Chapter 18: Damned

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! So whaddya think of WANTED so far? Do you guys have any predictions for the story? Please comment them, because I would absolutely love to hear them.

And also, please check out my story Hero's Journey, it's an original and I'm hoping to one day even get it published so I'd love some feedback on it.

Hope you enjoy the chapter as much as I did writing it!

Oh, by the way it is in Ciel's Point of View.
Thanks that's all!


Ciel's P.O.V.

With the murder of yet another I see that this is more than just an outlaw taking advantage of a man living alone, away from town and more of a serial killing, Something I very much doubt this hillbilly Podunk town has seen much of, if any at all of.

Last night, or rather early morning that theory had been proven correct, there was even a name to go with the killings. My own ex-maid, Ebony Shale had been the accused.

Now of course I'm not so idiotic as to believe this as everyone else does. Even those that know her immediately except that she is guilty, which also proves to me that this town is not familiar with serial killings. Because in serial killings there can be twists that make a completely innocent person seem like they committed a crime they didn't do. Not that I am ignoring the possibility that she could of committed the murder. I just enjoy taking the path everyone ignore. The one least travelled by, to quote Robert Frost. Because usually that path is the correct one, the one that leads to the answer.

In this case the thing that no one is investigating is that she is not guilty but innocent. And that she did not commit the crime but someone else did and the evidence was planted to make it look like she did it.

This is known as being framed. And if any a situation was guilty of framery it is this one.
Ebony Shale is no killer, despite her past and the Siren case her dog-like loyalty has proven that much to me. And loyalty is such a good and rare trait in a pawn. That fact leads me to my decision.

If that babbling yank Simon will not allow me to look further into this case it will not stop me. Because I am more of a mature and realistic person than him. He may keep his eyes on me like I'm a tot that is trying to get into something he shouldn't but by no means will that stop me. It is not that easy to stop a determined Phantomhive, actually really quite impossible to do so.

Of course I cannot get more hands on in this case than I'd prefer but I still do have another pawn of mine with me. A certain butler, a demon one. Sebastian.

He is more than capable of working as my agent and representing me in this case.

I would rather do this all myself, but I suppose it is all I can do to figure out the truth from the plethora of lies.

The truth or lie of whether my ex-maid is guilty of murder and if she is not who is framing her and why. Either way this case will at least sate my boredom, maybe even quell the annoyance I have for this town, for this bloody country. Doubtful, but we will see.

"Sebastian." I call from where I sit at the desk in the room I am staying in.

I do not bother to raise my voice, I know he hears my call. He always does.

There is a knock from the door and I immediately know who it is, of course I do. Is it not obvious?


The usually creaky door opens and shuts without a bang. "Yes young master, you called?"

"What happened last night? And do not skimp out on the details either." I warn my butler.

I must know all I can to figure out what is going on, besides secrets are not allowed to be kept from me.

"There was a murder young master and Miss Shale was convicted of the murder and to those murders that occurred in the same fashion prior to this one. Upon hearing that the sherif and townspeople were on to her she fled."

I nearly crack a smile. "And is that all?"

"I helped her to flee." Sebastian admits.

"What strange behavior of you Sebastian." I taunt, but then my voice hardens and anger fills me. "Is there anything you have been keeping from me?"

"Days ago she came to me inquiring of demons. She wouldn't tell me why she wanted to know but lately she has seemed like she's been following her own lead, to what I don't know."

"Track her down Sebastian and find out what the hell is going on. Once you do return to me and I will give you your next directive." Ciel pauses, uncovering his glowing purple contract symbol. "This is an order, Sebastian."

The butler sweeps down in a graceful bow. "Yes, young master."

"Good, now leave."

"What will you tell the others young master?" Sebastian smirks. "You are being quite disobedient to Simon's wishes."

I wave a hand uncaringly. "Leave me to deal with that fool and his lazy maid. Now go and hurry. I don't want to be kept waiting long."

"Of course not."

At that Sebastian, my demon butler turns and shuts the door. I cannot make out the sound of his footsteps as he strides down the hall.

I cross my fingers, propping my head up on them. "You better be quick Sebastian. No courting her just get it over with swiftly so I can plan my next move."

The glinting of my sapphire ring distracts my eyes from my words. I look down at it feeling something akin to fondness for the familiar object passed down to me from my father. Not because of its beauty and rarity but because of the places it has been. This ring has been dragged through muck, death, carnage, and stained with blood only to be washed clean over and over again. Yet still it bears those scars, still it shines with the knowledge no one else will ever know.

If it is really cursed like the stories say than it makes sense that I wear it upon my finger. In that way the ring and I are both very similar. We are both damned.

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