Chapter 2: Catrine

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After being ushered inside by Simon he had us waiting in the parlor as he made us cookies and got us each a sarsaparilla. A strange combination but fitting all the same.

Simon enters back into the room to see Ciel sitting on the neat floral couch with Sebastian and I at either side of him.

Simon's careless grin fades into a frown, "Why aren't ya sitting?"

"Sebastian and I are servants sir," I answer.

His frown deepens, "Why that's no way to treat your servants. Go on and take a seat, cookie, and cold sarsaparilla."

Sebastian and I both look to Ciel who nods. I can easily see the annoyance bubbling in my young master. This man is getting on his nerves.

Sebastian and I both take a seat as commanded. However, I must admit it feels awkward to sit in the presence of my master.

Simon hands us each a cookie and a sarsaparilla. I nibble hesitantly on the gooey chocolate chip cookie as Simon speaks.

"It's a mighty pleasure to meet you Ciel. You look so much like your mother and father. They were good people and talked of you often when they visited. I'm so happy you accepted my invitation to meet me here."

Ciel lifts his lips into a small smile, "But of course. It would be rude not to accept your offer when our companies have been such close trading partners."

Simon wrinkles his nose, "That's not why I invited you here."

We all look at the man in shock. Ciel had been sure he's been invited for business reasons.

"I thought it'd be good for a boy who lost his parents to get a break from stuffy ole England." Simon explains, his blue eyes twinkling kindly. "Not to mention I have to admit I was curious about my old friends's son." He says, scratching his face sheepishly.

Ciel's cheeks fill with the color red, his one eye flashes angrily, "So your saying I was dragged to this damn country for a 'break' and not an important business meeting between our two companies?!"

Simon laughs and pats Ciel on the back, "So you do have a personality deep, deep down in that frigid exterior!"

Ciel looks like he's about to blow up but somehow calms himself down. Instead he smiles coldly, "You see Mr. Beauregard I am a very busy person so this supposed meeting really doesn't fit on my schedule if it's simply for social reasons. And so I will catch the next boat back to England as soon as possible."

Simon's laugh hangs in the air and then suffocates itself with Ciel's words. His voice now takes a sad edge to it, "Yes, of course, I understand."

"When is the next boat leaving out of this place anyways," Ciel questions.

"Tomorrow afternoon I believe."

"Good then I'll depart then. Where is the nearest hotel?"

Simon's eyes widen, "Oh no! It's dangerous out there, lotsa crime of late. Please stay here for the time your staying here."

Ciel seems to ponder this before coming to a decision, "Very well."

The wild, happy grin is back on Simon's face, "Yippee! I'm happier then a miner that struck gold! Follow me and allow me to show you to your rooms."

"Don't you have a maid or butler for that?" Ciel asks.

"Yes but I don't use her much. I'm a man that likes to do things for himself. But if you'd like to see her I can call for her."

Before anyone can answer Simon shouts out, "Catrine!"

It takes a couple of minutes until Catrine saunters into the room. My eyes immediately narrow while Sebastian's widen.

WANTED (Sequel to One Hell of a Maid)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