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It was about 6pm when we made our way to Norman's house. I had kept Gwen out all day taking her to her favorite mall, we saw a movie, and even got her starbucks. We had been driving for a while in the middle of nowhere until we made it to the beginning of the large gravel driveway.

"Umm where are we going?" Gwen asked.

"Don't worry about it" I smirked.

"Ok look if you took me to all my favorite places just so you could take me out in the middle of nowhere to kill me, could you atleast wait until after the season 6 premier! I want to see Andy's beautiful face one last time!" she exclaimed dramatically.

I laughed and then looked back at her, "C'mon don't you trust me?"

"I don't know, did get me starbucks so I guess you've earned it" she said.

"just shut up, we're almost there" I smiled.

"whatever, wherever we are going we cant stay long, season 6 starts soon!" she exclaimed.

"Trust me, we won't miss it" I smirked.

Pulling up to the huge house, Gwen's eyes immediately widened in awe. I smiled over at her and shut the car off, before noticing there were more cars than just Norman's in the driveway. Suddenly nerves flew through my body. Sure, I've met most of the cast, but only once and I was still nervous as hell around them.

"Mel, where are we?" Gwen asked nervously.

I smiled and said, "let's go find out"

I got out of the car and waited as gwen hesitated, but finally did get out of the passenger side. She still starred wide eyed at the house.

"just wait until you see what's on the inside" I thought to myself.

Crossing over to the passenger side, I grabbed her arm playfully, "Cmon!"

She looked at me nervously as we made our way towards the door. After ringing the doorbell, it took a minute before Mingus answered. He smiled widely and exclaimed,


"Hey ming" I smiled as he hugged me tightly.

Gwen's eyes remained widened as she saw Mingus. I noticed her beginning to shake with nerves. She had only met Norman twice and now I was about to throw the whole cast at her, including the one man she is head over heels for. I am such an awesome best friend. Mingus pulled away and then smiled over at Gwen,

"hey Gwen!" He exclaimed.

"hi" she whispered nervously.

"Come on in! Dads waiting for you!" He smiled while opening the door wider.

gripping Gwen's hand we walked through the door and heard music blasting throughout the house. Mingus led us up to the living room area and we heard someone yell,

"Mingus c'mon you're up!"

Looking over towards the voice, I saw Steven waving a video game controller in the air. I heard Gwen's breathing hitch and I chuckled as Steven saw me and waved,

"hey melody!"

i smiled and waved at him before turning back to Gwen to make sure she was ok when someone squealed my name,


Turning towards the scream, I saw Lauren, denai, and Melissa running towards us. I was immediately brought Into a hug by all three girls.

"you look beautiful!" Lauren smiled.

"how are you doing?" Melissa asked.

i smiled,"I'm good"

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now