Chapter 1: Bloody Yanks

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"Bloody Yanks," Ciel mutters.

The British boy wipes the perspiration from his forehead, "Why does it have to be so damn hot in America."

I can't help but smirk down at my young master. He's been complaining ever since we left England. I on the other hand am positively ecstatic.

I'm back home! California, U.S.A. Well at least it was my home for the first seven years of my life, the others were spent in Tennessee.

I take a deep breath of air, a smile gracing my features.

Sebastian notices my moment of bliss and smiles a closed mouth smile down at me.
I look away, my face hardening into a clear expression.

I refuse to let him see my gurgling emotions, even one so small.

It's been three months now since the Siren serial killing and since then Sebastian and I's relationship has gone even more down hill. I can barely stand to be near him. Alas, I being the head maid and him the head butler means we have to work together.

"I simply loathe this place." Ciel says as an American man bumps the boy's shoulder and almost sends him tumbling to the dusty ground.

Ciel will get used to it though, or at least he better because the Wild West is nowhere for a proper young gentleman.

"I'd keep your voice low young master these Americans are quite," Sebastian smirks towards me, "defensive."

Ciel chuckles sarcastically.

I on the other hand send a glare towards the damn demon. A glare that says, 'watch yourself.' Sebastian only winks and we continue on, the hot sun beating on our dark clothes.

We stand on a wooden sidewalk as Americans mill about doing their daily business. However, their eyes never stray from us. We stand out like three cherries in a bowl of blueberries. The American's are dressed in worn simple clothes while we sport fancy black outfits made from silk and other soft expensive fabrics.

A couple months ago I would of blushed from all the attention but when you've been on a stage dancing in practically nothing, you tend not to get embarrassed so easily anymore.

"How close until we arrive at our destination, it's positively horrid outside," Ciel says, wiping away droplets of sweat from his brow.

"Not long," Sebastian and I answer in unison.

I shoot daggers at him before looking away.

"May I find some assistance to point us in the correct direction?" I inquire.

Ciel is barely able to nod. He looks positively exhausted. The stifling warmth and long journey cause Ciel's eyes to droop. His many layers of dark clothes make the warmth impossible to deal with and make him clumsy so he trips on the uneven ground often.

I nod and turn to the nearest pedestrian. He's a tall cowboy with a large hat and a cigarette dangling between his lips. He watches me with a lazy grin.

With a start I realize he'd been watching me for awhile.

"Excuse me sir but I'm looking for a Mr. Simon Beauregard?" I ask politely, "You don't happen to know where his home is do you?"

His smile slowly widens, "Why yes I do pretty missy," The cowboys drawls, "His house is right up that there green hill," he points a large finger.

"Thank you sir," I smile gratefully.

"Anytime missy. Now if you ever want I'll be happy for you to join me for a drink at the tavern." He offers puffing out his chest to show off the glinting golden star at his breast.

"Maybe sometime sherif," I smile kindly before turning back to Ciel and Sebastian.

"Up that there," I cover up my mistake, "I mean up that green hill."

Upon the hill is a gorgeous, well-kept mansion. It isn't as big nor as glamorous as the Phantomhive Estate but still not homely in comparison.

Ciel blanches. I look over to him with sympathy. California is no place for a rich boy of England.

"Do you wish me to carry you young master?" Sebastian suggests with a taunting glimmer in his eyes.

Ciel seems to contemplate this before sighing with a nod.

Sebastian swiftly scoops him up before speeding to the bottom of the hill.

He turns to me ,eyes twinkling, "Aren't you coming?"

I clench my teeth before trudging towards them and then up the hill, Sebastian darting up the grassy slope faster than a cheetah.

Once I reach the top I join Sebastian and Ciel, who both wait at the door.

"Did you knock?" I ask to fill the quiet.

No one answers because right then the door swings open revealing an older man with a thick white mustache over his lip and matching eyebrows. The man wears a nice suite contrasted by the gallon hat he wears atop his head.

"Howdy folks! I'm Simon Beauregard, pleased to make your aquantence. What can I do for ya this lovely afternoon?" He asks, startling blue eyes looking over us.

"I'm Earl Ciel Phantomhive . I've come-" Ciel is interrupted as the man grabs the boy in a bone crushing embrace.

Ciel squirms, eyes bugging out as his face turns a bright shade of violet from lack of oxygen.

"Sebastian!" He sputters, "Off!"

Sebastian easily separates the man from Ciel, "I apologize sir but my young master does not enjoy contact."

"Oh yes! Apologies Ciel." The man chuckles, "It's just you look so much like your father."

Ciel winces at the informal use of his name and the mention of his father in the same sentence

"It's fine," Ciel forces out. "May we come in?"

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