Midterm tests part 1

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Marun: Good morning Brenda.
Brenda: What is it this time bro?
Marun: You know it's the first week of October so..
Brenda: What?
Marun: It's the end of the first quarter.
Brenda: Oh no..
Marun: Midterm tests!!
Brenda: This week is going to be so bad!!
Marun: Hey don't worry remember we have all week to study so if we use our ti..
Brenda: I get it Marun I don't need a reminder, mom has done enough of it to last me a lifetime.
Marun; Now come on there's energy bars mom left us last night.
The twins ate their Breakfast.
Marun: So do you know if you get to speak at the debate tournament?
Brenda: No I don't know yet,I mean it's been a couple of weeks since we turned it in.
Marun: I think you did ok.
Brenda: thanks but she did say it's not likely I'll be picked since it's my first year.
Marun: Who knows you might have done that well.
Brenda: Yeah maybe, so do you feel ready?
Marun: Uhh I don't know I mean I don't think I prepa..
Brenda: Marun you made a customized study packet in your second week of school I think you're ready.
Marun: Still never hurts to study.
Brenda: Anyways ready to go on the bus?
Marun: Yeah although why are we taking the bus when we could just fly?
Brenda: Remember mom said that she was worried about how we're not as much social as we should be.
Marun: oh yeah i forgot.
Brenda: come on let's go.
Brenda and Marun waited outside for the bus.
Rocky: oh hey guys welcome back to the bus.
Marun: hey Rocky.
The twins got on the bus.
Brenda sat next to Clare and Marun decided to sit next to the girl with horns.
Marun: hi nice to meet you I'm...
Girl: ( shouting)What are you doing sitting here.
Marun: oh umm sorry I've haven't used the bus in a while so..
Girl: Whatever nerd go sit somewhere else.
Marun: ummm..
Darwin: Marun over here.
Darwin waved to invite him over as he sat down.
Soon Brenda came over to her.
Brenda: Hey leave him alone alright.
Marun: Brenda it's..
Brenda: No i just want to see why she's so threatened by my twin brother over here that she has to pick on him, unless of course you're afraid he's better than you.
Everyone: oooo
Girl: uh..
Her face froze from shook and wasn't saying a word.
Darwin : good job she's thinking that will keep her quiet for a little.
Brenda returned to her seat.
Darwin: Don't mind Jamie she's always been a bit, well...
Marun: it's okay maybe she's just having a bad day.
Darwin: no she's always been like this trust me.
Marun: You guys said the same thing about Tina and she was nice to me.
Darwin: that's different, Tina has a crush on you.
Marun: I'm sure she was acting that way for a different reason.
Darwin: no she likes you, well it might also..
Marun: also what.
Darwin: umm don't worry about it.
Marun and Darwin sat together for the whole bus ride.
When the bus stopped at the school they got off.
Marun: thanks Rocky.
Rocky: no problem.
Darwin and Marun got off the bus and walked into the school and saw ocho waiting for them.
Ocho: Hey guys how was the bus?
Darwin: We ran into a little trouble but otherwise ok.
Ocho: Jamie?
Darwin nodded.
Marun: Anyways you guys ready for Midterms?
Ocho: I hope so last time I barely survived with a c.
Marun: at least you try.
Ocho: Yeah but you know this time I'm hoping to get at least a b.
Marun: You definitely might be able to ocho.
Ocho: thanks.
Darwin: so Marun are you ready for your first Elmore midterms?
Marun: I think so I mean I have my study guide so I should be fine.
Ocho: the one we got last week?
Marun: well..
Darwin: Marun what is it.
Marun:(whisper) I made my own.
Ocho smiled and said.
Ocho: I'm sorry can you please repeat that?
Marun: (normal) I made my own study guide.
Marun started feeling embarrassed.
Marun: I know I know it's so..
Darwin: cool.
Ocho: Yeah you are definitely acing the midterms.
Marun: Really you don't think I'm nerdy and uncool.
Ocho: Not at all Marun.
