Chapter 5: Friends and Embarrassing Inquiries

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey! Just wondering what you guys think so far of the new characters:). Also if you have any predictions of what's going to happen in this story I'd absolutely love to read them.  Picture of Bo up above!
Thanks that's all!



Catrine hates me.

Every chance she gets she tries to make my job as a maid harder for me. To be honest I find the ordeal to be quite comical. I'm an efficient maid and so her tricks don't bother me that much. At the most they're mildly annoying.

For example just earlier today I was scrubbing the floors. She sashayed into the room and 'accidentally' knocked over the bucket of water with her hips.

"Oops," she said with a devilish grin.

I smiled at her.

But when she left I easily cleaned up the mess in less than ten minutes.

Besides Catrine's dislike towards me, my new life at my new master's home is going well though it is strange. I've been here for a week and I've noticed Simon is much less strict then Ciel. He basically allows Catrine and I to do whatever we please, he insists we call him Simon, and treats us as equals.

It's quite a change but I seem to be adapting well. Not to mention Simon is a nice man and very down to earth. He's often seen attending to his cattle and horses or even helping me clean!

Catrine (when she's not pulling tricks on me that is) is usually seen sleeping in some small nook-like area in the house. I'm not even sure if she ever uses her room.

"Ebony?" A voice inquires.

I look up from where I polish the silverware.
Usually the chores I do are ones Simon never asks me to do. He really never asks me for anything.

"Yessir?" I answer seeing the voice is Simon's.

Simon beams brightly at me, "Simon, call me Simon," he reminds.

"Yes Simon." I say with a small grin.

Simon claps, "Perfect! I have a small favor to ask you. Just try to do it sometime today."

I nod.

"Please go out to town and buy the things on this list," he thrusts a sheet of parchment into my hands.

"Alright I'll do so as soon as I'm finished with the silverware."

"Good, thanks again dear."

At that he sweeps out of the room. What an odd character he is...

After I finish polishing the last of the silverware and putting it away I grab a basket for the supplies and stash the list in my pocket. Then I leave the house and travel down the hill into the town.

It's a beautiful day out. The sky is painted a bright blue. A scattering of small fluffy clouds float idly across it and the sun is bright and shining. I have to shield my eyes from it's brilliance as I make my way into town.

The town is bustling with people. It's a quant town, a typical western settlement I suppose but still there are quite a few people milling the streets.

As I trod down the earthen road my boots kick up dust, in which the wind captures and spreads throughout the hot, dry air.

I take out the list and quickly look over it.
Ah, now where are those potatoes?


After I finish shopping I take a break in one of the saloon's. This one goes by the name of the Three Choir Girls. I snort a laugh as I think of just how different that name is to the pub names in England. America may be my home, and California may be my my birth place but the oddness of this place compared to England astounds me.

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