Chapter 33: The Ending of One Story and the Similarities of Another

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Alright guys, if you haven't voted yet for which story you'd like me to do then please do. I'll give you guys a little bit more time and then I'll announce which story I'm going to do next.

Thanks and a happy early first of July!



I hop over one of the floorboards, landing soundlessly on the wood. From working in this mansion I know where most of the creaky floorboards are located. That once useless information is now a blessing as I tread stealthily around the house.

So far every downstairs room seems to be empty which mean that the second and third floors have the highest possibility of concealing Catrine.

But do I really need to continue my search? I already have a hunch as to where she is located.

I let out a breath of air. Sadly I do not have enough time to be thorough, I can't risk her escaping as I search every room in the house. It's best to go with being quick in this situation.

I climb up the stairs and then the next set until I get to the third floor. At the end of the hall sits a large oak door. All my instincts, like arrows point to it.

Even more carefully then before I walk slowly towards the door. The same room where I found the evidence that Catrine was the one that tampered with the ship's engine. Catrine's bedroom.

I reach the door and twist the knob. Pushing on the door I open it and step inside. It's just like I remember it except there is something different about it then last time. The maid, Catrine, herself sits idly on her bed, swinging her legs.

She looks at me and grins, taking her time to get to her feet.

"Hello, Birdie!" She chirps. "I see you read my story, hmm?"

"Yes, I did."

"And I suppose you'd like me to finish it, right?"

"No, I came to confront you." I say, eyeing the maid carefully.

From day one I knew that there was something off about Catrine. I've known for awhile that she can't just be a mere human and the way that Ciel was tied up proves that fact. Not to mention that Sebastian said he felt magic in the air. Demon or otherwise I have to be careful with her. And from the easy prowess in her every movement I know that underestimating her will surely be the end of me.

"A fight, is it a little cat fight over the raven demon downstairs or is it something else?"

I swallow my surprise. "This has nothing to do with him, Catrine and you know it. I don't want to fight you so if you come willingly I'll let sherif Bo arrest you in peace."

It's a lie. Every part of me yearns to battle with her. Besides I haven't had a good fight in awhile. However, I'm going to try and avoid it.

Catrine giggles. "That, dear birdie will never happen. So, you might as well fight me." Her eyes twinkle. "It will be a fun little game. Maybe even more fun then my games so far."

"Murder is not a game." I seethe.

"That's untrue." Catrine shakes her head, her brown hair flopping every which way. "Killing is an exhilarating past time! It does get boring though." She pouts but then brightens. "But it's been a blast this time!"

My blood boils and I'm barely able to hold myself back from leaping at her, or worse singing her to death. "Catrine, this is your last chance."

The girl bursts out into laughter. "Oh, Ebony! Get off your high horse already and just attack me, I know you want to!"

That's exactly what I do.

I rush towards her and she barely blocks me. I swing at her, catching her freckled cheek. Before she can gain her bearings I'm on her, pinning her to the floor. Catrine grins up at me, her cheek not even swelling from my blow. The maid doesn't even seem concerned, not in the slightest.

"So, Ebony, how about I finish my story while we play?"

Before I can answer or even react Catrine plants her feet on my stomach and kicks me away. I slam into the wall, seeing speckles of blackness dot my vision. Once I suck in a couple of breaths the spots thankfully dissipate.

Catrine lithely flips to her feet. She'd been holding back. And despite my caution I ended up underestimating her after all.

I scramble to my feet. Catrine just simpers at me, not even making a move to attack. But I do. I launch myself at her, aiming to strike her in the nose to daze her. My fist hits open air.

"If I'm correct the story ended with the witch getting lynched and the priestess not getting blamed for her crimes. Of course there is always something more to a story, and this one is included."

I glower at Catrine, my dislike for her only growing. The messy haired girl only smiles. I once again attempt to land a hit, one that she dodges and them sends back to me. I grasp my shoulder, trying not to groan in pain.

"The King was not really innocent in any of this either." Catrine says. "He wanted his beloved heir more than anything. He didn't want the boy or the villagers to leave either. So, he teamed up with the priestess and gave her permission to use the weather magic. All because he wanted to keep the boy he loved like a son."

Another dodged attack.

"And when the witch became suspicious he encouraged the priestess to kill the witch's husband and frame her. Can you believe that?"

This time I do speak. "Corrupted Kings are not uncommon."

"You're right about that." She says, becoming serious for only a moment before regaining her typical smile.

"Is that the end then?"

"Suddenly curious, I see." She says in a teasing tone.

I ignore this, landing a hit to her stomach. I only feel victorious for a moment. Catrine doesn't even wheeze, instead swiftly sending what I gave her right back.

Winded, I gulp for air, this time Catrine attacks first. She easily tosses me. I fall into the wall, my head cracking on its surface. I bite my lip sliding to the ground, leaving a streak of blood from where I slide.

"Ooo, pretty." Catrine comments, lightly touching the red. I wince.

"But to answer your question, that is the end to that story. However, it isn't the end to the one that it's tied to."

"Tied to?"

"Yes, you know connected, intertwined."

I force my head to nod. I need to keep her distracted so I can gather back some of my strength. I have never fought with anyone stronger then her. I don't doubt that she'd be able to win against Sebastian. I have no chance, but I'd rather be damned then give up. All I have to do is wait for Sebastian and we'll be able to defeat her together, then we can take Ciel and leave this place.

"And what other story is it connected to?" I manage to ask. The back of my head throbs and I can feel blood flowing from the wound from where I hit.

Catrine's hand flies up to her chest and her expression is of mock hurt. "You don't know? I thought you would of known by now. Perhaps it's the wound on your head that's slowing your thoughts. I guess I'll have to tell you then." She suddenly holds her index fingers to her lips and winks. "Shh, it's a secret though."

Catrine bends down and moves away my dark hair so she can better whisper in my ear. "Why, it's our story, birdie, or should I say, witch."

My fists clench weakly, but I don't move to strike. Catrine continues with a sly smile in her voice. "You're the witch, Sebastian's the husband, and I'm the priestess."

"What about the others?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you. This is the real secret to all I've been doing, you know." She pretends to ponder but then can't hold it in. "Oh, fine! I'll tell you."

The girl, or whatever she is lowers her voice so I have to strain my ears to listen. "Ciel is the boy and my master, Simon, is the King."

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