Something I gotta do

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Norman's pov

Mingus finally cried himself to sleep an hour after his breakdown. Now we were both scrunched onto his twin sized bed with Murphy who joined us. I couldn't sleep, my mind was still too many places. Melody had impacted all of our lives. My house didn't even feel like a home anymore. Her laugh didn't radiate through the halls, my phone wasn't blowing up every few minutes with goofy text messages, and the atmosphere was just cold. How did I live life before her if I was this miserable without her? Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone to check my twitter but immediately stopped when I looked at my lock screen. It was her in my Daryl Dixon vest when I took her to the set. A small smile spread across my face as I clicked into my photos and went through the millions of selfies we had taken. They were goofy, some were smiling, but others I took without her even knowing. She hated it when I did that, but I couldn't help it. She was just so beautiful and I wanted to capture every minute. I started playing the video i took of her and mingus playing that song at her party and I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away after the song ended, sighing as I dropped the phone to my side. An idea slipped into my mind and a new warm and determined feeling flew through me. Looking over to the clock that was next to Mingus's bed I saw it was only 7:30am. I hadn't slept all night. Cursing to myself, I sat up and ran a hand through the tangles in my long hair. Mingus stirred and looked up at me tiredly,


Looking back down at him I gave him a weak smile before running a hand through his hair, "Hey, go back to sleep."

"Where are you going?" he asked making Murphy wake up from beside him and the dog looked towards me as well.

"Gonna go out for a little bit then head up the hospital. Gonna call Andy and have him come over ok?" I whispered.

"I wanna go to" he objected as he started to try to get up.

I gently pushed him back down to his bed, "Nah, not right now. Need your sleep."

"So do you" he said.

"I know...There's just something I gotta do on my own. I'll have Andy bring you up later ok?" I asked.

He hesitated but nodded as I kissed his forehead and pet Murphy on the head, "You got a song to finish anyways, but after a few more hours of sleep.

He sleepily nodded and lay back down along with Murphy as I walked out. After I got off the phone with Andy and he agreed to bring Gwen over to watch Ming, I walked out to my bike and sped down the road. The cool Georgia morning nicked at my skin causing Goosebumps to form all over my body. I reached the city of Atlanta rather quickly thanks to the lack of traffic due to the early morning. I parked my bike infront of a store and quickly made my way inside, thankful it was open. As I entered, there was no one inside and the sales reps looked surprised to see a customer. There eyes widened when they recognized me and I heard a few start whispering, but I ignored them and started looking inside the different cases. My heart was pounding with nerves as the diamond jewelry looked up at me intimidatingly. The stones shining at me in all different sizes and cuts which only increased my nerves.

"Can I help you?" a man's voice asked causing me to jump.

He noticed that I startled him and he said, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you Mr. Reedus"

I just nodded at the man and didn't care that he knew my name as I looked back down at the rings. I heard him chuckle as he then asked,

"You thinking about popping the big question"

"Yea" I mumbled.

"I see...well I'd be happy to help you if you'd like" he said politely.

I looked away from the rings and up to the man. He probably saw how worn out I looked. I was both physically and mentally exhausted and this wasn't helping the situation anymore. I once again nodded and he smiled widely,

"Alright well what are we looking for today? is there a specific cut you want? a certain size?"

I shook my head, "don't know much about any of that. Just know it has to be perfect."

"Alright well describe your soon to be fiancé." he said.

Fiancé. That word alone sent shivers down my spine, "She's strong, stubborn, beautiful. She's a fighter, but she's sweet as ever. Talented, but doesn't like the spotlight. She isn't flashy, but very outgoing."

I felt like I was going on forever as I looked up at the man who was smiling at me proudly. He nodded and said, "I think I have the perfect one for you."

I nodded and watched him walk back to the back before bringing back a small black box. As he opened it, my eyes widened when he picked it up for me and placed it in my hands. The diamond was beautiful, not too flashy and not too big. I found myself imagining it on her hand and smiled lightly.

"It's a princess cut. As you were explaining your girl, it only seemed fitting." he said.

My eyes went from the ring back to him, "You're right. Thanks...I'll take it."

He smiled and nodded before ringing it up and handing me the box after I payed for it, "Good luck Norman"

I thanked him and ran out to my bike before speeding down the road to the hospital. Quickly parking, I stormed inside quickly making it to her room. As I opened the door, I came face to face with Dr. Kale. He looked at me disapprovingly,

"I thought I told you not to come back until you were rested."

"I know what you said, but there's no way I'm getting any sleep without her next to me" I said.

He sighed and shook his head before moving to the side allowing me inside, "Her condition hasn't changed, I'll send someone in with blankets and a pillow for you."

I nodded thankfully as I headed inside. My stomach dropped seeing her look pretty much the same as I grabbed the chair and brought it up next to her bed. Sitting down, I leaned against her bed and grabbed her cold hand in mine squeezing it gently. Tears filled my eyes as I gained no reaction from her. Blinking away the water in my eyes, I sighed before grabbing the black box in my pocket and taking the ring out. Gently lifting her left hand, I slid the ring on her finger. An overwhelming feeling overflew me as I admired its beauty. It looked exactly how I pictured it would. I felt a sob hit the back of my throat as I stood up and kissed her on her forehead letting tears fall down my cheeks as I whispered,

"please wake up"

Sitting back down, I gripped onto her hand again letting my fingers run over the ring I placed there as I rested my head on her bedside finding myself falling asleep within seconds. 

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