Chapter 27: To Spite Original Opinions

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After finding the first two messages in the first location we still have the rest of the afternoon to search for the next clues.

Sebastian and I had decided that we need to get this all finished as soon as possible, not only because Ciel ordered him but so the two can leave as quickly as possible.

Both demon and master are wanting to return back to England. A want that I can understand. I too feel the same longing. America is not the same without my parents with me.

But, it is a longing I must ignore. I made a deal with Sebastian when we first came here. And though it has been delayed I plan to follow through with it. Ciel's life, or anyone's life for that matter, is more important then my happiness. Besides, it is not like I have to stay in America, maybe I'll move somewhere else, like Canada.

I sigh through my nose at the thought. Oh well, surely I will figure it all out in time. Besides my main concern is about the present not the future, or past for that matter.

My many thoughts make time go by quickly. In a blink of an eye we're at the scene of the second death and Sebastian is calling my name.

I blink my eyes rapidly, my vision focusing. I smile, slightly embarrassed for spacing off. "Oh, sorry. I was caught up in my thoughts. What did you say?" I inquire of the dark haired demon.

He smirks slightly. "I was asking if you were ready to go in and look around for the next part of the story."

"Yes." I slip off of Knight's back and on to the soil. "Let's go."

We make our way inside the farmer's house. The stench of blood immediately hits me with full force.

"If I am correct this murder occurred during the early hours of the morning." Sebastian says, strolling in as if the smell of blood is nothing.

"Yes, you are correct." I say, attempting not to wrinkle my nose at the stench.

"Should we try the parlor then?" The butler suggests, looking towards me.

I nod. "That's as good as place as any to check. Not to mention it would explain why the smell is more prominent then in the last house, considering the parlor is more of an open space in most homes."

The two of us don't need to search far before we find the parlor. All we really needed to do was follow our noses, anyway.

The sight isn't as astounding as it was before, but still it is equally horrifying. But just like before there aren't really any signs of struggle. That means that the victim was most likely taken under surprise, it's an underhanded way of killing.

The plushy pastel couch tugs my attention. It is soaked in blood like most things in the room, so that's not why it gained my attention. On this couch is the shadow of the victim, outlined in white paint.

It looks as if the victim was not even left slumped in his chair, which is another strange position just like last time. Instead the victim was posed sitting up straight with perfect posture, almost like the killer took pain in trying to make it that way.

"A very methodical, killer." I speak up.

Sebastian nods his agreement. "Indeed."

At that we both search the smallish four sided room, looking for the next chapter in our "bedtime" story.

This time where it is hidden is a bit more concealed then before, but it is still fairly easy to find. This means that I was right before when I guessed it would be harder to gather the pieces as we went along. Soon it won't be as easy.

This time the puzzle piece is hidden behind the couch, I was the one to look behind it and spot something contrasting on the white of the walls.

Sebastian and I both move the couch, revealing the newest part to the story.

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