Chapter 26: The Beginnings of a Bedtime Story

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, so this is the newest chapter. Before I start I have a quick question for you all to answer in the comments:) What's your favorite anime? If it's Black Butler what is your second favorite?
Thanks that's all!



The sound of galloping hooves and the air rushing past us is all we can hear. Behind us we leave behind long tails of dust, while ahead of us all there is is the wide open space and the burning mid-morning sun that beats down upon us.

Sebastian's horse, Ginger, leads our duo, galloping only feet ahead of me and my own steed, Knight.


"Hm?" The demon asks, turning his brick colored eyes on me.

"Where are we going to first?"

"Since we don't have any witnesses there is only one way we can get any evidence." Sebastian says. "Where the murders happened. It's fairly safe to assume that the sherif and his lap dogs didn't investigate the area well enough. Americans are all action and no thought." I don't even bother to interject at the insult.

"It will be hard to get in." I say. "Bo has not let up in his search for me yet, especially with all the sightings of me as I worked as a vigilante."

"Bo." Sebastian muses. "First name basis, I see. Should I be jealous?" He jokes

I scoff, rolling my eyes at this which makes a peal of laughter erupt from him. "Do you have a plan or not?" I huff.

"Of course. We go in unseen, look around, and then get out unseen. It's as simple as that. And if we do so happen to be spotted you can sing them to asleep with your Siren's song."

I sigh. "I guess."

"What, do you not like using your abilities?"

It's just like Sebastian to hit the nail on the head. "No, I don't. I hate manipulating people."


We continue on in silence, taking the long way around the town as not to avoid being seen. We make it to the first crime scene without a hitch. Thankfully the farm is near the edge of town or else we'd have to go through to get to it.

We dismount our horses and hook them up to a tree. Surprisingly everything seems normal. I don't see the bloodbath that I'd heard about. I speak my wonderings out loud. "Where is all the blood?"

"In the pens surrounding the barn where the animals used to stay and in the farmer's house. At least that's what I've heard from the rumors in town."

"Then we'll start in the house and comb the rest of the property from there." I say.

Sebastian nods and we enter the house, the doors are all unlocked.

The floors creak under our feet as we look around the first and only floor besides the cellar.

So, far not a drop of blood. I notice as we look around the halls and then the parlor.

"Do you see any signs of struggle?" I call out to Sebastian as the demon carefully looks behind a pink flowery couch.

"No, but then again this murder did occur during the night. Perhaps we should head to the bedroom?"

"Yes." I agree. "Just keep an eye out as we go. We don't want to miss anything."


As we stride down the hall, eyes skimming each door that we peer into I can't help feeling watched. But when I turn around there's no one there. Just one more thing to keep an eye out for.

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