Chapter 32: Four Leaf Clover

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Once upon a time...

There was a jovial King that lived in a peaceful kingdom. One day, one of the villages just outside was destroyed by fire. The King, being both kind and wealthy allowed the villagers to stay in his castle until their village was restored.

Among this group was a boy. A boy of much pride and determination. The King got to know the villagers and the boy as well. He became completely charmed by the boy and because he had no sons took the boy under his wing and later made him his heir.

Also in this kingdom was a grand priestess, one that worshiped a powerful goddess. She too became charmed with one of the people in the village, a man. But she was charmed in a different way.

However, when she offered herself to him he rejected her, saying he had a wife. This wife was a witch that practiced in medicines and healing. She became suspicious of her husband but nonetheless trusted him.

But all too soon the village was made whole again, so the villagers could all return. The boy, the now heir decided to leave too. The King hesitantly let the boy leave but it was not to be.

The priestess thought that the villagers should stay, not to mention she was infatuated with the married man.

And so, the priestess prayed and used great weather magic to keep the villagers from leaving. The witch felt this sorcery and immediately suspected the priestess.

The priestess in no way wanted to get caught for her crime. The priestess cared more about her own safety then the man she was so interested in's. Because of this she chopped off his head and made it look like his wife, the witch, did it. The witch was lynched but that is not the end. However, the rest cannot be found and can only be told. Come, little birdie and let me finish this tale.


"Ebony, do you know who this is now?" Sebastian asks, probably noticing my wide eyes.



I take a breath before speaking, but honestly I shouldn't be surprised. She's been out to get me since the beginning.

I shake myself out of my haze. "It's Catrine. She used to call me Birdie all the time. I always knew there was something strange about her. She somehow knew I was a Siren, so it makes sense. Not to mention, she hates me, or at least I think she does. Who could know with her flip-flop attitude." I babble.

"Yes, I agree. This does seem like something she'd do. Especially because of what you told me. She probably did it to throw you off her track, she must of knew you were on to her so she did this to distract you. She's the only one who would be able to do this, the only one with a motive."

"Yeah." I trail off, before continuing strongly. "We need to stop her. There's a chance she'd be so desperate as to hurt Simon, or worse, Ciel. I don't doubt she's been keeping tabs on us. She may even know how close we are to finding her out. "

"I do not sense that Ciel is in danger." Sebastian says. "However, that doesn't mean that, that won't change soon."

"Do we need a plan?" I ask after a moment.

Sebastian shakes his head with a small smirk. "No." He cracks his knuckles, his smirk broadening into a grin. "This will be quite simple."


The house, or rather mansion, on the hill looms over is like some hungry beast ready to swallow us whole. Despite this I am not intimidated. A house is just a house just as a mansion is just a mansion. It's the people inside I have to worry about, or in this case person.

Sebastian and I trudge up the grassy slope, I can't help smiling as I remember nearly being caught in a mudslide all that time ago. Sebastian was the one to save me, I should of known how he felt then. I suppose I've always been ignorant in some way.

Sebastian looks to me with a questioning brow. I shake my head, the smile still apparent on my lips as we near the mansion.

Right before we begin to climb up the steps my eyes catch on to a certain plant sticking out amongst the sea of grass. Stooping down I pluck up the piece of green and get back to my feet.

"What is it?" Sebastian implores.

I place the plant in the middle of my palm so he can see it clearly. It's a clover, but not just any clover but a four leafed one. "For good luck." I say with an almost impish grin as I slip the clover into Sebastian's breast pocket.

Sebastian returns my grin, adjusting the clover so it won't fall out. "Why so happy?"

I shrug at this.

It's strange, I almost feel light hearted. An emotion that doesn't grace me with its presence often.

Sebastian chuckles at my vagueness and leads the way inside. The butler holds the door open for me and I step inside before he lets it go. It shuts with a light thunk behind us, enveloping us in darkness.

Near darkness.

Slivers of light tumble through cracks between the thick draperies. It's almost eery, I remember this place always filled with light and the mirth of Simon's smile and boisterous laughter. But now it's almost...empty.

Even when I had been left alone in the house it had never felt so lonely. It's almost as if all happiness has been sucked from it, but then again that sounds a tad melodramatic.

"Is no one home, do you think?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

Despite this Sebastian's keen ears pick up my words. "No, someone's here." He doesn't explain further and I don't ask.

Sebastian glides forward and I cautiously trail after him, being sure to step where he steps as not to accidentally step on to a creaky floorboard.

We barely take a couple of steps before we see it. Sebastian and I both freeze over the threshold of the parlor.

Ciel hangs gagged, blindfolded, and bound in a system of ropes attached to numerous traps that could easily end his life. The Phantomhive Earl hangs precariously in the center of this spiderweb of traps. It so much reminds me of Claud that I take a double take. This is certainly something the spider demon would do.

"I thought you said you didn't sense he was in trouble." I say.

"I did say that." Sebastian agrees, even he looks flabbergasted at the sight. "There's some foul work at play."


"I'm unsure." Sebastian admits.

Upon hearing our voices the young master begins to squirm and struggle in his bonds. Sebastian zips over and is able to untie the gag and blindfold without setting a trap off.

"You idiot! Why didn't you come sooner!" Ciel exclaims, his eyes burning in indignation.

"Please, keep quiet, young master." I say, hoping he'll sew his mouth shut. All we need is for him to alert the enemy of our presence.

Thankfully Ciel lowers his voice, though his eyes still smolder with supreme annoyance. "Just get me bloody out of here!"

"Sebastian." I say earning the demon's attention. "You find a way to get him out of this trap while I go hunt down Catrine."

Sebastian nods. I turn to leave but Sebastian stops me. "Ebony."

I turn back around to face him. "Yes, Sebastian?"

The Raven demon plucks the four leaf clover from his shirt pocket, twirling it between his fingers."I don't believe much in luck or fate as you already know." He smirks. "But if their is such a thing I'll entertain the thought for a moment." The clover stops mid-twirl and then he is holding out the delicate green to me with a slight mocking bow. "Take it, my lady because if there is such a thing, I have a feeling you will need it."

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