Chapter 24: You Will Be Okay

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The days after the first time I committed my "heroic act" I continues on with doing so. Each new person I saved from the rough clutches of the Wild West the more well known I become. My name, Ebony Shale, is being whispered amongst the towns across California.

To them I am the mysterious murderess turned good to fight against the weight of her sins. I have even gained a nickname. The Wandering Soul, the entrancing woman who wanders from place to place in search for redemption.

I suppose the name has some truth to it.

During all this John's plan seems to be working. As I play along with fate in this macabre I learn more information against the murders I am blamed for. So far I've learned that the murders have stopped once I left the mansion and that everything is almost peaceful in the Wild West, well as peaceful as it can get. Apparently the people are too happy to be suspicious of this change, however I am not.

I can't help but feel like that while fate is assisting me she is also making my wait painstakingly arduous. It's as if no matter how fast I run to the answer and how close I get to it all just flits away and I have to start my marathon again. It has put me on edge, to say the least.

But of course that is not the only thing that has put me off balance. Every night I'm plagued with nightmares of past memories, the past follows me like a hungry dog begging for table scraps, but I have nothing more to give. I was able to deal with these memories for so long but now I cannot will them away like I was able to before. My being in California has somehow awakened the ghosts of the past. I'm haunted.

I barely sleep anymore and when I do I awaken at dawn with tears streaking down my face and shivers racking my body, my throat stinging with suppressed screams. I have become nothing but a plaything to destiny, a doll that does not live but just stiffly goes through the motions to reach a goal.

It kills me.

"Ebony Shale, there is a visitor for you." John says from outside my tent.

I'm already awake and lacing up my boots even though it's just barely dawn. No one else is up so his voice startles me. I was just getting ready to go for a ride on my horse, Knight. It's what I've been doing after I have a nightmare.

Personally I feel bad for my horse, I'm lucky that Knight has a lot of pent of energy or else he would of collapsed awhile ago.

"I'm coming." I don't even question who's here to visit me, because honestly, I don't care.

I step out of my tent to face John. His dark eyes speak of ancient times tragedies and deaths. I look away, I've seen my share but I cannot imagine the burden he holds. Suddenly I feel selfish and stupid, I stare at the dusty ground beneath my boots.

His tanned calloused hands gently lift up my chin so I once again peer into the dark endless pool of his eyes. "You're hurt." He says, concern lacing his voice.

I scrunch my eyebrows, confused. I don't have any injuries except the soreness in my behind for riding Knight so often. I don't even feel tired anymore so that can't be what he means.

"I'm fine. I haven't been hurt." I try to reassure the Indian man.

"No, you're hurt." He insists. Suddenly he takes a hand and touches where his heart would be. "In here."

"In my heart?"

He shakes his head sadly. "In your soul."

His words are a gigantic piano crashing on to my head, I nearly stumble but his light hand on my shoulder rights me. "I-I'm fine really." I force a smile. It hurts like shards of broken glass.

"Ebony Shale, please do not talk false to me. I know the difference between truth and lie, it is one of the sole reasons I took you in."

My eyes well up with tears as my voice takes on a whisper-like quality. "I-I'm being hunted down by the past. It'll all catch up to me and I'm afraid I'll drown." The truth yanks only one of the many hurts inside of me. "I'm scared."

The Indian does not embrace me but his sturdy hand and the light pressure on my arm is enough of a reassurance, better then any hug.

"It is okay to be scared." His soulful eyes never leave mine. "Just don't allow try to shove it away or ignore it. One of you're biggest flaws is that you cannot accept things, it is your fatal flaw. You think you can adapt but shoving everything into a chest only works for so long. You need to face the past, you need to face yourself."

My turquoise eyes are wide in shock, the breath stolen away from my lips. "I-I..."

John's smiles is like the sun, he squeezes my arm. "You will be okay."

Those are one of the very last words my father told me before he died and one of the last words my mother told me as we were fighting side by side before the demon claimed her soul after helping her. The very words I've needed to hear for awhile now.

I can feel the wetness of my tears as they trickle down my cheeks. I'm still not healed, I still have not found myself but it's enough for now.

I wipe away my tears and smile, this time it isn't so fake and it doesn't hurt as much. "Thank you."

John releases his comforting hold on my arm and smiles genuinely, but then again all of his smiles are genuine. "Are you ready to see your visitor."

I hesitate for a moment but then nod surely.

"Good, he's at the edge of the woods."

My stomach sinks in realization, I should of knows it would be Sebastian.

You will be okay

I immediately feel better. "Alright."

He smiles one last comforting smile and I begin my walk towards the edge of the woods.


I sense him before I see him.

"Hello, Sebastian." I say to empty air or rather shadow.

Sebastian strides from the shadow with a blank expression on his handsome face. "Hello, Ebony." He replies cooly.

"What are you doing here again?" I inquire. "I only just spoke to you a couple of days ago."

"My master sent me back-"

Why would Ciel do that?

"To assist you in proving your innocence." He finishes.

"I'm glad he cares so much for my well being but I really do have it covered." I state.

"He wants you back as a pawn, Ebony." Sebastian speaks abruptly. "It's the only reason."

My next words surprise me. "He still has kindness buried deep in the shadows that constrain him, I've seen it. He may never admit or realize it but it's still there. It's the reason I wanted to save him, why I'd do anything to keep him from the fate of being devoured."

"Our deal is not dead, Ebony."

"What do you mean?" My voice sounds like a high pitched flute in my ears.

"I will not be devouring the Earl, Ciel Phantomhive's soul."

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