Audition day

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It was Monday morning and Marun arrived at school excited for drama club auditions. Marun entered school and saw Darwin and Ocho by the door.
Ocho and Darwin:Hey Marun.
Marun:Hey guys how was your weekend?
Ocho:Mine was good I hanged out with my grandma on the weekend.
Marun: Aww how is she?
Ocho: She's good she invited me and my family to one of her cardio classes.
Marun: Awesome Darwin how was your weekend.
Darwin: It was good me and my family went to joyful burger and we even went camping yesterday and slept under the stars.
Marun: Cool where did you sleep?
Darwin: Well Gumball slept in a sleeping bag Mr.Dad and Mrs.Mom slept on a portable bed, and I slept on the soft grass.
Marun: Wow that's so cool it's always nice to go out and enjoy Mother Nature. But Darwin where were you the night at the party I didn't see you.
Darwin: oh um I was with Carrie.
Ocho: Doing what?
Darwin: um stuff
Marun Oook, so today is audition day at the drama club.
Darwin: yeah last year's play was beauty and the beast I can't wait to see what they do this year.
Ocho: Well according to the flyer this year they are doing Hamilton a musical.
Marun squealed in delight as he could barely contained his excitement.
Darwin: Well you seem awfully excited.
Marun: I love musicals in fact I've been practicing all weekend so I can get in the play.
Ocho: Wow now that's dedication I'm impressed marun.
Darwin: So do you know which part you want?
Marun: It doesn't matter as long as I can do a part I will be happy.
Darwin: come on Marun you have to have some roll in mind.
Marun: I was hoping to you know...
then marun starts whispering.
Marun: (Whisper) I could be Hamilton.
Ocho: What Marun can you repeat that I couldn't hear you.
Darwin: yeah marun no need to be shy we're your friends.
Marun: ( normal voice) maybe I could be Hamilton.
Ocho: Wow well I say you have a pretty good shot.
Darwin: it says here the audition is at lunch and gumball said that he was even going to try and get a part.
Marun: Cool hey maybe he and I can practice together before the audition.
Darwin: that would be a great idea I think I saw him practicing in an empty classroom.
Marun: cool so see you guys later
Darwin: yah and Marun.
Marun: yeah?
Darwin: gumball's not used to other people helping so it may be awhile for him to come around.
Marun: No worries
Marun goes in the hallway and looks inside a classroom and finds gumball inside practicing
Gumball: I'm not throwing away my shot, I am not throwing away my shot, hey yo I'm just like my country I'm young scrappy and...
Gumball quickly turns around and looks at the door.
Gumball: oh marun what are you doing here.
Marun: I'm getting some last minute practice in and I thought I could join you.
Gumball: Did Darwin sent you to help me?
Marun: no I just wanted to know if you wanted to practice together.
Gumball: Wait why do you want to help me aren't we both auditioning for the musical?
Marun: Sure but that doesn't mean we can't help each other, besides that's what friends do.
Gumball: wait we're friends?
Marun: Of course we are.
Gumball: Really even though I haven't exactly been the nicest guy?
Marun: It's ok water under the bridge, you know forgive and forget.
Gumball: Thanks Marun and I saw you at the party good job winning the spot light dance with Tina.
Marun: Thank you but really I think it was Tina who did most of it.
Gumball: Come on no need to be humble you both did a great job.
Marun: Well.... I suppose you're right.
Gumball: Alright then let's get started.
Gumball and Marun practice laughing at each other and helped each other memorize some lines all while having fun.
Gumball: ok well see you later marun.
Marun: bye gumball see you soon.
Gumball: wait Marun.
Marun: Yeah gumball?
Gumball: so are you and Tina dating now or....
Marun: NO we are not dating.
Gumball: Really are you sure about that?
Marun: She probably got tired of me after the dance I mean there must be plenty of guys after her.
Gumball: Well....
Marun: What?
Gumball: Um.. never mind bye Marun.
Marun: okay bye Gumball .
Marun left and rejoined Darwin and ocho.
Darwin: So marun you ready?
Marun starts sweating  and getting nervous.
Marun: You know what maybe this was a bad idea I mean who needs to be in the theater anyways so how about I just....
Then Ocho starts pushing him in the theater.
Ocho: oh no you don't.
Marun: Ocho what are doing?