Darwin: It only proves how dedicated you are to your future and how prepared you are.
Marun felt flustered.
Darwin: Oh look at him he feels embarrassed.
Ocho: We're just stating the facts, speaking of which you called her yet?
Marun: Well ummmm yeah and we just played a game.
Ocho: oh.. ok cool.
Darwin: wait what game?
Marun: 20 questions, why?
Darwin and ocho stood there with their jaws dropped.
Darwin: 20.
Ocho: questions.
Marun: you guys ok?
Ocho and Darwin started smirking at him.
Ocho: she's got it bad.
Darwin: You can say that again, she's got blue dragon fever.
Marun: Guys I'm telling you it's probably not a big de..
Tina: Why hello my favorite blue dragon.
Marun and his friends turned around to see Tina.
Marun started blushing and smiled nervously.
Marun: (Stuttering) h-hi there T-Tina.
Tina: You ready for midterms this week?
Marun nodded but said.
Marun: mhm.
Tina smiled looked at the the other boys, and asked.
Tina: How about you two?
Darwin: Oh umm Well to be honest I've haven't started studying yet.
Ocho: me neither.
Tina: to be honest I haven't as well, how about you Marun?
Marun started sweating and getting nervous.
Marun: I um I-mean I mean y-yeah maybe at least a little.
Ocho: Don't be modest Marun, He even made his own study guide for the test.
Tina: You did huh?
Marun: It's nothing great just...
Tina: Can you show it to us?
Marun: (nervously) Well I mean I don't think these guys wanna..
Darwin: Are you kidding, we love to.
Ocho: Yeah show us Marun.
Marun: Ok.
Marun pulled out a packet filled with notes and questions from school. He passed it around for his friends to see.
Ocho: Wow.
Darwin: You put a lot of work in this.
Tina: Yeah, this is great you must have worked on this for weeks huh?
Marun: (Normal) Well I guess.
Tina: And this just shows how smart you are.
Marun blushed even more, But managed to say.
Marun: I-I Thank you.
(Bell rings)
Tina: guess it's time to go see you later guys.
Ocho: ok bye Tina.
Darwin: see you after class.
Tina: Hey Marun umm..
Marun: Yeah Tina.
Tina: Look about you know, what I called you, um I don't have to if you don't..
Marun: It's okay you can call me whatever you want.
Tina: Really?
Marun: Besides people have called me many things.
Tina: Like?
Marun: I can't exactly say, they're not school appropriate.
Tina chuckled softly and smiled at Marun.
Tina: You're funny you know that?
Marun smiled sheepishly but said.
Marun: Well I guess I'll see you later.
Tina: See you later Muffin.
Tina walked away then Ocho and Darwin jaws dropped again and said simultaneously.
Ocho and Darwin: MUFFIN?
Marun: (nervously) well the bell rung so I'll see you guys later.
Marun started walking away, but then Darwin quickly grabbed him.
Ocho: Hold on there buddy.
Darwin: Did she just gave you a nickname?
Marun: Um yeah but I'm sure it doesn't mean much, I mean doesn't she give nicknames to everyone?
Ocho: NO.
Darwin: Are you sure you guys did nothing else?
Marun; (normal) yes she just gave me that nickname over the phone, nothing else ok.
Ocho: Really you didn't invite her over to your to your house.
Darwin: To your room so you two can..
Marun: NO why would I do that?
Darwin: Oh you know why.
Marun: I-uh..
Ocho: okay Darwin let's leave him be, see you soon Marun.
Darwin: Bye
Marun: Bye guys.
Marun started walking to class until he bumped into someone by accident.
Marun: Oops I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Jamie: Watch where your going Twerp.
Marun: Sorry I'm ju..
Jamie: Oh it's you,what you got nerd?
Marun: Oh it's just my...
Jamie grabbed his papers from him.
Jamie: Wow study guide for midterms, that's pathetic.
Marun: Can you please give that back to me I need it for the exam.
Jamie: Sure here.
