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Norman's pov

Melody had been in the hospital for the rest of the week, but today she was finally coming home. I had been staying with her almost every night, but for the past 2 nights I slept in my own bed. Dr. Roberts has been educating me on how I'm going to have to take care of melody and gave me a new oxygen machine to have by our bedside. We both knew she would refuse to wear portable oxygen so I had an oxygen take put in every room in the house just in case. I even put two in the back of both of our cars so no matter where she is there is access to it if needed. I was happy she was officially moving in with me. I never slept a full night when she was home with Gwen. I was always up worrying or overthinking, but now I could keep an eye on her and be there if she needs me. Mingus has pretty much stayed in his room all week, only coming out for meals and school. I've decided to give him his space and knowing the only person that could probably help him in this situation was Melody. He knew we were engaged and that was pretty much the only hint of a smile I saw on my sons face before he went back to his room. I was so anxious for mel to finally be home and this time she was engaged to be my wife. I couldn't wait for her to see her engagement present I had gotten for her. Looking over the room one last time, I smiled and turned off the lights. Grabbing my keys off the counter I yelled up to Mingus,

"I'm leaving to go get melody!"

I didn't hear a response, but I wasn't expecting one. Deciding to take the jeep and not the bike, I made my way into Atlanta to pick up my fiancé. Stopping by the gift shop real quick, I bought some flowers before running up to her room. As I entered, a huge smile spread across my face. Melody was now in her everyday clothes I brought for her yesterday. She was sitting on the side of her bed looking outside the window. As I made my way to her, she looked towards me and I noticed she had her oxygen on. A smile spread across her beautiful face as I walked up and kissed her. As we pulled away, I put the flowers in her arms as she whispered,

"Norman you didn't have to.."

"I is important and plus every beautiful woman deserves flowers" I nuzzled into her neck.

I felt her kiss the side of my head as I looked up at her and smiled,"you missed"

She chuckled and kissed me softly on my lips.

"Sorry to interrupt" a small voice said.

Turning, we saw a young brunette nurse with a wheelchair,"you're all ready to go miss kolsto"

She seemed extremely nervous and I had a feeling it was because of me. Looking over at melody, she smiled at the young nurse and nodded. Standing up I walked to the girl and took the wheelchair from her and smiled,

"Thanks sweetheart"

She nodded at me and walked out quickly. Rolling the chair over to melody, she was laughing,

"Think you gave the poor girl a heart attack."

"I tend to do that to people" I chuckled while locking the wheels on the chair and walking over to Mel.

She started to take the oxygen off and I stopped her real quick,"hey are you sure you don't need that?"

"Norman I'm fine" she smiled as she took it off completely.

My heart pounded nervously, but she turned to me and smiled reassuringly,"I promise baby I'm fine"

"Mel before we go home I need you to promise me something" I said turning serious.

"What's that?" She asked.

"If you start feeling bad, any pain at all. If you feel like you can't breathe, just anything you have to tell me." I said.

Norman's MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now