"

He then looked at me and smirked before pulling me in for a gentle kiss, "You're lucky i love you"

"or what?" i joked and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Or else i wouldn't be so nice" he smirked.

"You? Nice?" i laughed.

"what? I'm an extremely nice person!" he defended.

I playfully rolled my eyes and said, "keep telling yourself that"

"You're gonna get it girl" he growled and then out of nowhere threw me over his shoulder and started spinning.

I was laughing so hard but then my oxygen tubing started getting tangled and eventually came out of my nose.

"Norm, put me down" i begged.

He didn't notice what happened and kept spinning, " not until you take back what you said!"

"Norm...babe seriously" i said starting to struggle to get a breath.

"Melody seriously....take back what you said" he laughed.

"Norm my oxygen fell out!" i yelled.

that brought him to a screeching halt. He quickly put me down and got the nasal canula hastily before putting it back in my nose and prompting me to take slow, deep breaths. Teard filled my eyes as i saw how broken he looked. He nervously looked to the ground and then back to me,

"I'm sorry Mel, I should've known"

i shook my head, "it's not your's mine."

"how the hell is it your fault?" he asked.

"Because i'm not normal, you can't do normal fun things normal couples do. i'm just holding you back. i don't see what you see in me." i whispered with a tear falling down my cheek.

Norman placed a soft hand on my cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb, "you're right mel you're not're special. You're not like any other woman on this planet and i love you so do not think for a second you are holding me back. If you are doing anything, you are only making me stronger."

"you mean that?" i asked.

He smiled and wiped a few more stray tears with his thumb, "yes"

I smiled and admired the man starring back at me. Whenever i felt weak, he made me strong. Whenever i just wanted to give up, he made me remember I have a reason to fight. I loved him more than anything in this world. Chuckling to myself, i wiped my tears and said,

"Dammit Reedus, you made me mess up my make up"

he laughed as well and said, "hey don't bash on me, you're gonna be a reedus pretty damn soon."

He then turned from me and started towards the doorway as i joked, "oh yea? and how soon will that be?"

He stopped in the doorway and turned back with smirk. What he said next made the blood flush from my body and every limb become unmovable,



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