Chapter 20: Sebastian's Return

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Author's Note: Heyyyy! So, this chapter will be in Ciel's point of view. I'd also like to thank all of you who comment and vote, I absolutely love all the feedback:D.

Oh and also this chapter was hastily written so I apologize for any mistakes that I might of made.

Thanks that's all!


Ciel's P.O.V.

Dinner is a somber event, which is very uncharacteristic. Most of the time dinner is an event where Simon's voice can be heard clearly and loudly from all corner's of the room. But not tonight, not for the last couple of nights. It has been nearly a week since Ebony escaped the mansion and was accused with murder.

Personally, I enjoy the quiet. But of course it does not last.

Simon clears his throat. "I would like to apologize for everything that has occurred. With Ebony....I never would of suspected her."

I wave a hand. "It is not your fault, so don't apologize for the situation. Ebony did what she did and will be punished justly for it."

Or not if she is innocent.

Simon nods, about to speak but Catrine interrupts him. I am not even surprised anymore by her rudeness.

"Where is your butler, Sebastian? I haven't seen him for a couple of days now."

The lazy maid had eyes like a cat. She smirks at me as if she knows my plans.

"He is out and about. I don't keep track of him. He fancied Ebony, I wouldn't be surprised if he's out grieving."

A blatant lie. Sebastian would never succumb to emotion, no matter how much he cares or doesn't care for my ex-maid.

Catrine narrows her eyes, her nose wrinkling into a nasty expression. This time it's my turn to smirk at her. She'd look like a right fool if she accused me of lying. Childishly, the maid sticks her tongue out at me. I am appalled by her behavior. How did this shrewish woman ever become a maid in the first place?

"How are you doing with all this, Ciel? She did used to be your maid." Simon asks suddenly.

I shrug, sticking a piece of meat with my fork and and chewing it before swallowing. "Fine.
These things happen."

"Maybe where you are from but not here." Catrine retorts.

"Catrine." Simon chastises, putting a hand on her shoulder.

It is the first time I have ever seen the yank reprimand her. Apparently there are many surprised today.

"She is right." I say. "This sort of thing always seems to happen to me."

"Which is exactly why it's a good thing you have a break from it."

I scowl. "My whole stay had been boring it has only begun to get interesting."

"So your saying your happy this happened?" Catrine accuses though she sounds amused.

"No, not happy." I correct her. "Just slightly entertained but still bored."

Simon sighs and shakes his head, spooning his mashed potatoes before shoveling in a mouthful. It seems to me like he doesn't agree with my opinions, I smile amused.

"What do you think of it all, Simon? She is your maid."

"I am completely devastated." Simon admits, his eyes twin pools of sadness. "I would of never though she would do something like that. Ebony can be cold but she really is a kind soul, at least that is what I thought before this all happened."

My navy colored eyes meet his, sparkling with a challenge. "What if she didn't?"

Simon pats his head. "There is to much proof to think otherwise. Thinking she didn't is nothing but an empty wish. Still, I would do anything to try to find her innocent."

"If you would than allow me to take this case into my own hands. I have dealt with things worse when while investigating in London."

"I don't want to endanger you in any way, boy." Simon speaks sternly. "You are my first priority, I owe that to your father and more."

I roll my eyes, how melodramatic of him.

"Well," Simon says after a moment of silence. "I think it is about time for everyone to head to bed, isn't it?"

"Hardly, the sun has barely sunk in the sky." I scoff.

Simon sighs. "Please Ciel, I know you have been through so much but you are still just a boy. You need your rest."

"Oh definitely." Catrine agrees with a mocking simper. "Little boys need their sleep. You'll need it so you can play tomorrow without taking a nap."

Fury bubbles up inside me. How dare she, even if I were not a noble that would be incredibly rude.

"I am no child." I state angrily. "And I refuse to be treated like one, especially by low class like you."

Catrine doesn't look angry but instead grins widely at me. A crazy grin that reminds me of the Undertaker's and then she laughs or rather snickers. "See you are just so cute when you're grumpy. That just proves how tired you are."

"Enough." Simon says, face devoid of emotion. Catrine glares daggers at him. "Now please Ciel, go to sleep."

I roll my eyes but obey this, there is no use arguing with stubborn yanks like themselves.

I climb the stairs to my room and bend down to untie my shoes. I shouldn't have to do this, Sebastian should be back already and helping me prepare for bed. It's been three days, he's taking too long.

I kick off shoes and lift my shirt. A chuckling stops me and I look to see Sebastian materialize from the shadows.

"How long were you there?"

"Not long."

"Well don't just stand there. Come on and help me finish getting dressed for bed."

The butler obliges, pulling off my shirt and then the rest of my clothes before replacing it with my white nightshirt.

"Did you find Ebony?" I ask once he finishes.

Sebastian nods.

"And? Spit it out." I demand.

"She is innocent."

"That's what I thought." I say.

"What are my next directive, young master?"

"Find her again and help her prove her innocence."

The demon chuckles. "She won't be too happy about that."

I throw my hands up angrily. "I don't care! Just do it, I could not care less for your strange relationship with her. Just do it and do it quickly."

Sebastian bows. "Yes, young master. I will set out right after you fall asleep."

I wave my hand passively. "I don't need you mothering me, just go now."

"Of course."

At that the butler zips out the window, once again in search for the maid.

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