Chapter 3: When Deals are Made

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Dinner is awkward to say the least.

Usually Sebastian and I stand beside our master catering to his needs throughout dinner. However, Simon insists we take a seat and even Catrine sits at the table.

What's even stranger is that whenever somebody needs something it's Simon who gets up to get it. Catrine doesn't do a thing accept sit pretty besides Sebastian, making eyes at him and whispering in his ear. She doesn't even try to hide it but is outward with her affection, like she doesn't care who sees her trying to seduce him.

And then there's the other matter. Catrine had looked at my earlier and told me she knows what I am.

What does that even mean? Does she know me to be a Siren. And what exactly is she? Certainly not a common maid.

I pick at my chicken, feeling hungry and nauseous all at once. I force the food down out of politeness but still my stomach churns uneasily. What is wrong with me?

"Ebony are you alright?" Sebastian asks, breaking contact with Catrine for a moment.

This surprises me but I recover quickly, plastering a smile on my face, "I'm fine. Just a tad bit under the weather is all."

"Would you like me to escort you to bed?"

If the last question surprised me this one shocks me. Suspicion pokes away at me, why is he being so nice?

There's only one way to find out, "Yes, I'm feeling a bit woozy actually." I turn to Ciel, "I apologize for this inconvenience young master but may I please turn in early for the night?"

Ciel nods, also watching Sebastian warily.

The demon butler stand and helps me from my seat, supporting my weight we make our way up the stairs. The whole time I can feel Catrine's eyes digging into my back like needles.

Once we reach my room, Sebastian helps me to sit on the bed.

"Do you need help undressing as well?" His voice is teasing, I can imagine his eyes flashing mischievously in the darkness.

I scoff, "No I'm fine thank you."

Neither one of us go to turn on the light. Instead we stay silent, the blackness of the room seeming to go on forever.

And suddenly I feel the bed dip down beside me as Sebastian sits. Curiosity burns in my chest but still I don't utter a word.

"We have matters to discuss," Sebastian's velvety voice shatters the silence like a hand through glass.

"Why?" I ask, looking down.

Sebastian ignores my question and carries on, "You need to stay here?"

A thousand thoughts and emotions cross my mind so fast I can't decipher them.

"W-what?" I manage to croak.

Sebastian's voice is calm, pleasant even. I always envied him for that, he clears his emotions so much easier than I.

"Tomorrow when it is time to depart this house for the ship back to England you are to stay here in California."

"Without you or Ciel?" I ask dumbly.


Sebastian begins to stand but I grab his hand. The silence swallows us whole.


This makes absolutely no sense. Where did this come from? Just earlier he was teasing me, what had changed? My mind goes to Catrine but that didn't make sense either.

"What is going on?!" I wish to scream.

I can almost feel the demon's eyes looking through me. At that moment I feel as if my fears, hopes, dreams, thoughts, and feelings are all laid out in front of him. A buffet to the sadistic demon.

A shiver goes up my spine. My arms ache to wrap around my chest, to hide myself from him but I don't move. I force myself to keep grasp of his hand, force myself to keep eye contact even though I can't see him.

"It was inevitable really." Sebastian says simply, "You should of never came to England but you did and both your parents died because of it. Now that you've avenged them there really is no reason for you to stay employed to my young master. We're back in America, it has to be fate that your back here."

Pain and anger flash through me. He has no right!

"You don't believe in fate!" I snarl, "Besides you can't make me."

"If you stay behind I promise I will not devour Ciel Phantomhive's soul. I will be his butler still until the end but I will not devour his soul."

My breath catches in my throat.

"You're lying," I know that he isn't.

"I don't lie, I swear it on my immortal soul."

The room seems to shake at the intensity of the promise. A promise I know he'd keep.

"But why?" The quietness in my voice surprises me.

"Isn't this what you wanted? Ciel is safe, your back home a-and ," I hear his voice catch but he smoothes it out so easily I pass it off as fantasy, "and you won't have to deal with me anymore."

Dread pools in my heart but I haven't a clue why. I admit I had feelings for Sebastian up until I found out he was a demon but ever since then I've loathed even the sight of him. So why are these emotion bubbling inside me? He is right, this is what I've wanted.

My face stiffens into a hard mask, the Siren side of me taking over.

I nod, my voice is calm and melodic. "Yes, I suppose your right. However, I'd like to extend my thanks for finally striking a bargain with me. Why you want me to stay in America I never know, but it is for the best. I'll resign in the morning," a bit of my kindness shows through my mask, "But please tell the other servants I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye."

"Yes of course," Sebastian's voice is just an empty sigh on the void that surrounds us.

"Thank you." My voice goes back to cold and aloof.

Neither one of us say another word as the darkness begins to bury us beneath her dark tresses. The only thing still tethering me to the demon butler Sebastian Michaelis is my hand which still grasps tightly to his. And even that last string won't last.

Farewell, My hand slips from his falling like dead weight beside me.

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