Ocho: Come on Marun you worked too hard to give up on this now you have to at least try.
Marun: But..
Darwin: You can do it we believe in you.
Marun looks back at his friends and with determination he heads inside.
Marun: Ok I'll give it a go.
Marun walks into the theater and looks around for the director. To his surprise he sees a familiar face.
Marun: Mr.Small you're the director?
Mr.Small: Oh Marun, hi yes I am the director for this play are you here to try out.
Marun: oh um..
Remember be confident
Marun: yes I am here to try out for the lead Hamilton.
Mr.Small looked at him and nodded.
Mr.Small: ok then now I want you to pick line 7 from scene two.
Marun took a deep breath and began.
Marun: Alexander Hamilton,my name is Alexander Hamilton, there's a million things I haven't done just you wait, just you wait.
Mr: small nodded and wrote notes down on his notepad.
Mr.small: alright nice job marun and casting position will be up as soon as possible.
Marun: thank you for considering me.
Marun walked down the stage and saw gumball and gave him a thumbs up. He came outside the theater and looked around for Ocho and Darwin.
Ocho: Marun we're over here.
Marun came to his friends with a bit of fear on his face.
Marun: So how'd I do?
Darwin: You did good Marun don't worry.
Marun: I hope gumball does well.
Darwin: I have a feeling he will after all he had you to help him.
Soon after the bell rings and it's time for everyone to go home. Gumball comes in and joins the group.
Gumball: Hey Darwin ready to go home?
Darwin: Ueah oh and good job on auditioning bro you did a great job.
Gumball: Thanks Darwin but I couldn't have done it without Marun's help.
Marun: No problem anytime.
Gumball: Marun can I talk to you alone for a little.
Marun: Sure.
Marun follows Gumball into a empty hallway.
Gumball: Hey Marun I just wanted to apologize again for being rude to you.
Marun: Gumball I told you it's okay right live and learn, besides I don't hold grudges with people.
Gumball: Oh well thanks, and Marun.
Marun: yeah?
Gumball: Could you tell Tina I'm sorry for being mean to her all those times like the piano, the way she eats, that time she went to a clothing store and....
Marun: Alright Gumball I get it, but why don't you just tell her yourself.
Gumball: It's just I'm not exactly great with being considerate of other people's feelings, besides it will give you a reason to talk to Tina.
Marun blushes a little.
Marun: Why would I need a reason to talk to Tina, or better yet why would she talk to me.
Gumball: Marun come on she likes you and my brother has been filling me in on what's happened and the look on her face from the party proved it.
Marun: ok sure I'll tell her you said that.
Gumball: Bye Marun.
Marun: See you later Gumball.
Marun returned to his friends and was ready to say goodbye.
Marun: well I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Darwin: yeah I guess so... wait Marun look behind you.
Marun: Nice try guys I've been pranked before and I'm not....
Tina: Hi Marun.
Marun turned around and saw Tina and he immediately started blushing.
Marun: Oh um hi Tina.
Ocho and Darwin: bye Marun.
They left him leaving Marun and Tina alone.
Marun: So what are you doing here?
Tina: I saw your audition and...
Marun: I know, it was terrible ugh I knew I should of..
Tina: actually I thought it was pretty good you must have practiced a lot.
Marun looked at Tina and realized that she was blushing as well.
Marun: Um Tina I have something to tell you.
Tina's face lit up a little.
Tina: Really what is it?
Marun: Um I just wanted to say... to say... Gumball said he was sorry.
Tina frowned a little
Tina: Oh, well yeah that's good thanks for letting me know.
Then she starts walking away until Marun said
Marun: Tina wait.
Tina looked at him a bit confused but waited.
Marun: I was thinking maybe you and I could you know talk to each other sometime?
Tina looked at Marun and smiled at him.
Tina: Do you want my phone number?
Marun felt embarrassed and started walking away.
Marun: you know what this was a bad idea I mean you probably don't even w..
Tina: Marun.
Marun: Yes?
Tina gave him a small piece of paper. He then blushed
Marun: Tina I... Thank you.
Tina: No problem.
Then she leaned next to his ear and whispered.
Tina: (Whisper) After all, I do like guys with soft scales.
Tina: Bye Marun.
Marun held the paper in his hand, and left smiling.

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