Anything for you

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Someone cleared their throat behind us making us jump apart to see Lauren and Emily both smirking. I blushed bright red totally forgetting about everyone else in the room when I had shared the most intimate kiss I've ever had with my boyfriend. The Greene sisters chuckled before lauren exclaimed,


Before I could object to anything, both girls already had me by the arm pulling me to Norman's living room. I looked behind me back to Norman for help only for him to chuckle before being brought in a headlock by Michael Rooker. My heart fluttered at the sight of the Dixon brothers laughing. The girls sat me on the couch as everyone crowded me. My breathing started to pick up being the center of attention. Thankfully Norman joined me on the couch and placed his arms around my shoulders which instantly calmed me down.

"Alright who wants to go first?" Lauren asked looking around the group.

"Not me. I call going last" Andy spoke from next to Gwen.

Norman glared at him causing Andy to chuckle and shrug, "What? Save the best fro last right?"

Norman flipped him off causing everyone to laugh as I kissed his cheek. These 2 were more like brothers than you would think. Always competing, playing pranks, and being super protective. I loved it. The girls all pitched in and got me a gorgeous Pandora bracelet, Chandler got me a few video games with a challenge to beat me in them later, Steven got me some DVD's, and then Michael came up to me with a familiar looking crossbow. My eyes widened as I held it up.

"Wait is this mine?" Norman asked.

"Sure is little brother, thought Melody here would need a weapon to tame yer ass" Michael joked.

"But won't you need this? for the show?" I asked.

"Nah, they have plenty and lets be serious, Reedus was gonna steal this sooner or later like he always does" Rooker chuckled before going to sit back down.

Everyone had huge smiles on their faces and were having a great time. I looked over at Gwen who was wrapped in Andy's arms happier than I have ever seen her. I had never been surrounded by so much love in one room. It was then that my chest started to feel like it was on fire. I clenched in pain and I felt tears swell up in my eyes as I struggled to breathe, but not worry anyone. Norman noticed it and squeezed my shoulder causing me to look at him. He arched an eyebrow and I forced a smile trying to make him not worry. He wasn't buying it though. As he was about to say something, Mingus's voice stopped him,

"is it our turn dad? Can we give her our present?"

We both looked at the young blonde who was filled with excitement. Norman looked back towards me trying to see if I was ok. I simply nodded as he sighed and looked back to his son,

"Yea go ahead."

"Sweet!" he exclaimed running out of the room.

Seconds later Mingus ran back in the room with something in his arms. My eyes widened when I saw exactly what it was. In his arms was a dark brown german sheppard puppy. I gasped and looked at norman who was all smiles and nodded at me. Turning back to mingus, he now stood infront of me with the puppy,

"Happy birthday Melody"

Tears swelled my eyes as I took the small puppy into my arms. Instantly the animal started licking my face causing me and everyone to laugh.

"He already likes me!" I laughed.

"Not hard to do there darling" norman smiled.

"What's his name?" I asked mingus.

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now