Jamie threw the papers up on the air all over the floor.
Jamie: See you later Nerd.
Marun picked up the papers on the floor and headed to class.
(Brenda's POV)
Brenda: for the last time I do eat food.
Clare: You sure because Carrie's never eaten any at school.
Brenda: Now during these days they're pills to experience and digestive Normal food, although you don't have to take them, just an option.
Clare: oh so you don't have to eat.
Brenda: No, but my parents try to make sure I'm healthy and honestly it's actually pretty nice, my family once had pasta one time, Delicious.
Clare: I'll bet, so ready for your first Elmore midterms.
Brenda: oh no not you too, my brother has done enough of a job reminding me.
Clare: Sorry do you need any help, I have a few tri..
Brenda: No, its just it's been a week and I'm just worried about the results of...
Coach R: Quiet girls the announcements are on.
Annocuncer: And finally we have anias with the winner of the debate drafts and who will represent us at the debate team is..., Brenda Nabal congratulations.
Everyone in her classroom clapped for her.
Clare: Good job Brenda you worked hard for this.
Brenda: mhm.
Clare: Hey you ok.
Brenda: Yeah I'm just... fine.
As she was saying that her eyes darted left and right.
Clare: Brenda I know you're lying..
Brenda: No I'm not.
Clare: Your eyes are moving back and forth.
Brenda: I umm...
Coach R: I'm not asking you again girls quiet down, your gossip can wait after class.
Clare: But coach R...
Coach R: but nothing.
Brenda and Clare went back to work in silence leaving Clare unanswered.
(Bell rings)
Coach R: ok class dismissed, see you Wednesday.
The girls left class and went into the hallway.
Clare: Brenda.
Brenda: What is it?
Clare: You okay your eyes darted back and forth so I knew you were lying.
Brenda says as her eyes moved . Brenda: that's not true.
Clare: Brenda...
Brenda: I'm just nervous okay I didn't think I would've actually be that good.
Clare: Of course it was, you were working on that thing day and night.
Brenda: (Nervously) Your just saying that be...
Clare: No, I'm saying it because it's the truth you even told me last Saturday you practiced in front of your brother.
Brenda: (sarcastically) I don't need his validation.
Clare: ( Sarcastically) really?
Brenda: (Normal) well he did say I sounded very persuasive, and my mom said I sounded very passionate, but my dad says to work on my delivery.
Clare:(normal)See your parents even gave you good criticism, and you fixed your paragraph afterwards right?
Brenda: Yeah.
Clare: see Brenda you worked hard for this and now it has paid off.
Brenda: Huh I guess... you're right.
Clare: now come on let's get to class.
(Jamie's POV)
Mr.Corneille: Alright class remember your midterms are this week, Tina and Jamie can you stay after?
Jamie: no we can't we have t..
Tina: of course Mr.Corneille.
(bell rings)
All the kids left the classroom except for Tina and Jamie.
Jamie: Why did you agree to stay after school?
Tina: Because Jamie I really want to be able graduate this year.
Jamie: I know but you can always try again like you've always have.
Tina: Jamie.. do you remember where we were when we first met.
Jamie: yah back when I was in first grade 1st grade, and you were in third grade.
Tina: Exactly now we're both in eighth grade because I have already done it twice and this is my third time and you'll be going to high school next year, and leaving me behind.
Jamie: You know i don't mind repeating a ye...
Tina: NO, come on Jamie you know how your mom would feel if you failed school, I don't want you to get in trouble with your mom she's already worried about you enough as it is.
Jamie: I-I guess you're right, so who are we cheating off this year.
Tina: (warningly) Jamie..
Jamie: Alright fine, we'll just work harder this time right?
Tina: Mhm, alright talk to you soon.
Jamie: bye.
Jamie walks away and sees the blue dragon walking from his class with his friends.
Jamie: and by harder, work smarter by having a talk with the new guy.
An:hey guys sorry I've haven't posted in a long while been busy but I'm back and I'll try to post more,till then bye.

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