*Bonus Chapter, Surprise!*

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I've had so many people ask for a third book. However, I've been really just been wanting to focus on my original works, which I've been doing. I'm still not going to do a third book, but I decided I'd give you guys a bonus chapter. Better late than never, right?  So, here it is! I hope you enjoy it and please, go read my other books! Thanks, that's all!



The rain splatters on to the cold, cobble streets. My graceful steps easily traipse over the slippery places where those ahead of me had skidded. The air is cool on my cheeks. When I breath in the smoggy air, it is like taking a long drawl from a cigarette. I cough into my elbow, wrinkling my nose. How London has changed since I was last here all those many years ago.

My plaited, navy skirt swishes around my legs at knee length. The 1920s has brought about much different fashion than what I was used to in the 1870s, however the immodesty of the ever-rising skirt's hem is nun's clothes compared to what I wore in Siren.

Despite the fashion changes, I have yet to shorn my long black tresses into the bob that everyone's raving about. However, I have conformed somewhat to fit in --an example being the white lacy blouse under my fur-lined peacoat and my click-clacking black heels. Though, the extra warmth of the fur inside is no match for the teeth-chattering cold of England.

A strong wind blows across the city, nearly stealing my hat. I quickly hold it down on my head, fighting the onslaught of wind. At least it is a distraction to the many thoughts bombarding my mind.

Never mind.

The tips of my fingers quiver, so I form them into white-gloved fists. I haven't been this nervous in.....well, awhile.

A woman that says she's my mother, dancing and singing in a stage in which I am the star, four quirky servants, a yellow-eyed butler, an unkept promise to a troubled blonde-haired boy. Then, a Cat Goddess's laughter, a glowing contract on an eye, a devious smirk on a devilish butler. These sights and sounds flash through my thoughts in a white-hot moment that almost has me stopped and gasping on the crowded streets.

My heart beats like a hummingbird's wings, fast and unsteady. I purse my lips, hoping my perfectly applied plum colored lipstick doesn't smudge.

Sebastian, I know you're here still, you sly bastard.

I'm not here in particular to find the demon, yet I know that my visit to the rainy city will not go without our paths crossing.

The real reason I'm here is because I'm passing through. I've given London a wide berth whenever I could in the past years, but I couldn't avoid it forever, especially since I've been traveling so much in Europe as of late.

Ever since I parted ways with my mate, I've been working around the globe doing a hodgepodge of things. I've helped set straight numerous covens of Sirens and tracked down many a criminal, but only the cases that I've been personally interested in. Most of them are the supernatural kind.

My independence and all of the work is be done has lead me to find what I set out for. I've found and accepted myself for who I am. Siren and human, I am equal parts of both.

I swipe at my lower lip, trying to fix my now-messy lipstick. Once satisfied, I look up. The sight that I behold is enough to cause my bones to turn to jelly and the grace in my steps to fail me as I slide on a particularly dangerous sheet of icy cobble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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