I'm There

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Mingus's eyes widened as he stood there looking at me. I was shocked to see him here. I knew he was going to be in the wedding, but coming here before was something I didn't expect since he hasn't said a word to me in weeks. Lauren looked on proudly between us as the smaller Reedus seemed to be in a state of shock. Neither of us said a word, just starring at each other when someone finally cleared their throat from behind me.

"I think we should give these two some privacy before the ceremony" Danai said.

"Of course" Lauren smiled, "but no crying....you'll ruin my masterpiece!" and both girls started for the door.

Gwen followed behind them but stopped next to me, "If you find anything worth while like maybe Rick's glock, his badge, underwear, etc.... grab it"

"Gwen!" Danai and lauren laughed.

"What! I'm coming!" Gwen smiled at them before turning back to me, "You look beautiful, I'll see you at the church."

I just nodded as she gave my hand a tight squeeze before turning towards the girls at the door, "So since we have time think we should stop by Reedus's dressing room and see if he really keeps Rick's beard in there."

"Gwen you are ate up" Lauren laughed as they left the house.

Once the door closed, silence filled the room as Mingus and I just stood there starring at each other. I wanted to say something to break the tension, but I couldn't think of the right words. Thankfully he started the conversation,

"You look beautiful"

I smiled and looked down at my dress nervously, "Thanks...The hair was all Gwen, Danai and Lauren did my make up, and the dress....well your father wouldn't let me pick a cheap one."

He cracked a small smile on his face which reminded me so much of his dad that it brought a warm smile to mine. I was so happy I was back on speaking terms with him. I had missed him greatly.

"How's your dad?" I asked gesturing him into the room and to take a seat next to me on the couch.

"Nervous, barking orders at everyone, fixing his hair every two minutes, taking millions of selfies" He said sitting next to me.

I chuckled and shook my head as he continued, "I thought the brides were suppose to be like that, not the groom."

"Not every bride is a bridezilla Ming" I laughed playing with my ring.

"Well I wasn't expecting my dad to be the groomzilla..."He muttered.

"Face it, even if it wasn't his wedding day, your dad would still be checking fixing his hair every two minutes and taking selfies" I laughed.

He smiled and nodded while playing with his hands nervously. I noticed and softly placed mine on top of his fidgety ones, "Why don't you tell me what's really on your mind Ming?"

His fidgety hands stopped moving and I felt his smaller hands hold onto mine. I noticed his eyes started to turn glassy as he sighed, "I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you, it wasn't right"

I sighed, "Ming I expected that kinda reaction from you. I didn't want you to find out the way that you did, I was going to tell you but never got the chance to. I'm sorry"

"You don't have anything to be sorry for Mel! You didn't give yourself this disease! I just got you and soon I'm going to be losing you and it's not fair." Tears started falling down his cheek.

My voice caught in my throat as my eyes too turned glassy with tears as I tried to hold them back, "I know it's not, but hey I'm here now and I'm not leaving you...ever."

I squeezed his hand tightly and he looked up at me. I smiled lightly and wiped a tear falling down his cheek with my thumb, "Even when you can't see me Ming, I will be by your side. Whenever you need me, I'm there. Whenever your dad pisses you off, I'll be there. Even on your wedding day, I'll be seated right next to your father in the crowd....I'm there. I will NEVER leave you ok?"

His lip started to quiver before he let out a loud sob and embraced me tightly in hug. Not being able to hold it in anymore, tears slipped down my cheek as I held him tightly to me, running a hand through his blonde, curly hair and whispering,

"Shhhh...I'm here...It's ok....I'm here.....I always will be......right here.."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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