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Melody's pov

I was extremely thankful that I had work today. I couldn't keep my mind off of what happened yesterday. I hadn't slept at all last night and I honestly felt the weakest I have felt in years. My attacks were happening more as well. For example, last night I had 4 of my breathing attacks in the matter of an hour and a half. Gwen tried to take me to the hospital, but I refused. I haven't seen or heard from Norman either which is a good thing. I hope he is moving on and can get through this no matter how much my heart is shattering. It had to be done though. He would find a girl that is perfect for him and mingus will go on to become an amazing young man and accomplish great things. Both of their lives will continue and thrive, even if I'm not apart of it. Sitting at my desk, I starred blankly at the screen of my computer feeling completely numb. My stomach growled loudly, but I didn't care.

"Hungry?" A voice chuckled.

my head snapped up to see Dr. Roberts leaning on the counter by my desk. I just shook my head, "no I'm ok"

"You're stomach tells me otherwise...You're really pale too" he said starting to look me over.

"she hasn't eaten" gwen piped in.

I shot her a warning glare not wanting her to go into things, btu she just continued," Her attacks are coming a lot more as well"

Dr. Roberts looked at me concerned, "Are you feeling ok? What's wrong?"

"Nothing....im fine" I sighed.

"mel..."he started to say.

I just shook my head, "please just let me handle things...if I need you I will come to you I promise."

he looked at me hesitantly before sighing, "fine...promise me that"

I nodded, "promise"

he studied me for another second before walking back to his office. Once he was gone, I glared at Gwen, "what was that about!"

"You need to tell him what's going on Mel! he could help you" she said.

"No he can't! no one can! don't you understand!?" I yelled quietly.

"Norman could" she grunted.

"what?" I growled.

"the past week, you've been the healthiest I have ever seen you. Always smiling! Always energetic! it was like you weren't even sick, but you pushed him away like you always do! Do you realize how much that man loves you?!" she yelled.

"So this is what all this is about huh?! Norman?! I did what I did because I had to! I wasn't going to hurt him and get him involved with a problem that he can easily avoid! Him and mingus both! I don't expect you to understand because you don't understand the feeling of real loss!" I yelled.

"I don't understand?! I've been with you every step of the way! every doctors appointment, every chemo, every surgery! I've watched you go from completely healthy to deteriorating infront of my very eyes and there is nothing I can do about it! So sorry for once wanting you to be happy!" she yelled and stormed back up to the front.

I watched her leave feeling completely empty. I fought tears in my eyes as it felt like I was literally losing everyone. I knew I was pushing people away, but that was my only option because I would just end up hurting them in the end. Sitting back in my chair I placed my head in my hands and fought the tears away. I honestly just wanted it to be over right then and there. All the pain I was trying to avoid, hit me at full force. I brought my face out of my hands when I heard my cellphone start ringing. Picking it up, I noticed a number I wasn't familiar with but answered it anyways,


"Melody?...it's Mingus" a young voice said on the other end.

My heart dropped, "Oh hey bud...what's up?"

"have you seen my dad? he didn't come home last night and when I came home from school yesterday there was a hole in the wall." he said.

Worry overflew me, "is his bike there?"

"no..it's gone" he said.

my heart was pounding so loud that I could barely hear the kid on the phone, "ok..well don't panic, let me make some calls and I will call you back ok?"

"ok thanks mel" he said and hung up.

My small phone suddenly felt like it weighed tons. Norman was missing. What if something happened to him? This was all my fault. I quickly dialed his number and it went straight to voicemail. My heart started pounding harder and the nerves made me wanna throw up as I redialed the number 3 other times and got the same response. Tears filled my eyes as I ran to the front desk to see a very annoyed looking Gwen.

"what?" she grunted.

"Don't gwen....did andy give you his number that night?" I asked.

"yeah why?" she asked.

"Call him" I said sternly.

"Why?" she asked starting to sense the urgency in my voice.

"Norman's missing." I said.

Her eyes widened and she immediately dialed Andy's number as I turned to run to Dr. Roberts. I was out of breath by the time I got to his office that he looked at me worriedly,

"melody what's wrong?"

"Norman's missing" I said.

His eyes widened and before he could say anything, Gwen came in the room,"Andy said he hasn't been at work either."

My worry only picked up and I felt another one of my attacks coming on.

"He came by here yesterday and asked about your condition." Dr. Roberts said.

I turned back to him quickly, "what?"

"he was worried and I told him what was going on, but then he got on his bike and rode off" he said.

My mind started wondering a million places of where he could possibly be or what could've happened to him. That was until one place came to mind.

"I have to go" I whispered and ran out of the room, grabbing my keys off the desk.

"Where are you going?!" gwen yelled after me.

"I think I know where norman is." I said and ran to the car before they could say anything else.

Putting the key in the ignition, I sped out of the parking lot hoping more than ever that my instinct was correct.

A/N So guys where do you think Norman is? is he ok? What do you think happened!!

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