Chapter 16: Run

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After the reaper left, hopping away on the treetops I'm able to regain my bearings and leave the sturdy safety of the redwood.

My walk back to the mansion is filled with silence. Even my thoughts are quiet.

Well everything is quiet until I meet up with Ciel, Sebastian, and Simon on one of the paths in the forest.

"Ebony, you found us!" Simon exclaims happily. "But actually we were just on our way back, so, sorry you had to miss the walk."

I force a smile. "That's alright, I'm actually pretty tired. Oh and where's Catrine?"

"Right here!" She shouts, popping out of nowhere. "I had to tinkle."

"Oh." I stop myself from scrunching up my nose.

At that our procession continues onward. I end up falling back with Sebastian. He's like a ghost, seen but not heard. The perfect servant.

Sebastian smiles at me and I smile back, but it's not a kind smile.

As if marking her territory Catrine falls back with us and latches to Sebastian's arm, talking to him animatedly about something completely random. She nearly has to gallop beside him because of his long gait.

I watch Sebastian stiffen at the sudden contact but not relax even when he sees that it is just Catrine. However, ever the gentleman he converses with her.

When she thinks Sebastian isn't looking she sticks her tongue out at me. I don't even bother to roll my eyes at her, my thoughts are elsewhere. Like how am I going to tell Simon his own maid tampered with the engine on the ship Ciel and Sebastian were supposed to take back to England?

We reach the mansion as the light of sunset turns to the dark of Night. I still wonder what I'm going to possibly say and when, but it seems to me that I don't have to.

"Ebony may I please speak with you in my office?" Simon asks.

I nod and follow him up to the office, leaving Catrine to serve dinner to our guests, as it was quite late.

"Please have a seat."

Simon sits at his desk and I take a seat in the cushy chair in front of his large oaken table.

"You've been working very hard lately, harder than I ever anticipated. I'm so used to doing things on my own and I'd like to thank you for all your help."

This brings a genuine smile to my face. "I'm just doing my job as one hell of a maid." It feels good to joke.

Simon chuckles. "That you are and more."

As soon as my smile rose it falls, as I remember what I need to tell Simon. Despite my dislike in Catrine I don't enjoy what I have to do.

"What is it, Ebony?" Simon inquires, concerned.

"I've had suspicions that the bad engine in Ciel and Sebastian's ship back home did not simply break, but was tampered with. My suspicions were conformed once I checked it out for myself. Since then I'll admit I've been snooping around everywhere around town, even here. During this I found the tools that were needed to tamper with the engine all stocked in a closet in Catrine's room."

I couldn't tell him about the rest, he wouldn't believe me if I tried.

A deep frown creases Simon's lips. "Catrine's always been an odd girl but I would of never thought...." He trails off. "But I have no reason not to believe you. You are one of the most trustworthy people I know. I'll talk to her later tonight or early tomorrow. I do not want to cause a scene in front of my guests."

"I understand." I say.

Simon looks at me seriously. "It was good of you to trust your instincts. To make light of the situation at least this was all figured out before something worst happened."

I nod in agreement as Simon and I both stand. "I think we should all head in early tonight. It'll give me a chance to think this all over before I talk to Catrine."

"I'll help you get everyone to bed." I say as we both go back to the parlor where everyone sits, already finished with their quick dinner.

Simon claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "It's time for bed. I know it's early but it has been a long couple of days and I can tell we all need the rest."

Surprisingly everyone agrees and we all head off to bed.

I fall asleep knowing that everything will be handled. But I have a strong premonition that it is not to be all that easy.


Blood, red blood. And bloody knives, no not just knives but bloody weapons of all kinds.

What kind of dream is this?

I sit up my hair is like a paintbrush with the bristles dipped in scarlet. My fingers are stained with the color. A color that Grell loves so much, a color I've learned to hate.

The room is a canvas, a paint splattered canvas. Apparently the painter ran out of the other colors of the rainbow.

I hear a far-away scream and turn to look out the window.


A strange, unwelcome sense in a dream.

I look down to see one of the weapons had cut me when I tried to move. Blood seeps from the wound staining everything a deeper crimson.

It hurts...

Not a dream.

I look again outside. The farm just below the hill is dotted with many lights. It's enough though for me to make out one color. Red. a The same scarlet on my fingers and everywhere in my room. Blood.

"Ebony there has been another murder, and it's out closest neighbor! The sherif is here to tell us himself!"

Footsteps thunder up the stairs and down the hall. Only a moment until whoever it is sees me in this mess and thinks that I'm the one who made it.

Then there is a velvety voice, stopping whoever is nearing my room. "I'll go and get her."

"Alright, I'll wait with the others downstairs."

The steps thunder back down the hall.

In only a moment the door to my room swings open.

Sebastian stands in the doorway, assessing the situation cooly. "I thought I smelled blood from here." He murmurs.

His eyes then meet mine. "Run."

I stare at him dumbstruck at everything that had just so quickly occurred. But then it all settles in and I nod at him. "Thank you."

At that I swiftly grab the suitcase I had never unpacked and shimmy down the vines into the dark world below.

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