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Alright, so the votes are in! I'm super ecstatic with how many of you voted on which story you want me to do next. Each time I got one I did a little inner happy dance and put down a tally. Yuppers, I'm a dork. XD

Okay, moving on. I won't keep you waiting. So, here are the results.

Drumroll please!


No, I said drums!


Much better! So, here they are!

Hetalia Fanfictions~

I Am the Real Greece:
None for this one, but I'm not surprised, haha.

This one got one tally! I really liked this idea though, so I'll probably post it in the future.

Death Note Fanfiction~

Narrow Minds:
It received four tallies, which really surprised me because I didn't think this one would really get picked. It was actually the one I had least developed so when I saw it was booming with votes I freaked out and stayed up late trying to make a plot XD

Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction~

Snowed in:
This story also received four, which once again surprised me because I didn't think it would get so many.

Psycho Pass Fanfiction~

Forgot to put a makeshift title: This one received two tallies. Blackstars36 brought up a really good point with this one, though. That "there are not many with more than a chapter or two." So, there is a possibility I might do a Psycho Pass Fanfiction in the future. It might not be this one, though, but we'll see!

Deadman Wonderland Fanfiction~

The Peacock: This one received one vote, but it is another anime that does not have a lot of Fanfictions on Wattpad. So, maybe you'll see something involving this someday? I'm not sure, but who knows! My mind and its whims are pretty unpredictable XD

Vampire Knight Fanfiction~

Red Vengeance:
I had a feeling this one would get a lot of votes. And it did! This one is the winner at six votes! I've already started drafting chapters and this one will be posted after I finish WANTED (which will be soon). I'll keep you guys updated on when it will be posted at the end of this story.

Thank you all so much for all your votes on my next story! It makes me so incredibly happy that you all care so much about it. I don't think I've said it before, but, I love you guys! I'll stop the waterworks right now though, because I'll probably get more sentimental in my last author's note, so be ready for that! Because I'm giving you all virtual hugs! ;)
Thanks, that's all!


WANTED (Sequel to One Hell of a Maid)Where stories live. Discover now