Chapter 13: Late Night Investigation

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Alright guys so something has been annoying me. I hate having plot holes and such in my stories. I've been unsure whether or not Sebastian is a crow or raven demon, I've heard good arguments for either. In my story I've said he's a raven demon. Also, the information about demons in black butler is from speculation and some research but it could be wrong. If any of this is wrong I apologize. I just wanted to say that just in case I'm wrong. Anyways, enjoy!


I wait until darkness falls.

Not only does the night provide cover but it also reassures me that there isn't anyone to listen in.

When I'm sure everyone is sound asleep (around one o'clock) I slip into a lavender colored robe and slip out my bedroom door.

My bare feet are silent whispers against the wood. I easily avoid all the creaky spots in the floor, if someone were watching me it would look as if I were dancing a skipping jig down the hall.

Quickly, I reach the last door in the hallway. It's near the stairs that lead up into the third floor where Simon and Catrine's rooms are hidden in a low ceiling, attic-like area.

I approach the door and gently tap an index finger on to the hard wood, making a quiet clicking noise.

An ominous silence seeps from the room and into the hall. A smooth velvety voice politely moves the silence aside like a curtain. "Come in."

I take a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering the room.

Sebastian sits on a chair near the bed his suitcase on his lap.

"I've been expecting you. Please, take a seat"

This takes me aback, how would he know I'd be coming here?

"A good guess." He says with a smile as if he'd read my mind.

"I'd like to ask you a few things about demons." I say as I sit down awkwardly on the bed.

"What makes you so interested in me all of a sudden?"

I roll my eyes. "Not you, demons."

"You were in my room picking around earlier." The demon flashes a sparkling smile. "Why is that?"

I clench my fists, I shouldn't be so surprised.

"You did a fine job not leaving a trace...for any ordinary human that is, you should know I'm not that easy to fool."

No use denying. "I suppose you're right." I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. "Now please tell me everything you know about your kind, it's important."

"I will." He holds up a finger. "But first you have to tell me why you were searching my room an mad what for."

I sigh through my nose, carefully picking my answer. "I was searching for anything threatening that you might have because I'll be open in saying that I have suspicions of you."

"Hmm, really."

I roll my eyes. "Now for your side of the agreement."

Sebastian shrugs. "To start, we use human souls as our food and have many different enhanced abilities and powers. We are even more powerful in our true forms. Also, we do not need to make a contract to take a human's soul but I've found that it can be more beneficial to do so and improves the quality. Demons can be summoned on purpose and by accident, my young master accidentally called upon me. Also, we have to abide by our masters wishes, the contract symbol is what empowers that. Not only does it control is but it allows us to easily find our masters. Do you understand so far?"

I bob my head and he continues. "Good, now like humans we have different races, I for example am a raven demon, while Claud is a spider demon. We are practically immortal because it is very difficult to slay a demon, but I won't get into that." Sebastian smiles.

"How do you become a demon anyways?" I inquire, running a hand through my thick hair.

Sebastian's eyes flash. "Now that is something I can't tell you."

"Fair enough." I say. "So, with being a demon and having extra powers does that mean you can sense when someone is not human?"

"Usually, however it depends how powerful the creature is. The stronger it is the more of a cloaking power they have or sometimes it can be the opposite of that. You for example at first did not know of your heritage. I did not know you were a Siren until you did but I do know there was something different about you."

"Hm, so is that all?"

"Hardly, but most things I can't discuss. So, that's all I'll be telling you unless you have any questions that I deem appropriate to answer." He says.

"I have one last question." I say. "Do demons destroy things randomly?"

"Some maybe but I've found those things are quite pointless."

I consider this, forcing my eyes to hold his intimidating stare.

Maybe Sebastian isn't the one who tampered with the engine, he'd have no reason to. So then who did it? And what about these murders that are happening, do they have to do with anything?

"I have a question for you, Ebony."

I raise a brow but don't say anything. My hands fiddle with the soft fabric of my robe.

"What is with all these questions? It isn't normal for you to stick your nose into things."

"It's good to know your enemy." I say smoothly.

"Oh, so we are enemies?" Sebastian smirks, eyes sparking magenta in color. "I'm not a good enemy to have, Ebony."

"Maybe not enemies exactly." I rephrase. "Either way it's good to know just in case."

I stand and brush myself off. "Excuse me but it's getting late. I should be going to bed. So, goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."

"And if you have any more...questions, I assume you know where to find me."

"Of course."

"Good. Sweet dreams, Ebony and don't let the bed bugs bite."

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