Chapter 46: Team Who? [Part 5]

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Luke stood near the hall door, shocked of what Andi made him look at. Her sister was frozen in some sort of ice cube, almost freezing to death. They attempted to break her out by punching and knocking on the edges of the ice cube. Nothing brought them but pain. They brainstormed and found the obvious; they asked help from their one and only Kanay, Diego.

Diego masters some powers such as creating portals and freeze objects but he does not fully master controlling heat.

He placed his hands on the corners on the cube and tried his best to melt it out. But still, it didn't work.

"Didn't you freeze Mac in an ice cube when you were still learning to control your powers?" Andi asked. She stood beside the Frozen Emma ice cube and tried punching again: still nothing. She leaned her back against the wall, slowly sliding down in despair and covering her face with her hands.

Diego gained confidence and strength when he remembered what Coach Julio taught him when he accidentally freeze Mac. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on the edges of the ice cube. He was about to unfreeze her but then Adam came along the way.

"Stop!" he commanded. Everyone looked at him in shock and gave him a confused look.

Andi's POV
Diego was about to unfreeze Emma again until Adam interrupted.

"That's not Emma." Adam continued.

"Not Emma? What do you mean?" I asked.

"The real Emma was sent away with Jax somewhere by Matt. I witnessed it." he answered. Matt, ugh. He's like Jax when I first met him. But then again, Jax changed for good and Matt didn't. Correction, Jax changed for good- for Emma.

"So, who is this?" Luke asked. He pointed at the ice cube.

"That's a distraction. Don't fall for it." he said.

Emma's POV
I was overhearing their conversation with Adam. I knew already that Jax was sent away by Matt but not with me. What is he doing?

"That's a distraction. Don't fall for it." he said. What is he saying? I'm the REAL Emma.

"Help." I tried to talk but the ice covered my mouth.

"I think I know where they really are." he assured, "Follow me." Then they walked out, leaving me here frozen. I can barely move or talk but thank goodness I can breathe.

Adam's POV
I led them to the room Matt and Heather ordered me to put them. We walked around like 5 halls until we got to the Janitor's Closet. I made them all go inside and locked them up. I heard them banging on the door and shouting for help. Just then, Matt and Heather came behind me.

"Not bad, Adams." Matt complimented. I grinned. He gave Heather and I some paper tissues as we wiped off the makeup that covered up our spider seals. Not bad, spidey.

Okay, the finale I planned was longer than expected so I take back what I said about the book nearly ending like 2-3 chaps ago. I'm still like at the half or less of the finale so expect more than 4 or 5 chaps to go. Until then!

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